

± 201,3 million yrs. BC - ± 145 million yrs. BC. Found: Irkutsk Oblast, Russia (JN0504)

Actinolite Variety

Chemical Formula: Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2

Crystal System: Monoclinic

Crystal Habit: Massive

Mohs Scale: 5-6

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Splintery to granular

Color: Green, spotted, yellow to brown, white, gray, black

Streak: White

Luster: Dull, vitreous to greasy

Diaphaneity: Translucent to opaque

Nephrite The Other Jade.mp3

Nephrite: The Other Jade

Imagine a smooth, cool stone, its surface polished to a gentle shine. It might be a delicate creamy white, a vibrant forest green, or even a deep, almost black hue. This stone is nephrite, one of the two gemstones known as jade. For centuries, nephrite has been adored for its beauty, toughness, and the spiritual meanings people have connected with it.

What Exactly IS Nephrite?

Nephrite isn't a single mineral. Think of it like a special club! It's a type of rock made up mainly of two closely related minerals called tremolite and actinolite. These minerals are like cousins - similar, but with slightly different personalities.

A Word's Journey: The Name "Nephrite"

The word "nephrite" has an interesting backstory. It comes from the Greek word "nephros", which means "kidney."  Ancient people believed that nephrite could help with kidney problems. However, unlike some gemstones, there's no evidence to support its use in this way!

Nephrite vs. Jadeite: What's the Difference?

You might hear people talk about two types of jade. This is where it gets a tiny bit tricky!

Both nephrite and jadeite are beautiful, valuable, and used in all sorts of jewelry and carvings.

The Toughness of Nephrite

One of nephrite's greatest strengths is its toughness. "Toughness" in gems means how well they resist breaking or chipping. Nephrite is super tough! This quality made it valuable for tools and weapons in ancient times. Now, its strength makes it perfect for pieces of jewelry that you wear every day.

Nephrite in History

People have been using nephrite for thousands and thousands of years. Some of the most fascinating examples come from ancient China:

Nephrite's story isn't just about China, though.  Here are a few more fascinating facts:

Nephrite Today (2023)

Nephrite remains a valued gemstone. Here's how it's used now:

Exploring Nephrite Further

If you're fascinated by nephrite, here are some ways to learn more!

Nephrite, in short, is a gemstone steeped in history, toughness, and beauty. It's a reminder that the natural world holds hidden treasures waiting to be discovered!