

± 14,5 million yrs. BC - ± 14,3 million yrs. BC. Found: Nördlinger Rieskrater, Germany (JN0734)

Metamorphic Rock (Impactite)

Chemical Formula: CaO, CO2, MgO

Crystal System: Amorphous

Crystal Habit: Fragments of different rock types as well as glass and crystal inclusions, coarse-grained

Mohs Scale: 5,5

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Uneven

Color: Black, brown, green, gray, pink, colorless

Streak: Light to dark brown

Luster: Earthy

Diaphaneity: Opaque

Suevite A Rock Born from Cosmic Chaos.mp3

Suevite: A Rock Born from Cosmic Chaos

Imagine a space rock, a massive asteroid, hurtling through the emptiness of the cosmos. Its journey ends in a fiery collision with our planet Earth. This isn't science fiction – it's happened many times in Earth's history, leaving behind gargantuan scars called impact craters.  But out of this fiery destruction, something unique is born: suevite!

What is Suevite?

Suevite is a special kind of rock that forms only during meteorite impacts. Here's why it's so extraordinary:

A Word with History: The Swabian Stone

The word "suevite" has a neat backstory. It comes from an old name for a region in southern Germany called Swabia. Why? Because the very first suevite studied by scientists was found in a famous German crater called the Ries Crater. It was like a special stone from Swabia, so it became known as the "Swabian stone".

How Suevite Forms: A Violent Recipe

The birth of suevite is, well, explosive! Here's a simplified recipe:

Famous Suevite Sites

Suevite's been found at impact craters across the globe. Some of the most famous spots include:

Why Study Suevite?

Okay, but why is some impact rock so exciting? Here's the thing:

What Suevite Might Tell Us

With each piece of suevite studied, we get closer to solving mysteries like:

Suevite in a Nutshell

Think of suevite as a cosmic souvenir, a physical reminder of the incredible collisions that have shaped our planet. It’s a testament to the powerful forces at play throughout Earth's history and might even reveal things useful to our future. That's why suevite is one awesome rock!