Walking forward with shining stars,

allied trespassing the elysiums dreams,

not remaining drunken of fire,

at the revelation of the earhly sacre.

United with arts´ll rebring toghether,

what from destiny had been in shards devide,

all in this earth could be united humans,

where the softly wind will breath.

Who in honor had been able,

to truly be friend to friend,

finding even truly love,

participate, celebrate.

Who even only owns a soul,

on this earthy heveanly place,

friendly up protecting live, out stealing and falling excuding against crying you away from this new bond unite.


Walking forward with shining stars,

allied trespassing the elysiums dreams,


so now come on let's bring toghether this blue stars in pride,

walking toghether building freedom up in time honoring the human live.

United with arts´ll rebring toghether,

what from destiny had been in shards devide,

all in this earth will be united humans,

where the softly wind will breath.



living guiding with hope for peace anytime.