

± 11.700 yrs. BC - ± 2018. Found: Sesfontein, Namibia (JN0003-5)

Finely Divided Rock & Mineral Particles

Chemical Formula: Most common SiO2 with feldspar

Crystal System: Trigonal

Crystal Habit: Mixture of small grains of rock and granular materials

Mohs Scale: 6-7

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Conchoidal

Color: Pale cream to golden to caramel, red brown, pink, orange, purple, green, and black

Streak: White

Luster: Greasy or waxy

Diaphaneity: Opaque to translucent

Sand A World in Tiny Grains.mp3

Sand: A World in Tiny Grains

Think of a beach. What do you see? Soft, sparkling sand stretching as far as you can see! But what exactly is sand?

What is Sand?

Where Does Sand Come From?

Sand comes from different places depending on where you are in the world:

The History of Sand

Sand is super old! Here's why:

Sand is Everywhere!

You might think sand is just for beaches, but it's used in loads of things:

Etymology: The Word "Sand"

The word "sand" is super old and comes from ancient languages. It's related to words in German, Dutch, and other old languages of Europe.

Some Fun Sand Facts

Protecting our Sand

Sand is a wonderful natural resource but it's important to use it responsibly. Overusing sand, especially from beaches, can harm coastal environments and endanger the wildlife that lives there. It's something to keep in mind as we enjoy all the things sand offers!

Remember, a beach might look simple, but the next time you step on the sand it's a whole world of wonder waiting to be explored!