• 10/29, 5-8pm, FVC Harvest Festival

  • Field trip deadlines are set by the venue. Field trip purchases must be done by the RSVP date. See Field trip details for information and click HERE to register and pay.

  • Tues, 11/1 @9am and Thur. 11/3 @10am, Introduction to IEW Workshop

  • November Senior Spirit Month: 11/1, BHA Attire; 11/8, Hawaiian Day; 11/15, 80s Days; 11/29, Country day

  • 11/15 & 11/17 Thanksgiving potluck

  • 11/22 & 11/24 No School, Thanksgiving break

Field Trips:

Field trip details

Field trips sign-ups and/or payment, click HERE.

Hello Families!

Today's Bible verse was John 9:39, “For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind.” We watched a short video about the story of the man who was born blind, and then healed by Jesus and able to see! We discussed the Bible verse and how much the man's faith in Jesus grew after witnessing his miraculous works!

Physical Science

We started off with a quick check of Chapter 19 vocabulary words and then reviewed the homework from Chapter 19 on Acceleration as well as Chapter 20 on the Theory of Relativity and Albert Einstein. We followed our review with an activity on Measuring Acceleration and will complete it next week! We wrapped up class with a discussion on the "Taking it Further" question: If it were possible to travel at or near the speed of light, who would age faster, a person on earth or a person traveling in a rocket near the speed of light and why? Lastly, Kaia shared her Relativity poster with the class! Great job, Kaia!

American History

Today's Spirit Rally was so fun and I loved seeing all of the awesome costumes! For future, we've been informed that Spirit Rally's will continue to be held at 10am on a monthly basis. Once we returned to class, said our Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Bible, we got straight into review of Chapter 8, Old Time in the Colonies. We discussed the Review Questions from homework, and what it would've been like to live in a colonial home. Answers from the class were actually a bit surprising about whether those were the "good old days" or the "hard old days"! We switched gears for a bit while we went over our class elections that will be held on November 10th (see homework for more information on this)! I then passed out Boo grams as well as some goodie bags for students to enjoy while we watched a short video on Daniel Boone!


After we went over the recent school announcements, we discussed last week's writing assignment and how it went! This opened the door to several students sharing their paragraphs on Theseus and the Minotaur while fellow classmates marked off our writing checklist. It has been wonderful to listen to their creative details being told in their own words! Next, we moved on to Lesson 8, Daedalus and Icarus and read the Goals and Source Text, followed by an animated video telling the myth.