Lapis Lazuli

± 3,2 billion yrs. BC - ± 2,8 billion yrs. BC. Found: Sar-e-Sang, Afghanistan (JN0419)

Blue Feldspathoid Silicate

Chemical Formula: (Na, Ca)8(AlSiO4)6(SO4 , S, Cl)2 

Crystal System: Isometric

Crystal Habit: Crystalsoccur as dodecahedra, or rarely cubes, granular, disseminated or massive

Mohs Scale: 5,5

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Uneven

Color: Sky blue

Streak: Blue

Luster: Vitreous to greasy shine

Diaphaneity: Translucent to opaque

Lapis Lazuli A Journey Through the Blue Ston.mp3

Lapis Lazuli: A Journey Through the Blue Stone

Imagine a vibrant blue stone, so captivating that it's been treasured for thousands of years. This is lapis lazuli, a rock with a rich history and a color so striking that it has inspired artists, poets, and rulers throughout the ages. Let's dive into the fascinating world of lapis lazuli and uncover its secrets.

What is Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis lazuli isn't a mineral in the typical sense. Instead, it's a rock, a remarkable blend of different minerals that work together to create its unique charm.  Here's a breakdown of its key ingredients:

While lazurite, calcite, and pyrite are the primary players in lapis lazuli's composition, other minerals can occasionally join the dance. Here are a few interesting additions:

These minerals intertwine in a beautiful dance, creating patterns that make each piece of lapis lazuli unique.

Etymology:  The Word's Journey

The name "lapis lazuli" has a fascinating journey across languages. Here's its adventure:

So, lapis lazuli essentially means "blue stone," which perfectly captures its essence!

A Treasured Gemstone 

Lapis lazuli's captivating blue has made it a prized gemstone for centuries. Here's why it's so beloved:

A Journey Through Time: Lapis Lazuli in History

Let's travel through time and witness how lapis lazuli shaped history:

Let's extend our history lesson with more fascinating examples of how lapis lazuli has left its mark on civilizations:

Myths and Legends of a Blue Treasure

Beyond its beauty, lapis lazuli is often associated with wisdom, truth, and inner peace.  Across cultures, it has been believed to possess special properties:

Where Does Lapis Lazuli Come From?

The most sought-after lapis lazuli still comes from the mountains of Afghanistan, where it has been mined for over 6.000 years! Other notable sources include parts of Russia, Chile, the United States, and Canada. However, Afghanistan remains the heart and soul of the lapis lazuli trade.

Lapis lazuli, with its stunning color, rich history, and timeless appeal, continues to be a sought-after gemstone and a source of inspiration for artists, spiritual seekers, and lovers of natural beauty worldwide.