Tips to exercise shoulder muscles to own perfect shoulders for gymer

When it comes to the concept of V-taper, you will immediately think of a compact waist. However, that's not all, in order to have a perfect V-shaped body beyond a slim stomach, you will need to work with the muscles in your upper body. It's a broad, toned shoulder. Here are 5 shoulder exercises to help you get there.

1. Increase shoulder strength with compound exercises

The shoulder is a relatively small muscle group compared to the chest, back or thighs, but to develop this muscle group you still have to increase its strength. Overhead lifting exercises like the overhead shoulder press will also help build larger shoulder muscles.

Train this muscle group with classic exercises like the barbell or dumbbell shoulder push, standing or sitting (seated barbell or dumbbell press) or the Arnold shoulder press (Arnold press). In addition, press exercises can also contribute to strength with support from the back and lower body.

Refer to plastic dumbbell products

For those of you who practice at home, you can refer to exercises with dumbbells. Below is a video tutorial to practice the sit-up exercise with dumbbells. This is a fairly common exercise suitable for both men and women, beginners should use appropriate weights.

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2. Increase pressure through exercise with cables

Traditional shoulder exercises like lateral, front or raises are quite helpful. However, they also have their own disadvantage of not being able to keep constant pressure on the muscles. Another way to help you do these exercises while still ensuring the pressure is not interrupted is to use a cable.

Refer to the home abs roller products

When using a cable, the weight of the weight will always maintain pressure on the practitioner's shoulders. In particular, the two cable exercises bent-over seated lateral and standing low pulley deltoid raise are two exercises with cable that help stimulate muscles very well.

3. Focus more attention on the back shoulder

Of the three small muscle groups that form the shoulder muscle (front shoulder, middle shoulder, back shoulder), the front shoulder tends to develop faster and is easier to practice. Because, your front shoulder will be involved in many activities during both chest and shoulder training. The middle shoulder is also quite easy to train when you can use familiar exercises such as overhead presses, upright rows, lateral raises.

The back shoulder, on the other hand, does not participate in many activities and becomes very difficult to influence. The large muscles in the back tend to take over, especially when you're training with heavy weights.

Therefore, to increase the pressure on the back shoulder instead of the back muscles, focus your attention on the back shoulder during exercise. When you're standing, it's easier to add impact by moving muscles like dumbbells behind.

For example, for the standing dumbell lateral raise exercise, pay attention to the movement by holding the dumbbell when the little finger is higher than the others. At this time, the dumbbell will face down and put more weight on the little finger, which will attract more force to the back shoulder.

4. Train to the point of muscle failure

Intensity is always one of the important factors to consider in the process of building muscle. Some time training methods to increase pressure that you can refer to:

  • Partial reps: is a training method that uses a shorter distance, instead of training with a full range of motion. This way you can use heavier weights, working until you fail.

  • Forced reps: ask a workout buddy to support 2 to 3 more reps with the same weight until failure.

  • Negatives: negative reps or negative training is a training method that applies the principles of control and centrifugation. From there, it helps to increase muscle stimulation and exercise endurance of the nervous system. For example, when lying on the chest, when lifting weights, lower them slowly to feel the chest muscles, you may need help using this method.

5. End your shoulder workout with a super set

Once you get used to the action during the workout, your shoulders can become quite stubborn to develop. So, to break down muscle fibers, fight muscle adaptation, end your workout with a super set or a triset until you fail with isolation exercises.

With 5 tips shared in this article, hope to help men quickly achieve toned, strong shoulders. Don't forget to follow the Health section regularly to keep up to date with the latest content.