

± 66 million yrs. BC - ± 2,588 million yrs. BC. Found: Tehuitzingo, Mexico (JN0610)

Antigorite Variety (Magnesium Silicate) 

Chemical Formula: Mg3Si2O5(OH)4

Crystal System: Monoclinic

Crystal Habit: Massive to platy

Mohs Scale: 2,5-3,5

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven

Color: Green, gray, white, brown or yellow

Streak: White

Luster: Greasy

Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent

Understanding Bowenite A Gemstone Journey for Curious Minds.mp3

Understanding Bowenite: A Gemstone Journey for Curious Minds

Have you ever seen a beautiful, smooth stone with a gentle green hue, and wondered what it might be? There's a chance you've encountered Bowenite, an intriguing and somewhat lesser-known gemstone that holds history, science, and even a touch of mystery. Let's explore what makes Bowenite unique and why it has fascinated people across cultures and throughout time. 

What is Bowenite?

Imagine a smooth, greenish stone that feels a bit waxy to the touch. It might be light green, dark green, or even yellowish. This is bowenite, a unique gemstone that's captured the attention of people for centuries.

While bowenite isn't a super well-known gem like a diamond or ruby, it has several interesting qualities:

Where Does the Name "Bowenite" Come From?

This unusual name has a scientific origin story. In 1822, an American chemist named George T. Bowen carefully analyzed the mineral. He realized it was a special type of serpentine, and to honor his work, the mineral was named "bowenite" by another  scientist, James D. Dana, in 1850.

Bowenite Around the World

Bowenite isn't super easy to find. Here are a few of the places where it's mined:

Bowenite Through the Ages

Bowenite has been appreciated and used by various cultures throughout history:

Bowenite's Many Faces

Due to its colors and the way it takes a polish, bowenite is sometimes given other names :

Is Bowenite Just a Pretty Stone?

While bowenite is appreciated for its looks, some people believe it has other properties as well:

Important Note: It's perfectly fine to enjoy bowenite as a beautiful gemstone with a rich history. However, if you're thinking of using it for healing or spiritual purposes, it's crucial to remember that its benefits are not scientifically proven and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice.