What to eat for oral cavity ulcers to reduce pain and speed up healing?

In the summer, a lot of people suffer from mouth ulcers (canker sores). This disease makes the patient uncomfortable and unable to eat and drink as he wants. So what to eat for oral cavity ulcers to heal quickly? Let's find out together!

Oral ulcers: Causes and symptoms

What are oral ulcers?

There are many types of mouth ulcers, the most common is the recurrent cold sores. Chinese medicine called orange mouth, mouth sores. This is a chronic disease of the oral cavity.

Causes of mouth ulcers

There are many factors that cause the disease, but most of it is due to poor digestion, irregular eating, big fairy squash, intestinal parasites. Oriental medicine believes that this disease belongs to fire, but in fire, it is also divided into damaged fire and real fire. Unbalanced diet is one of the main causes of disease and makes it worse.

It can also be caused by stress, poor oral hygiene, food allergies, hormone imbalances, or lack of nutrients like B12, vitamin C and iron.

Symptoms of mouth ulcers

When canker sores will cause burning pain, appear gray-white sores with red and shallow circles. These sores often appear on the tongue, lips, and inside the cheeks, even on the edges and gums. When sores are about to appear, you often feel hot and itchy in your mouth. They are not contagious but recur continuously and last from a week to 10 days.

Canker sores come in two forms. Small sores appear most commonly. The other type is a large ulcer with a less frequent occurrence, but it is extremely painful and lasts longer than usual.

Foods to avoid when you have mouth ulcers

Based on the causes, mechanisms and symptoms of this disease, abstaining from eating is a key thing to prevent and treat the disease.

1. Thermogenic food

Since this disease is mainly related to fire, it is necessary to abstain from foods that are hot first. Any food or drink that is easy to heat, burn or store heat is under taboo.

Absolutely avoid hot spicy foods such as garlic, ginger, chili pepper, fish sauce, ... or hot foods such as dog meat, chicken, goat meat, ... and drinks such as wine, coffee, cocoa. , rose tea,…

Because spicy foods are easy to produce sputum, fire, dissipate blood, sweet things, strong flavors are easy to produce low heat. Low pyrolysis pulses up, very easy to become sores and ulcers.

2. Hard, greasy, hard-to-digest food

Hard, crunchy, greasy foods, seafood or similar indigestible foods should be avoided when you have mouth ulcers. Due to poor digestion, inconvenient eating when eating hard food will be difficult to chew.

At that time, the oral cavity will become more severe, slow digestion of food causes low heat to be stored in the stomach and intestines, burning heat pulses to burn the mucosa, causing the disease to recur and aggravate.

3. Sour food

Foods containing a lot of spices or acidic fruits of the citrus family, etc., must be limited in use. Because when they enter the mouth, they will make mouth ulcers more painful.

The acid in the food will eat away at the damaged skin, not only causing discomfort for the patient, but also making the ulcer wider and worse.

What should you do when you have an ulcer in your mouth?

Above are some notes on the foods that should be avoided when having mouth ulcers to avoid the disease getting worse and recurring. In addition to abstaining from eating and drinking, when you have an ulcer in your mouth, you should do a few things to reduce pain effectively and heal faster.

1. Oral hygiene

To have healthy teeth and a clean mouth, you need to brush your teeth carefully twice and rinse your mouth with salt water or mouthwash about 4 times a day. You can perform a mouthwash by following these steps:

  • Take a cup of diluted salt water or mouthwash.

  • Swish the mouthwash for about a minute.

  • Then rinse your mouth.

  • Finally, spit the finished water out of your mouth, avoiding swallowing. Buy mouthwash here.

2. Take medicine

To quickly recover from the disease, you can use topical medications such as kamistad or silver nitrate applied directly to the damaged skin 2 to 3 times a day. If the disease is serious, you can go to a specialist to get the appropriate anti-inflammatory antibiotics. However, the drug does not help prevent recurrence, long-term use can cause irritation.

3. Supplement essential nutrients

You should add foods that contain zinc, B vitamins such as cereals. At the same time, regularly eat foods that are frugal, burn, detoxify, and easy to digest such as fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, green beans, honey, sesame oil, juniper berries, fresh lotus root, etc.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please share with us, and follow the page for more information on dietary and health-preserving taboos.

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