

± 2,05 billion yrs. BC - ± 1,8 billion yrs. BC. Found: Stockholm, Sweden (JN0009-1)

Coarse-Grained Intrusive Ingenous Rock

Chemical Formula: 72% SiO2, 14% Al2O3, 4% K2O, 4% Na2O, 2% CaO, 2% FeO, 1% Fe2O3, 1% MgO, rest TiO2, P2O5, MnO

Crystal System: Monoclinic

Crystal Habit: Nearly always massive, completely crystalline

Mohs Scale: 6-7

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Fractal

Color: Black, Gray, Orange, Pink, White

Streak: White

Luster: Dull to grainy with sporadic parts pearly and vitreous

Diaphaneity: Opaque

Exploring Granite A Guide for Young Minds.mp3

Exploring Granite: A Guide for Young Minds

Have you ever admired the smooth, polished surface of a kitchen countertop or walked across a sturdy, cobbled street? There's a good chance the material beneath your hands or feet was granite. Granite is one of the most abundant and widely used rocks on Earth. From grand monuments to everyday objects, granite has shaped human civilization. Let's dive into the world of granite, exploring its definition, origin, uses, and fascinating history. 

What is Granite?

Picture a rock that's super tough and has beautiful speckles and swirls of different colors. That's granite! Granite is a type of igneous rock, which means it was formed from hot, molten rock called magma.

Imagine the Earth's insides as a fiery kitchen. Deep underground, it's so hot that rocks melt into a thick, gooey liquid – that's magma! Over time, this magma slowly cools, hardens, and turns into solid rock. The way the magma cools and the different minerals in it control the colors and patterns you find in granite.

Granite is all around us! Its super strength makes it perfect for things we want to last, like countertops in kitchens and buildings. You might also find it in statues, monuments, bridges, and roads.

A Word with History: The Origin of "Granite"

The term "granite" comes from the Latin word granum, which means "grain." This is super fitting because when you look closely at granite, you'll see it's made up of lots of tiny grains.  These grains are actually crystals of different minerals that grew together as the magma cooled.

The Ingredients of Granite

Think of granite like a super-mineral cookie! It has three main ingredients:

Granite the Geologist: Clues in the Colors

The colors and patterns of granite can tell a story! Let's be rock detectives:

A Trip Through Granite's History

Granite is as old as the hills, literally! Some of the oldest granite found is billions of years old.  Let's dive into some exciting granite moments in history:

Why is Granite So Awesome?

Let's sum up why granite rocks (pun intended!)

Granite: A Rock for the Ages

From deep within the Earth to our modern world, granite has played a starring role. Its strength, beauty, and the story it tells make it an awesome rock that has touched history. Next time you come across a piece of granite, remember, you're looking at a piece of ancient history and the incredible power of nature!