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Hello Thursday Families!

What a fun day we had! I am constantly reminded of how awesome your kiddos are and am so thankful to get to work with them! Today's devotional began with a short video on "The Parable of the Farmer and the Seeds," and was followed with a discussion on how each student feels they relate to story. You can watch the video HERE.  Today's Bible verse was Matthew 13: 34-35 Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable. So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: "I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world." 


After our devotional and opening prayer, we began physical science with a Unit 1 Table Quiz. There were three table groups that worked together to complete the quiz, and the table that had the most correct answers got to choose either a piece of candy or two extra hole punches! Great job Kaia, Josiah, Kaiden, and Isaiah! Next we reviewed Chapters 8 (Steam Engines) & 9 (Trains) and Sophia shared her Steam Engine report! We wrapped up class with a Bridge Building activity. Each table was given the same materials and asked to design and build a bridge that could support their vehicles. See pics below!


After returning from the 10 minute break, students were given five extra minutes to complete their bridges before we moved on to American History. We then had a few students share their "modern day" versions of the Star-Spangled Banner! This led to an impromptu sing-along of our National Anthem! Next, we reviewed Chapter 20, The Lone Star Republic and a video on the Alamo. The remainder of class was filled with a fun quiz game on Chapters 19 & 20! We've tried different version of quiz games, and this seemed to be the best one yet! Of the two teams, Team American History 101 took the lead! It was so close, but way to go Hudson, Matthew, Sophia, Erin, and Caleb! They each had the choice to choose a piece of candy or extra hole punches as well!


Following our 10 minute break, we began class with going over school announcements. We then had two students share their KWO's from their homework on "The Ugly Duckling." Next, we read the Goals for this week which included Unit 5 practicing the new structural model of writing from pictures, writing a three-paragraph composition from their KWO's, and correctly using the new vocabulary words, miserable and despise. This led to an interesting discussion about what "miserable" means to each of us. It seems safe to say that several students were on the same page of relating the feeling of being "miserable" to waiting or when they have been frustrated! Class wrapped up with checking in with students to see if they had any questions about this new structural model of writing from pictures. 

CLICK HERE for this week's printable homework!