5 effective weight loss exercises with a treadmill to help you slim down

Owning a treadmill at home is extremely practical in today's context. So why should you jog at home and what are the effective weight loss exercises with a treadmill? All will be in the article below.

Reasons you should buy a treadmill at home

  • The price of buying a treadmill is cheaper than the price of a monthly gym membership card and it lasts longer. (A treadmill costs only from 5 to 13 for the general type, a limited-time membership card at Elite Fitness costs / year, excluding other services).

  • Available 24/7 – as long as you have 5 or 10 minutes to spare, you can exercise without having to go through hours of rush hour traffic, endure smog and dozens of other disadvantages to get going to the gym.

  • No need to change into gym clothes. Just turn on the machine, grab a bottle of water and start the weight loss process!

  • It doesn't matter whether it's sunny or rainy, you can practice no matter the weather.

  • Helps you relieve stress after work or when your little angels are already in bed.

  • You can listen to your favorite songs while you practice at home, regardless of whether others like it or not. You can also listen to a radio book while you exercise, or you can even set up your laptop and listen to your favorite TV show while you walk. More simply, you can drink a cup of coffee while exercising.

  • Doesn't take up too much space in your home and you don't have to go far to find an empty park convenient for exercise.

  • You can do incline on the treadmill to make the workout a little more difficult, in return it will burn more calories.

  • You can work and exercise right on your treadmill.

How many calories can you burn on a treadmill?

How many calories you can burn depends on factors such as gender, age, height, weight, lifestyle, speed, incline, etc. A specific example so that you can better see the number. calories you can burn:

40-year-old female, 1.52 meters tall, 80kg weight, has a sedentary lifestyle

40-year-old male, 1.82 meters tall, 92kg weight, has a moderately active lifestyle

5 effective exercises to lose weight with the treadmill at home

1. Exercise to lose weight within 5 minutes

When you're a beginner, start with a 5-minute weight loss workout on the flat road. You can practice once within 5 minutes or repeat once you get used to it.

2. Exercise to lose weight within 10 minutes

In this exercise, you will work with walking at a higher incline and accelerating at a lower incline. As the incline gets lower, the speed increases, so the walking interval serves as a way to rest between intervals to recover.

3. Exercise to lose weight within 21 minutes

This exercise is modeled on the topography of small hills throughout Chicago. The method is similar to the 10-minute weight loss exercise, but you should note that you should go slowly during the recovery time to stabilize the heart rate.

4. Exercise to lose weight 4×4 in 20 minutes

This 20-minute workout has an easy start, but you'll need to get up to speed and incline before you finish.

The first two stages start from flat terrain, but you need to increase the intensity (and slope) in the third and fourth stages. Each stage is four minutes long, and the last stage is the most difficult because it is the fastest and steepest. But remember, you can do it!

5. Exercise to lose weight in 40 minutes

You'll alternate walking, jogging, and running in this 40-minute workout. The exercise is great for losing weight and increasing endurance for races. Your jogging and running speed will increase every minute.

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Note that effective treadmill exercise to lose weight

  • Before running, you should warm up by walking slowly or jogging slowly for 5-10 minutes.

  • Start with the first exercise, then gradually increase the difficulty to exercises 2, 3, 4, 5. A heart rate monitor will help you know when to increase the difficulty. When your heart rate has stabilized but is no longer rising as fast as it was at the beginning, you feel easier to breathe and talk, then move on to the next exercise.

  • You can do the same exercise for several days in a row (but it won't be as effective), but it's best to alternate exercises. For example, you can do exercise 1 on Monday, then gradually increase the intensity to exercises 2, 3, 4, and on Sunday - the day you rest at home, exercise 5 will help you. Burn more calories to balance out the days you go to work.

  • When you first start running, you should leave the machine incline at 0% until you build strength and feel more comfortable on the treadmill. Once you get used to it, set the slope at 1% - 2%.

  • Do not run on a slope of more than 7% continuously, this can lead to tendon or calf injury.

  • Do not hold handles or control panels. The handrails are only used to help you get on and off the treadmill safely.

  • Before finishing the exercise, take a few minutes to cool down by slowing down and walking slowly.

  • Do not lean forward no matter how steep it is. You need to keep your body upright to avoid neck and back problems.

  • Always carry a water bottle with you to ensure your body is not dehydrated.

After reading this article, quickly create a specific exercise plan and start your weight loss journey. Wish you successful weight loss with this treadmill!

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