

± 2,588 million years BC - ± 2000 AD. Found: Santander, Colombia (JN0603)

Semi-Fossilized Resin

Chemical Formula: Very variable

Crystal System: Amorphous

Crystal Habit: None

Mohs Scale: 2-2,5

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Conchoidal

Color: Yellow, sometimes orange to red

Streak: White

Luster: Resin luster

Diaphaneity: Translucent to opaque

The Curious Case of Copal Resin with a Rich History.mp3

The Curious Case of Copal: Resin with a Rich History

Have you ever seen a beautiful piece of amber jewelry? Well, there's a chance it might not be real amber, but something called copal, a close cousin with a fascinating story of its own. Today (2023), we'll delve into the world of copal, exploring its definition, origins, historical significance, and modern uses.

What is Copal?

Copal, simply put, is a tree resin. Imagine a sticky sap that oozes out of certain trees, hardens over time, and takes on unique properties. This resin comes from various tropical trees, mainly in the Burseraceae and Fabaceae families. While often compared to amber, copal is younger and softer, with a yellowish-brown color that can range from almost transparent to a deep, rich hue.

The Name Game: Where Does "Copal" Come From?

The word "copal" has a journey of its own. It likely originated from the Nahuatl language, spoken by the Aztecs in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. In Nahuatl, "copalli" translates to "resin", reflecting the substance's natural essence. As explorers and trade routes expanded, the term "copal" spread across the globe, becoming the widely used name for this intriguing resin.

A Journey Through Time: Copal's Historical Significance

Copal's story stretches back centuries, intertwined with the cultures and traditions of various civilizations. Here are some fascinating glimpses into its historical significance:

Beyond History: Modern Uses of Copal

While copal's historical significance is undeniable, it still holds relevance in the modern world. Here are some of its current applications:

The Takeaway: A Resin with a Story

Copal is more than just a tree sap; it's a window into different cultures, historical practices, and the ingenuity of humankind. From its sacred role in ancient rituals to its modern applications, copal's journey continues to captivate and inspire. So, the next time you encounter something made with copal, remember the rich history and diverse uses embedded within this remarkable resin.