Calendar Announcements

Hello Thursday Families!!

Today's devotional looked a little different than previous classes as I wanted to share part of the message, "Is it ever ok to lie?" from this week's service at the church my family and I attend, Sandals Church. As a class, we watched about 6-8 minutes of THIS service, and the students seemed very interested in the message and delivery (as was I when we first heard it this past Sun!). The focus was on the 9th Commandment, "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor." We had a discussion and spoke about how no matter how "big" or "small" a lie is, we can always turn to God, who is good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon him” (Psalm 86:5). 


Today we reviewed Chapters 22, Electric Light, and 23, Refrigeration. We also discussed student's findings from the Finding Various Lightbulbs activity. The highest count of lightbulbs in one home was found to be 63! We were all pretty surprised by this! Next we watched a video on Refrigeration and how refrigerators work. Lastly, we wrapped up class with an activity on Understanding Refrigerators, that included water and rubbing alcohol!


After the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Bible, we reviewed Chapter 26, The Decades of Change. At the end of this review, we took time to also discuss the last question from the Chapter Review, which was, "Why is the United States losing its Greatness?" Answers were mostly based on what was shared from the textbook, however some students also shared their own thoughts on the topic as well! Next, we watched a short Brainpop video on World War I and turned the end-of-video quiz into a bit of a game for us as a class to test our knowledge and scored 9 out of 10 questions correct!


When students returned from the 10 minute break, we went over the school announcements. Following this, Kaia and Isaiah each shared their writing compositions on Mount Olympus while Hudson listened for the checklist items. Before moving on to the newest structural model, we took some time to go over the Spring Final Project, which also led to talking a bit about each of the Spring Final Projects for Physical Science and American History as well. I've let students know that this week's homework includes worksheets to help them get the ball rolling and their wheels turning, but please feel free to reach out with any question you may have! We then went over the Goals for this week, and reviewed last week's structural model: Summarizing Multiple References, before learning about how to add a new sentence opener: #3 - ly adverb. 

CLICK HERE for this week's printable homework!