

± 11.700 BC - ± 3000 BC. Found: Lathum, Netherlands (JN0009-10)

Sedimentary Cryptocrystalline Silicon Dioxide

Chemical Formula: More than 90 % SiO2

Crystal System: Rhombohedral

Crystal Habit: Cryptocrystalline or amorphous quartz as nodules or masses in sedimentary rocks

Mohs Scale: 6,5-7

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Splintery, Conchoidal, sub-conchoidal

Color: Gray, black, brown, red, white and other colors due to staining

Streak: White

Luster: Waxy, dull

Diaphaneity: Translucent, opaque

Flint A Rock with a Storied Past.mp3

Flint: A Rock with a Storied Past

Have you ever picked up a smooth, dark stone along a beach or riverbank? You may have been holding a piece of flint. Flint is a unique rock with a fascinating history, and it has played a significant role in the development of human civilizations for thousands of years. In this article, we'll delve into the world of flint – from what it is and how it came to be, to the numerous ways it has been used throughout human history.

What on Earth is Flint?

Imagine walking barefoot on a prehistoric beach. Ouch! You stub your toe on something like a smooth, sharp rock. That, my friend, could very well be flint.

Flint is a super-hard, sedimentary rock. Sedimentary means it formed over millions of years as tiny particles and minerals got squished together, bit by bit. Flint is special because it's mostly something called silica, the same stuff in most sand and the sparkling mineral quartz.

Now, think about that quartz. Ever seen those pretty, sometimes clear crystals? Well, in flint, the crystals are microscopic, all jumbled and crammed in tight – that's what makes flint so darn tough.

Flint: the Word Nerd Alert

The word "flint" comes from way back. Think ancient languages like Old English ("flint") and even Proto-Germanic ("flintaz"). Linguists (those are word detectives) aren't sure where the word originated, but it seems even the earliest humans recognized that this strange, sharp rock deserved a name of its own.

Okay, but why is Flint so cool?

A Look Back: Flint Through the Ages

Flint: It's All About That Journey

Now, flint by itself might not seem like a big deal. But its story is about more than just a rock.

Want to get hands-on with flint?

So, the next time you see a smooth, oddly shaped rock, consider if it might be a piece of flint. Imagine its super-long journey and the role it may have played in the hands of a prehistoric hunter or craftsperson long, long ago.