On the way to EDEN

Content Summary & English Text Version 2016

  • Intro
  • The world is a village
  • For communication it takes three ...
  • From the letter to the video phone ...
  • Running the behind after the possibilities...
  • From racial thinking to the rating agency ...
  • Opportunities in the global village
  • Lack of recognition and promotion of the gifted
  • The forgotten role of many rich personalities
  • The forgotten role of many rich personalities
  • The little citizen can dictate with in to change!
  • Consumer behavior, the unconscious quality control
  • Supply and demand
  • Shortage of skilled labor
  • Personal hiring and training
  • Together we are strong.
  • The future, We build on it every day...
  • The Divine
  • At the dawn of a new age
  • Predictions and prophesying
  • Unpleasant truth
  • The Fun Company is cruel to the third world
  • Is that normal?
  • "GLOBAL AID LEVER” The Economic Crieses & The Solution
  • Appeal to the rich ...


Eden, the promised land that we know from some religions is a dream that sometimes help to keep us alive in dark times. It ́s even a dream that let us dream forward. Forward to old good warm times, or even to good warm times newer lived. The aim of an Utopia on this planet, with the thought that is perhaps to reach it on this planet Earth a utopia in itself, is an in first route plane that maybe is worth of an first setting of course, beginning changing in little steps the system and the mentality of the peoples.For those that we call the upper ten thousand maybe on this world there are reservoir places that can seems like an heaven on earth, that they can live as long as they could pay and there mostly they are kept away from all the bad news from around the world, that could change their minds about the global situation on this planet. For those who are slipping away in the global society maybe at the moment every help seems to come too late. And like in the Song the song “The sound of silence” a lot of those who try to say in witch was things could maybe end when we don ́t change something they are often like beggar on the street or caged in tenement halls and set under calming drugs so that they can even recognize an clear thought in their minds. Now, this is an paragon of extremes, that in math with the Gauß curve is called normality: Victims on the extremes, categories on the near end and all others in the middle curve.It should be said that any trip, no matter where, also begins with a first step. Many, too many, have been working to create the society in which we live today, so it would be a blasphemous a shame to rest to long on the jet, and to lose the future with any action that has not been done.We have now created a highly modern society, but very modern so that alone is the gain of knowledge necessary for maintenance or restructuring can be a life's work. And, in these current requirements, it is actually almost impossible if we do not our economic model of the initial 21st Century after Christ begin to analyze, review, and therefore are also in a position to pave the way for a possible restructuring. And, in these current requirements, it is actually almost impossible if we do not begin to analyze our economic model of the initial 21 Century after Christ, review, and therefore are also in a position to set the way for a possible restructuring. While in the same time beginning to build global bridges of cooperation in those we think about humanity and not on profit.The stadium Eden, which is a goal that is still far away for most people, is a life of work and for several generations. The actual condition of the modern world, is when you can give the belief towhat we ́ve been told by the policy, in growing. On the way is happened a lot. But the possible deficit of the actual condition is the danger that we often forget.To new shores, would have long been a goal that we unfortunately can ́t achieve if we do not maintain the foundations of the current global society and renew. All technical equipment and every institution have a maximum of lifespan. To be able to come to front in the advancement of the global world, nowadays we have already inevitably guarantee maintenance and renewal of existing systems like food supply, prosperity, productivity, communication, education, administration, ... and agriculture, infrastructure, water and power supply, education, ... , ... . Whether we are on a path for the better, we will probably only notice when it's time is come. But we can ́t simply allow us to do nothing, then if we go to doing nothing all things will be lost. Since it now seems to be already in the western world and in Europe, that's nothing is going forward, because folk verbally told “the coal runs out” or there is no money to do something, we'll be in danger. Therefore, we should all start to make us a few thoughts how this could come so far and how it can best continue. High dreams like the USA, Europa, ... are jiggling dream come nearly true.We may disclose such accomplishments as a culmination of almost existed systems on this planet our high society ever till now, and hopefully not the highlight of the evolution on this earth. We should be sometimes thankful for what we have reached, even if this dream has a lot of downsides, which are mostly old, or so old considered as mankind itself. Only the manifestation of these grievances has shifted, and we should also mentioning that having enough to eat, a warm place to stay, and things like a shower in the mirror of time actually already are luxury. So we can say that we mostly complain at a high level, compared to contemporary evolutionarily dictated state of normality. Even if we really should work on these problems still since long time, we have much bigger problems. Those mostly for the most not yet reached dream is in danger and that we have considered all causes the nearly end together. Which if I now say all along that's just again a normally distributed differentiated state of due to our knowledge and with the intention to build on and improve what we have encountered since the birth. We only have one world. If we will rest on our laurels of retched for too long, we ́ll lose. Actually one of the biggest problems is that money works for more money while not even producing a product.

The world is a village

It is rumored that the world is a village, especially now networked in our modern media world, we seems often overwhelmed and yet we are probably only at the beginning of a new era.The information age is now present at almost every street corner in major cities and makes a stunning establishment speed. In rural areas and in the secluded places of the earth, it is a little more complicated to establish communication systems in high speed, while the infrastructure of modern radio systems is still missing and it ultimately it is mostly a question of profitability to build such systems nationwide full space covered. In remote areas you must Inevitably in satellite communication access to be able to produce a bidirectional high-speed data communication. Thus, one can also look at the world so that information communication technology, modern networked world is still under construction. It must be clear in mind that arrived in areas without such systems somebody can believe to be arrived in the Stone Age thinking about the dependence on these extremely convenient communication and interaction systems. How long it will take in the rich and economically strong countries till each refrigerator will be connected with the network and Internet with a distribution chain is only a matter of time. Like this development, the production and distribution of media is becoming easier. With the introduction of color television, would maybe nobody have thought that today with the start of the second decade of the 21st century in 2013, almost every average teen in the G8 and other wealthy countries ist running around with a digital color video camera with color touch screen in the pocket, with you can even do phone calls wirelessly and simultaneously there is a television within, and beyond, also can be an independent publishing house by setting media in the net. This applies to all Teenys is only effective in this world.In poorer regions of the world, this looks a little different. Of the social position apart, the causes of these differences even among the circles of the richest of the rich.The basics of multimedia bidirectional telecommunications are created. They can actually be regarded as a decentral global village. This applies not only for the telecommunications sector, but also for society circles.In these social circles move all individuals of this world. Differentiated by knowledge, technical and capital possibilities and thus inevitably interacting with each other resulting like ordered in layers and caste ́s in our global society with their cultural and intellectual requirements and needs. This movement is still in its infancy for the middle-class society. When you consider that there is less like € 500 to buy a ticket for a flight on a plane from Frankfurt (Germany) to New York (USA) for shopping and back, you will quickly see that the jet-set life is becoming more accessible for a lot of peoples like ever before. Similarly, the opportunities for interaction telecommunicative grow with the help of media. Nowadays, television broadcasting and music studios are already a reality in your own living room. How long will it take until you no longer have to stride out from the living room to be a candidate in a live game show on television in 3D is really only a matter of time.

For communication it takes three ...

One of my favorite subjects. We communicate all the time. Even if we do not consciously perceive, we are really communications artists. Well, each of us is, in its unique way of communicating and here we meet in a normally distributed field again. Now, most will say but that you have to be two to communicate. This is purely personal technically correct, but other than that we need to be in pairs, we need many more. Why is the "Three", usually called the magic number, while I now, for lack of evidence for the magic, I call rather explosive. We take a stab at a piece of paper. Mathematically, if we apply the ruler, we have a vector. It has a length and a direction. So to EN – System, we have a length in meters and an angle alpha in degrees to the blade edge. So one can say that the line A is a length of eg 10cm is at an angle of 0 ° to the horizontal edge. We now want to still give this construct size in the metric dimension, we have a sensational effect. We have already increased a 2 - dimensional metric system, what the XY axis of the blade the same as (a metric value and a metric angle) of an metric dimension. So resulting a three-dimensional cubic size in meters. Actually, on paper that is unspectacular, but in reality, is this little multiplication, unfortunately or fortunately, requires the big bang and the existence of a universe ahead, whether it ́s is real or imaginary.[EN – Eystem [(European International Measuring System. ( In Meter ( one liter is 10 per 10 cm water ( molar mass ) in the temperature of ~22° is even one kilo * * * ) 7 HARMONIK units ofmeasurement. The Lore of Engineering],So he we heights, the understanding to see and to gesture to the hearing and the language and eventually to one of the most precious things that humanity has the ability to process this information as well. Ultimately, we are still here with two people may say the only "hello". Well, it will certainly have taken a long time, until we came from perhaps the first known recording information in the form of cave paintings on the first hieroglyphics on papyrus to first printed book. That was not the Bible (Gutenberg Bible of 1456), the Chinese have since been printed in block 868 and set the Egyptians perhaps earlier. In addition, we owe it to two special people, and actually many, many more, of which advance their research that we do. Within the past 200 years, the great moment of the birth of modern communication. Finally, we owe it to Thomas Alva Edison (born 11 February 1847 in Milan, Ohio; † 18 October 1931 in West Orange, NJ) April 25, 1874 in Bologna, Guglielmo (since 1924 Marchese) Marconi (*, † 20 July 1937 in Rome), we obtained the progress of the telegraph to radio and recording audio. The communication medium developed rapidly. Today we tell if book, cassette, CD, DVD or Blue Ray Disk media only. And finally, we could not have done this development without television. Today's moment of glory "Mobile Cloud Computing" is only at the start. The smartphone is a milestone of the 21st century.

From the letter to the video phone ...

From the invention of writing, and establish of paper post, there is also a lot has happened . Where we had to wait before the written word, until it reaches us , it is usually in the form of a letter but become much easier today . Still, the video phone has not yet been established in 100 % of our communication landscape. The phone is and remains at the moment, even if now in the form of mobile phone devices, probably the most used means of mass communication in the first decade of the 21st Century. It is fast, flexible, and now also allows the sending of messages and images . It will not be long may be transferred to eventually take picture and sound smoothly and efficiently by mobile device for communication , which works through broadband -supported Wi-Fi connection today. This will enable us to a new unprecedented quality in communication if we can not only hear but also see greater distances the caller and all this with a device that we could have in your pocket Our horizon is often dictated by financial means!Today and in the past, seems to be and remains, unfortunately, a rather unpleasant topic for the mirror of the time we can ́t ignore and should be considered by mankind now and again. I can only judge from my perspective this. Just like everyone else hopefully. I was born in the fortunate position of having a functioning family, a home, enough to eat and access to the most important asset we can offer beyond, education and entertainment. Now I have followed the development of public service television in the years since my youth and since I can remember. The great sadness of the story is that the television entertainment offered, for example, unfortunately, with time, the ambivalent social status a family or community, can replace the midpoint of those and became the center of living together. The 80 volumes actually grew with the development of the program. Large selection had not been in Germany in 1985. ARD, ZDF, regional ... With the introducing of private channels, finally, the diversity was greater and the competition began to increasingly better content, while sometimes the state programs was better. This private channel had extra costs, however, since they were usually receive if at all, only by cable television or with satellite antenna separately. The latest, there was still premiere on what you needed a decoder in the subscription cost about as much again as the cable TV in the month. Actually has done from the basic distribution of the programs offered here today not much, except for the variety. So you can maybe acknowledge the selection in social status that is get even higher today. To move constructively through the channels and programs is sporty when viewed almost become an Olympic discipline. And I actually, when it comes to quality, diverse quality entertainment, the public broadcasters transmitter actually sometimes have more praise. On some free private station, at night you will be able to enjoy high-quality and culturally interesting little Black and white films.Those that are have the "SKY entertainment package" because really far in advance, when it comes to be a little his own program director. When I think back on the week, there was in my childhood where you had to wait for the next Saturday to see a movie, and you still have not had luck just the sports broadcasting was, has done much since. The disadvantage is that by jungel media, the orientation is not so easy when you can zap through many channels around the clock. One would actually like to thank the program directors who put the TV in our childhood and youth actually for many happy hours. So that, if you are not looking too the wrong items, what certainly could learn.Education has not slept in development. Finally, in the time since we went to school there has been further research and development. Thus, it has unfortunately become so that we actually have to learn more and more in the same time with new insights of knowledge in the same time. The education is in danger. Today must be made very much more like 20 years ago. In this social powder keg where we are today , where education as it now seems, can be a luxury item , or already is , it becomes increasingly complicated to obtain recognized this. Where social differences, and lack of the necessary teaching materials, which in this country , and is almost exactly like 20 years ago not a new problem in society, the problem shifted to the height of the required capital for media and equipment for the education of children and young people. The problems are now today not the books. Pens and notebooks, we are now in the "1 euro shops" to suffice in reasonably good quality and can get cheap that almost unaffordable problem are new media. This now includes notebooks, programs and the necessary accessories such as printers scanners and digital video camera in addition to conventional teaching materials that are needed to learning , to keep at the time , which are in turn for some family ́s to not financial affordable purchases. This final standings a lot of new and old social problems in a new way. This old problem, by bullying, cause for to possess by wearing the wrong clothes, now can be much more like an three system generations old laptop, all the development processes in the youth will be permanently stopped while maybe a war fired on by hate is still jet in an cold stadium. A reintegration in the old school who avoid many of the young people after such experiences, is almost impossible. This problem is more difficult to solve the longer it goes until the problems are seen something changes. We will not be able to remain Competitive in Germany and other lands, if we stick to this current model. We were taught what we need might get a place to in the labor market. We have learned and learned, and finally, there are still the same professions, that in time are now required to keep a company running. Now that may well have to still work, but to really get ahead, we need a new system of lifelong support and demand, taking into account that it should still make for heaven's sake fun to take that route.The kids today need notebooks, digital cameras, Internet and a huge amount of software to learn to be able to withstand the development of the time. If not we think about how we want to slow finance the whole thing; and if we do not own this production, with which we country itself, cheap and can ́t produce profit, which is probably too expensive. It would actually think seriously about it, to urge, the IT industry from the "higher, farther, wider" trip to an model of affordable, durable, affordable, standard technology, at least for the education sector, so that we, as the ready get those in time in the learning centers and saving a lot of money for books that will be on an separate read only pad. It is not easy to keep up with the complexity of the matter with the course of development in our impending high teck and high end world. Not be easier if we invest it; harder if not. But since we have to really outweigh the cost benefit analysis against a really already almost overdue step to create it to still remain against other systems in this competitive world, and not to lose valuable high Gifted on the way, just wanting to keep the normal high in the curve there where it is...

Running the behind after the possibilities...

As some have not come with the transition from letter writing to make phone calls, it looks similar to today's developments. The new means of communication, due to their complexity, require more and more knowledge to deal with them. Of the financial hurdles to mention. Just as many talents fall by the wayside because they usually have such wanted to play for a talented little boy of football, perhaps in poorer even with the purchase of the shoes, the intension is doomed to failure and thus finally completed, the shoes because you can not afford it; Just so many dreams and talents that we end might miss in the future.When we are tempted to dream and consider economic and development infrastructure, provides quite immense possibilities, we can really only guess how much untapped production potential and opportunity still lies dormant in our world. But we must not forget the preservation of those instead results have been need yesterday morning to keep on the path to a "better" way. When we are tempted to dream and consider economic and development infrastructure, provides quite immense possibilities, we can really only guess how much untapped production potential and opportunity still lies dormant in our world. But we must not forget the preservation This and more are needed instead of the results of yesterday morning to keep on the path to a "better" price can. Whether these possibilities we, in the extent to which, use as efficiently and for what purpose, are questions about which one should get an overview in order to have certainty whether we have enough potential to maybe make this dream a modern more social world. With this new knowledge that can be gained here can also help you personally.

From racial thinking to the rating agency ...

Well you can ́t deny that racial discrimination has been a really rather dark chapter in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, today it is still present in our world. This begins with the phrase "foreign".This model can be extended to all marginal groups of society. Just like it happens before, we could use this model on to the today's society. Where and once the skin color, distinguished the language and our ways of life, which actually even if not as much today as 100 years ago is still the case, and has been weakened due to education and training and the within associated growth of tolerance shifts, this problem today goes on the creditworthiness. Thus, it is less of a problem today if anyone Black or white is whether thick or thin, whether hetero-or homosexual, ... but rather whether poor or rich. Which also must be differentiated this to "normal" of the lives of the people here. A rich tycoon is like a big industrialist. A rich industrialist is like a small business. A small business is usually a rich man as a worker. The laborer is rich as a beggar. And the beggar that you find hidden throughout all layers. Where in the 3rd World is begging for food, the others are begging for money, the others are begging for money work, the others are begging for money jobs, the others are begging for money and also more and more money. And the more you already have the more you can take. At least something like that does the credit. The current credit system seems to be designed to those who make the need for a purpose slaves to the capital debt. All the more urgent a credit saving is needed, the more likely grab the bankers instead of the friendly hypocrites stitch from the mace to even bash on seeking help.

Opportunities in the global village

Now that the world is a village may well be the reality for the elite with the possibilities of modern networks the opportunities. For those who haven ́t the needed education, the financial resources and probably certainly not have the necessary motivation and promotion, this could probably soon lead in an exile.Now we interact with each other. The networks to which it is to consider, here are not in an technical perspective but rather from interpersonal. Sure, there is now a question of the necessary small money, education, and unfortunately, ultimately, the time you are willing to invest consciously or unconsciously deal with the society; make, we make it from a certain level of education automatically, as long as we live and inevitably to survive. Now the most runs their lives in an orderly pre lived designed models, have had mostly less to do with the system being observed times of other social positions or even to experience. One can ́t deny that from a certain level of intimacy and discretion is a requirement for all involved to see if someone on a path outside his social class or experienced itself. The self- experience is the most bitter way. One can ́t deny that from a certain level of intimacy and discretion is a requirement for all involved when someone embarks on a path outside his social class. Now, not many have the time and the energy to make restive thoughts on such subjects, and yet it is in the nature of some characters that they can ́t depart from it even if they wanted to. If someone has only just begun and is going after the baby steps method, it is uncertain whether the age someone can release it, except through prevention of dementia, and the new-fangled digital Dementia is already feared. Now, for some who have the necessary prerequisites, within beneficial autodidactismus, it will probably be inevitably a balancing act between the will, skills, time, and the power that you can spend on such things, and from moral point of view must also. An exile, it may be voluntarily or involuntarily, by the information requirements and the missing power, and one day the earned retirement is reached, and can also be used for some taboo topics in the public's exile to freely talk about. It can also too fast to be due to lack of financial means, whereby the connection can easily be completely lost.

Lack of recognition and promotion of the gifted

In the system there is sadly too often the lack or even absence of recognition and promotion of the gifted. How many talents are broke due to lack of funding and opportunities. As I already mentioned earlier the little boy who wanted to play football, it looks for some other things the same. Now many will now have perhaps thought that it is not care less if one athletic is lost. But when it comes to science and art, the fun stops most. We are in danger, that we get lost in the science and art of many talents, because it's mostly been for many of the first steps fails no longer be financed by means of teaching, lessons and equipment. High achievements in education, research and development we will desperately search when we recognize that we need, but we also should not forget the arts, complementary to education are irreplaceable. This system is in danger of shearing bored and quickly learning gifted children and ADHD sufferers with the same brush when it attaches wrong with some late developers or bored with hyperactive demanded by starters. Not all are equal.A chilling vision of the film would be "Gataka" in which quality of life at birth due to its gene would be predetermined. If you were to apply this predestination today on capitalist society, a more humane and less charity would not be wrong.It is probably a taboo subject, how many friendships and contacts can ́t be maintained because of the social or only differed not come to pass. This is in addition to the lack of promotion the cause of the many left behind. Against Darvin "La Purga" (the purge) you can win; with Mendel you can only accept the result, instead of cut out the upper and under part of the normal curve, while mention that power can be all without control.

The forgotten role of many rich personalities

The rich dictate where it goes with our world? Do it or do not do it there? Now, no matter what they do, they often seem to forget that just in their hands , or rather, their bank accounts, is the power to do it . But for that, one would have to first of all with the question put, if you want to do and what you can do. The necessary sensitivity to this issue is a requirement in order to help to create a good, better and future. So exactly the most also should take the opportunity to invest in projects that bring no financial benefit to the bottom line, but humanitarian. Is to want to sit on the capital and make only a beautiful life, what also can ́t be the truth in life, is not particularly conducive when finally the envy and the "bad vibrations" considering that one in today's society obsessively draws on himself. This leads to non-constructive attitude towards life and his fellow man. Frustration was credible never been a more conducive and productive state to help themselves and others. Popularly known it is said, "A dog does not bite the hand that feeds him." And yet I say sometimeswhen a dog gets really hungry, would perhaps even hunger prevails, it is a question of time, who eats who.Money is the equivalent of a truth worth, it isn ́t may be mentioned to be his own product, which is the case in excess in those times.

The little citizen can dictate with in to change!

Conscious shopping and changes in consumer behavior can be for each one beginning there. Not only in the electronics sector, this also applies to food, clothing, furniture and building materials.Renunciation rather than cheap junk and useless can also help. Not every cheap electronics device such as MP3 AVI player and some digicam, it would be create by examination by a cost benefit.Although they are cheap and yet in terms of durability and quality, these mostly do not have much to offer except that we get upset and they usually have the habit if and to negate the function when we might need it urgent. More quality than quantity, which in this country (Germany) this is a minor problem is due to quality seals, compared to the production of truth that does not make it through the local quality and safety controls.

Consumer behavior, the unconscious quality control

More quality than quantity would be long a motto that we should get through. Since we are financially but mostly not capable in everyday life it is becoming increasingly difficult. , Through wage dumping "avarice is cool" and always seek the cheapest offer, it is no wonder that comes the cash flow of the little people to a halt. No one is able to keep high wages and quality guarantee. And there is most likely save money in the staff as to the quality of bulk orders we prevent the growth itself. We also need to re-learn now and again to save on for quality, rather than be content with the cheapest model. So we also influence the market, have better quality and can also prevent the production of cheap scrap. What we should not forget in the awarding of construction contracts is the the wages of artisans, which also require urgent an approximation only can be paid if the company does not transgressed against each other by taking gouge with the price. Since usually only a minimum of quality is be held for “normal” goods , lower lifetimes and higher need for repairs are certainly factors that can be recouped while a higher purchase and manufacturing price.

Supply and demand

It is easy when you need something to order it from the market. But the problem is that if we only order and receive from the market, we inevitably arrive at the point that there is nothing rest. If you now expect an example on consumer electronics, it will be much worse. The human resources are at risk. As I mentioned in supporting of highly gifted, it could probably be easy to look at universities and universities of applied sciences for capable people; But exactly many independent thinker, remain without help on the track, while a study for many is not to finance if they want have something to life and eat. How many of those, then finally me be kept quiet with anti-depressives, can only be guessed. This is actually a huge loss to the company of men. And yet it seems to me that the shutdown of thought processes seems to have become an medication normality of the conventional medical psychotherapy, because often there is no time for a detailed confrontation and solution of the so-called psychosomatic problems. We are in danger of conventional medical treatment including psychological care, to transform it into a lump medical system in which you are tempted to ask how many stars the treatment provider has in the rating.Lucrativity, of treatment and cure, unfortunately for the medical pary, the most yet must save money for cost of health, and the party that pays unfortunately ambivalent. But sometimes I could get to the new believe that Hyprocrates and Aristocrates has conspired.

Shortage of skilled labor

Whether we have the necessary skilled workers in the future is uncertain. If the education system continues on a "Prestige" - seems to be well-founded basis, we will not make it, that we keep at the time. Envy and competition, to prevent the qualidating and necessary permission to get prestige jobs. Thus many are doomed to remain in their job rut and really just to survive financially. An education is unaffordable for many of course of financial problems. For the prosperity of the necessary training to start a career in finance have , inevitably the question arises whether they stay in their country or move to an area where they are paid even better in better conditions and still managed also pleasant. The skilled migration, not only done for financial reasons, will change the faces of many regions, if they have not do just already.

Personal hiring and training

Should we push companies of worker renting are mostly just using workers, workers that had been teatched in recognized skilled occupations that require a completed apprenticeship, for a les, and exploit them, to special taxes for education and craft chambers, to guarantee the education of the next generation. Mostly those companies had no promotion and training to their employees, except for the measure, in the end of a job the worker is pretty fast back on the street. Whereas it is most often in personal endeavor a master craftsman, and to bring the following on their way, and some to provide for their apprentices as if it were their own children. Where the temporary agency ever helped in this process?It would actually be the best solution when the chambers of their own rental companies set up to bring a little justice into here.

Together we are strong.

This philosophy seems too loses the chance while the manifestation of the implied individualism in the media age slightly now to develop his potential. Through mutual hate and jealousy we might have loose the train in the beautiful future that had could be now and now long missed in future.By migration of the industry places on the basis of the exploitation of opportunities of a negative global model, where efficiency and social aspects are really only subordinate to the lucrative nature, and worker is too often treated to in a business plan only as machine like cost number is after emigration after considering in chase Germany as a location of emigration of industrial goods production, production, patents, know-how production engine engineering and also, we are now at the stage now of the social security system of Germany; Where is slowed on Cosmo social level, where, small businesses, usually plagued due to market saturation and overall decline in payment and wage adjustment morality with existential fears, cutting off the pathways to a possible future competition and careers is through such bullying actions and the future development of the entire country actually and slowed down, in such a way that advanced state we get into danger and the potential for a new igniting of the system is maybe lose irrecoverable.If one now considers Germany as a village, and the baker and the blacksmith and the scholar hate each other, which will probably go a few more decades with the invention of automated bread maker. This also applies to the introduction of a new career system. Similarly, the too often like children in the sandbox arguing behaves like the preliminary step of society. Maybe there are other models in the world, but too often, I see actually that the result of the development produces more small business owners who hate to think their employees not only from the simple excuse of generations preliminary step, but also as a caste. So that an word of an banker has more weight on truth as that from an engineer.Thus, standard products and services, usually cheaper, but the quality suffers tremendously. And finally, are the most able to provide something that is required for more complex custom solutions, it is nevertheless increasingly cost intensive and time expensive, because actually the potential of most workers and employees, through bullying and dictatorial implication mania, to preserve their own position, which is mostly on the diploma, but based on supply and demand no longer corresponds to the value of truth. A setting of symbiosis to run a business and so to allow the free development of the apprentices in their potential that they could have.Advertising, publicity and quality of the product Well excuse the little insensitive comparison. The quality of a product can be equated with the political campaign promises and now mostly. What the advertising promises not just corresponds mostly to the content. It is exacerbated by that we should comply quality standards today. These standards, which are dictated by verification and guarantee the quality and functionality, are usually satisfied only up to the minimum target. Stamp on it and approved. Thus, it is actually a lottery games if you decide on a product. Thus, it is actually a lottery games if you decide on a product. depending on company policy because you can be lucky or unlucky. An example would be the pension system, with the points of view of unexplained funding and compensation for inflation, from which it is difficult to estimate whether our and future generations can still allow a carefree evening of life, as it is indeed measure the four services and less on performance. Against those who have broken worked health needs of health, those who have a god health and worked les corporally have sometimes more rent, and usually have less health problems. So the system in this Europa is punishing real power work of "m * g * h = W" rather than praise it.

The future, We build on it every day...

Many say that we can ́t change the future, and yet it is a control- and measurement- system fact that we always set today the foundations for tomorrow."What you can do today that will not put off until tomorrow." There is much truth and experience's inside. Almost every major action an good planning is necessary. Detailed planning to and thus we can set the set for today building up tomorrow every day. How far we want and can usually go on that progect are two pairs of shoes. When someone thinks that blocking some other by shortage money and slove the others, someone can get almost to despair in some plans and projects. For larger projects there is still frustration in the various stages of the project, from planning to the first steps, and right in the way and are midst, just before target and eventually come mostly to the next intermediate result. Quite let alone my favorite question of whether it is finally finished. Well known, the construction is only completed with the demolition. So a craftsman is actually never with his work, as long as something is done that can break down. Similar to the painters of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. The red anti-rust paint is actually continually renewed. Once one has arrived at one end, you can start again from the other. This is only a sustaining activity, but without audacious painter, the bridge would have been long rusted away.

The Divine

With the knowledge we are in danger of trying to play "God". After the realization of the possibilities is actually Anyone according to his ways, and willing, capable to change the future in which this breaks out of its natural unconsciously and consciously controlled behavior begins to action. This also brings with it the responsibility to divine the possible effects of one's actions, at least insofar as we can. Consequences to themselves and to the community are still the first step. Possible implications for the future and those on the normal stadium of normality of the mankind, the Second. By the well known principle of "chaos theory" that everything has influence on everything, it would be wrong to retire in believing that we can ́t change anything.Everything is changing, everything is in flux!

At the dawn of a new age

We are on the threshold of a new era of global economy. We often resigned to the fact that it is in now just the way it is as it is. A fact is that we have created by initial compartments and separation, and thus the specialization of the sciences a system in this world where we meanwhile are often to ourselves in the way.

Predictions and prophesying

Far from wanting to prophesying the future of the idea, it is not impossible that God has equipped us with this ability, but we always have to distinguish whether this prediction is rational or irrational. It is often said, "Power is nothing without control" and therefore also an appeal to the high-studied: Without experience usually comes a new state of knowledge, and only with logic, the result is usually so cold that it is uninhabitable for us or rather we can ́t live with the overall result or want because it was a goal of science is known and hopefully to use the knowledge gained to meet our daily changing to a better. Each is left alone in with the skills and the time he has to live and what he is go to do with those time.Also, everyone should worry about the possible consequences of his own creation. If we set a result only once in the world, it is perhaps almost definitively, and thus irreversibly real exist. In the story there are unfortunately large risks regarding the maturity of the time.If our current economic system is on a truck, and drives to destruction without change of course, so that we can follow approximately to predictions or calculating that in models.

Unpleasant truth

Independently of ethnic origin, religion or social status, we are here on this planet of mankind. It is often said that we are the most cruel form of life on this planet. And yet we are also capable of good deeds and selfless kindness. This is probably an unpleasant truth, but this also equivalent spectrum ambivalent argument must explore and find again in an bipolar and tripolar system point of normality to find their own position in this three-dimensional Gaussian area chart. Now the man is currently the dominant form of life on this planet. We currently achieve and exceed the population of seven billion Earthlings today in the 2nd Decade of the 21st Century after Christ. This is not exactly a shortage. It should be noted immediately that each individual is unique and irreplaceable. It's hard to predict who will be what we owe in the future. Today's high culture is truly something that can call a miracle. We maintain a lot of traditions and often we do not even know why we do it really. Just because everyone kinda goes his way, and we often face each other in ways we probably have necessarily ceased to make us worry about the downsides. And yet if there is one thing we can really really good, then it is looking away from the negative things that surround us. Taking the eyes of the terrible things that could pull us out of our current emotional sphere as closing too much. Injustice done really day after day, and yet we are better by bragging about events that we have heard in the news to put us in a better light, as really see how the world is and how slow the earth seems to go to ruin. That is often contaminated with melancholy knowledge we could finally get a helping idea and finally can do action to change and prevent.We rely on donations organizations to mitigate suffering in the world, but donations, we often do not. Be it from a lack of financial resources, or because we simply leave us with the thought that it will be done or someone else have already done.

The Fun Company is cruel to the third world

Yes it is in fact so cruel that we have banished the presence of everyday life. But is not a tangible problem, if you see or hear anything about it. This is a peculiarity of the political news.Do they knows that what they are making those company ́s? It is always striving to be better. It is a fact that a child dies every five seconds from hunger in the Third World. When I was at school in 1995, you could count them on the second hand. It took 17 years to change this, and who knows if it continues, how long will it take until we have it "only" made six per minute instead of the twelve of today in 2012 AD . That makes at least 17280 deaths, starving children every day. Now, we can begin to change that? Well actually yes, but I bet that if someone would spontaneously come up with the idea to donate even one euro, he would forget it before he finds out what to do with the will go one euro, and how you can do it as soon as possible.Could probably be hard since we are anyway, mostly so busy with their own problems and fully loaded, we do not have time to.

Is that normal?

Now, this question is often heard when one small person is on the way to something new, too often when Someone talks Someone on the way in unknown waters thinking up to new horizons of sight of the whole conscience of knowledge. Now, much of what was not normal once it has become it today.The development of society in the normal state is a fluid process, one process that we can talk of viscosity about it.This here is not dependent on the temperature, but rather the consciousness and the resulting action. Only sometimes but better for now on in eternal we should combine our strengths together to accelerate this system, in an global social way to, that which if like located in an oscillating grinding system motion, a relative the force approximate to the zero the motion running process is slowing itself and so we must give every day & now and a new impetus to it at all to obtain for now just the being of the system. Now if we should let the dry flow of donations, we would fall back quickly to the old misery on this world, or an even an most worse situation that causes more suffering as could be good, while generally the misery is still a fact on this globe. And this is the key to success. That we give, just to give something for that that it's becoming to a better for others, is something that I have not experienced personally very often. It would be rather like the rich man, who gave away money just at the train station and had been explained as mentally insane, which seems to in turn "normal" in our society so as to tolerate an eccentric behavior and maybe enjoy it with having joy with the other than hate, well as preventive locking bolt the today's stone-age psychiatry system seems to make an illness from it. But now that we manage to change something, we have to journey outside the known standard. Only the abnormal, but something logical action to Give unrequited can still work wonders here. Especially for GLOBAL LEEVER !!! Give to unrequited can still work wonders here. On the topic we come back later once again. GLOBAL LEEVER. But why give without taking, but what we got in my generation, for example, in the form of vaccinations is also a priceless gift. In the solution of some problems, it is now time as in the geometric task 9 points that are arranged in clusters 3 * 3 to connect to with an line without setting of the pencil and only with grade lines. It is, if you do not think over out about the visible image of the system, also unsolvable.


The Economic Crieses & The Solution

In 2010, was considered by the economic Crises in Europe on insolvency proceedings for entire states. Somehow you can here assume that only money and is not thought to the purpose.When was it? 2006 High frequency auto trading for profit and now even binary options... World economic crises... Be ashamed.I mentioned that you can come danger "to want to play God," and yet we have easily embark on this path to change something. Humanity is foolhardy and perhaps she is ready to lay down their arms and take the tools in hand to build the future.Well the fact of insolvency is probably embarrassment enough. Now, if a State go for bankruptcy, this is a disaster with unimaginable extent. Economic crieses here or economic crieses there. Now considered sober, we have the all together, but who is more and who is less the other question. The coincidence of the world economic crieses from 2007 with the advent of the boom in the capital market by high frequency trading technology maturity is undeniable.
Why did we not see it coming?So something is usually insidious and unimpressive but unfortunately is inevitable at some point there.
The next three questions are essential to refine a solution.Where's the money gone?What is it for?Where is it used?
And these are just some of the questions that we already had to clarify alone to get a glimmer in the darkness on the way to a solution.Perhaps the solution of today's crises ...
We need investment and major projects which again have positive effects on our economy. ...
And for the goal pursued here, it is quite, no shame to begging the rich to. ...
But perhaps the coming problems for the G8, the EU and the whole world will be even more grave.We sell raw materials. Not only raw materials that we promote from the earth, even the raw materials we would like in the form of scrap from the scene. This scrap is probably the new raw gold that you no longer have to laboriously only extract from the earth. You have to separate it and recycle it.
The states in the 3 World where little kids, sort mostly without shoes and with bare hands, in-bringing of their perspective future family waste and scrap, that we then sorted back buy at bargain price are, if you'll excuse the expression, under all. Children make broken health, where we actually are in a position where functioning energy-efficient ultra-modern processing equipment To be drawn up.Now comes the crucial point that we solve our problems by solving problems synergistically of foreign poor states.Whoever has the power and the money to do so, should be aware that if he puts his funding for such projects and this plant operates with a minimum winning strategy, it would not be a shame to waste such a lot of money also. It would be gift to mankind and humanity by., Only with a facility for such purposes that are not just small turns, creates new hope very well-paying jobs in comparison to the region and beyond also gives many people a future These would suffer without immediate help, even on the long-term consequences of their current work. Gloves and respiratory protection would actually be a gift delivery which would have been needed years ago.Moreover our economy would certainly be busy with the provision of the necessary technology, products, equipment ... that are needed there to set up a normal live. It would be even nicer if such projects, the managers engage in more average wage would be reduced by the donor to keep costs low on horrible provisions and to not try to save it to the local workers. Alone planning for such projects could also get the frustrated academics in full employment and maybe they re-find joy be to work on a project that can bring this world up again in an new EDEN, which seems to be almost extinct, today, unfortunately in our today's profit-driven world.

Appeal to the rich ...

Now, many projects are certainly overdue in the world. But it still looks mostly like that the first question that is asked is not whether we should do it, it is tasted even more worse, we ask what you can earn with it.What was that about the Doomsday Clock: If it hits 12, it's too late. Well, even if I did almost say that it's long been one, it would be nice if we get the curve yet.About 4000 years ago, there was the Babylonian civilization, they perished. About 2000 years ago there were the Romans. From the disintegration of this empire, which the Catholic Church flourish in the Middle Ages and many other factors, is today's high culture of information emerged.Well, there is these mathematical question: "continued the series." Well when the exception proves the rule. IT WOULD BE VERRY VERRY GOOD FOR MANKIND!!! If not it ́ll be a shame to all that we have reached in our time.
The ritch have the monney...We all together have the power to make it real...If this might will be recognized and used is the first point. The purpose the second. ...Give yourself a joltFor you, for others, for us. ...Discover a new hobby "terraforming": Space?? NO This Mother Earth!!!!!
How about a new hobby: terraforming! The 3rd World needs urgent modern and efficient energy infrastructure, seeds, education, and future prospects.On that projects it is less about making money, it ́s about to sow the future live happiness and future way of live.Just the simplicity of mini loans for poor farmers in the 3 world can cause small miracle. Whole families could thus start to a better future. This would be really thinking about a free of interest and a project based success bonus. That is abnormal for every bank.Now get back to the question of normal. Well it's probably not normal, just to give without taking.But since Germany, also shone with the export of production to the export process, perhaps it is need to start a "Global Plan Agency". This Agency should go on to developing projects for whole countries that should not be the same thing as known, we can get jealous on them if established while even I can ́t relive my youth otherwise. It should be a modified system in the world poor states which if structured, build and establish to get the developing countries lift on equal, but it has to be a solution that is accept in the country’s in which with modern methodology for perfection is combined with the existing traditions.These are very costly factors on this planet are necessary to an approximation of the "Way of Life" and the need to remain affordable for the users. Here it is not so that everyone gets a Maserati. Probably honest about everyone what to eat, an education, a future without health high risk, and thus gets to have a live ideology. For that Ideology I since the publication risk to get killed by Capitalistic Zionists.
We solve our problems by beginning with those of others.However, we need to mobilize the capital that is approaching to the accounts of the super-rich, the high-frequency trading circles continuously and automatically propagated. As such, these still have a soul through donations. More boost through the construction of new facilities and infrastructure systems, the global economy. Maybe we can make it loses this circuit pump and level pump that drives the capital sea which is located on the high-frequency trading circle of strength thus the capital falls down where it is already reused again with skillful human action to also save what we have achieved to date and finally: For the first time in the modern history of humanity known to provide almost global equitable socialrelations.

This was a try to write an kind of politikal doctrin marshall plan.

2016 01

EDEN 2.0 PDF English PDF, excerpts

some breewing ANE Solutions German ANE Solutions English

EDEN, if eden is this world, i dont belive that version 1.0 will be real to make, but dont verget what we hawe reached till now.

20140509 (D) Closing workower while hoping in the power sleeping here on earth with all Scientists... OPEN SOURCE?

In the hope to have now get the goal to contact the MIT USA this project hoply will be go on with fraternity with the whole world. Recognise that every researching develloping institution has possibility to interakt.

In the Movie Armageddon there is an moment when the President talk to all the nations.

"Even the war´s that we had in history have bringed us to this historical moment."

The chance is real.


System International (European International Measuring System) DEFINITION BRIDGE

The Lore of Engineering

WARNING!!! Don´t trust online translations in speeches with chainsentencises while more errors compare even with the qoutation especialy in free fluency explanations witch is more coplexed with commas in implication of sense in the thema...!!!

This (...) for those that have no idea means please go on thinking this thesis on with all your knowledge to come on an next solution.

Eden is a dream, like that what we have created now in history, we need to manutence what we had construct till now in time, going to work for better.

So in [Modelthesis (;)] Eden is this Planeth Earth.

In the graphic overview from produktion infrastucture system the dashed green line is the question if system will be in selve ammortisation. The problem with raw material is that it is not possible to open an credit account for raw resources.