Pope Franziscus Primus sayed that gay marriage in church is no option, while gay people have a right to life and beeing tollerated... ... while belive me, sometimes to beeing gay is just something where the desire gets stronger as long as someone could not get a few expiences, where the danger in ewery relation is high and mutch higher in danger from sexually transmitted infectious diseases. Mostly it more an cuddling desire that keeps on growing where the most till in the age from 35 years find the first whoman and don´t need problems with the past like ewen problems with the Exgirlfiends.
One thing is shure, for an real first great love, there is ewen only one first chance.
Where I midwhile say to eweryones that search for a new relation to simply try first an 6 moths spending the most possible time togheter, till may beeing then two tree weeks nearly only in bedroom, and ewen to take care that all convolved persons find a new partner when an relation goes seperated ways, what happened to often going in far citys to study or work, where the most recognise to late that may it had could be better to stay toghether, work and may with todays possibilitys make a distant learning with an Distant Learning Studiing Akkademie.

... 2020.10.23

nearly all warnings are said, the most are explaned, this is no dark winter to come, while shurely a winter that could bekome hard, with this global pandemic that will may endure for more than 1,5 years.

explain, prevent, help eatch other...

Considering the katastrophes from the 1980s, we would shurely have lots brave Medics, Churepersonal, and Physiochitopraktik Personal more, when it hadn't happenet al that cheating lies and cruel bad games and wars, and shurely the concurrenz war in Chiropraktice was ewen hard, when in the moment here it semes that the most get noother help when someone refiuses an chirurgical intervent operation frim a Chirurg, when it is clear that only with an Chiropraktik Massage and Osteophaty the cure could need mire than 3 months, and the akes when the nerves are ckamped in contrakted bones are sometimes heavy, while it is ewen clearbthat tge most that gad have chirurgical intervent operations in the near from the spine from the Craniosacral System from the Human Body mostly hawe problems and akes for a livetime.

Mire than 40 months with 2 years akes where i found my new 9 from a skala till 10 in akes, and may it was not ewen an 7 for other people, while I hope that in 12 months I could sing like Mr. Gaga and dance like Van Halen again.

And what since 1984/85 mostly all gone wrong, where the moust in reality was searching for a real friend Person, a Komoliton, a Mentor Person, a Trainer and a real friendly Medic, and endet in Konkurence war´s from Chiropraktiker and Territorium positions.

Mit mir, kehre ein... Homohetze dagegen
I nearly swear that I´ll try to set and translate the necessary content without translations synonyms and slang errors to the Englisch speach when I find time for, where at the moment ewen the finaciation from an Workstage is in prework, and an Multilanguage is mutch more work and more costs...
The comming PrEP Katastropfe 2019

I ewen will try to find a littlebit acheless quality time to read the 3rd Enzyclica "Fratelli tutti" from Pope Franciscus Primus

Herr und Vater der Menschheit,du hast alle Menschen mit gleicher Würde erschaffen.Gieße den Geist der Geschwisterlichkeit in unsere Herzen ein.Wecke in uns den Wunsch nach einer neuen Art der Begegnung,nach Dialog, Gerechtigkeit und Frieden.Sporne uns an, allerorts bessere Gesellschaften aufzubauenund eine menschenwürdigere Weltohne Hunger und Armut, ohne Gewalt und Krieg.Gib, dass unser Herz sichallen Völkern und Nationen der Erde öffne,damit wir das Gute und Schöne erkennen,das du in sie eingesät hast,damit wir engere Beziehungen knüpfenvereint in der Hoffnung und in gemeinsamen Zielen. Amen.

3te Enzüklika von Pabst Franziskus der Erste,
erschinen in Rom am 3ten Oktober 2020 n.J.Cr.

Großer Gott, wünsch mir auch eine schnellere Genesung, ohne Rückenschmerzen, da findet sich die Geistesruhe auch um einiges leichter, wie wenn das verdammte zu wenig Geld Problem nicht schon genügend kraft kosten würde, wie kaum eine Woche mal zur Ruhe zu kommen in den letzten 45 Monaten.