

± 23,03 million yrs. BC to ± 2,588 million yrs. BC. Found: Agra, India (JN0611)

Metamorphic Limestone

Chemical Formula: Mainly CaCO3

Crystal System: Variable 

Crystal Habit: Interlocking mosaic of calcite crystals

Mohs Scale: 2,5-3

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Uneven, granular 

Color: Almost all colors are possible

Streak: Usually white

Luster: Earthy, greasy

Diaphaneity: Transluscent

Marble A Timeless Treasure.mp3

Marble: A Timeless Treasure

Marble is a remarkable natural stone that has captivated human imagination and ingenuity for centuries. Its elegance, strength, and unique patterns have made it a symbol of beauty, luxury, and historical significance. In this educational exploration, we'll delve into the definition, etymology, formation, history, and fascinating properties of marble.

What is Marble?

Marble is a type of metamorphic rock. This means it was originally a different type of rock that has transformed over time due to intense heat and pressure within the Earth's crust. The original rock type for marble is limestone or dolomite, which are primarily composed of calcium carbonate.

Under the immense forces within the Earth, the structure and texture of limestone or dolomite recrystallize. The individual mineral grains grow larger and become interlocked. This process gives marble its distinctive smooth, dense, and often subtly veined appearance. Impurities within the original limestone or dolomite can result in the beautiful colors and patterns we see in various marble types.

Etymology: Shining Stone

The word "marble" has ancient roots. It comes from the Greek word "mármaros," meaning "shining stone." This accurately describes marble's ability to take a high polish and reflect light beautifully.

How Marble Forms: A Geological Journey

Marble formation is a fascinating geological process that occurs over millions of years. Here's how it happens:

History of Marble: From Ancient Art to Modern Marvels

Humans have cherished marble for millennia. Here's a glimpse into its rich history:

Types and Colors of Marble

Marble is incredibly diverse. Here are some of its most well-known varieties:

Properties of Marble

Important Note: Marble is slightly more susceptible to scratches and etching by acidic substances compared to some other stones, like granite.