Johnny Gamble

1934 - 2005

John Richard Gamble was born on March 27, 1934, and apprenticed to Ernie Davey. He rode on the Flat without success, his first winner coming at Warwick, on Souvrillus, on February 21, 1959.

He rode a total of 57 winners including a treble at Hereford on Easter Monday, April 3, 1961.

Johnny took a bad fall at Plumpton on May 19, 1966, but recovered sufficiently to ride his last winner, Sovereign Hill, in the Ladywood Hurdle at Worcester on 9 November 1966.

He rode in three Grand Nationals.

He then became a trainer, a publican and a racehorse owner.

Well-liked, he was sadly killed in a road accident in Spain on April 14, 2005. He was 71.