
(1991 to nowadays)

What happened?

Postmodernism or post-modernism is a late 20th century movement characterized by broad skepticism, subjectivism, relativism, a general suspicion of reason, an acute sensitivity to the role of ideology in asserting political and economic power.

Some schools of thought hold that modernity ended in the 1980s or early 1990. Others would extend the modernity to cover the developments denoted by postmodernity, while others believe that modernity ended sometime after WWII. The idea of a post-modern condition is sometimes characterized as a culture is stripped of its capacity to function in any linear or autonomous state, opposed to the progressive mind state of modernism.

Postmodernity can mean different things, we follow on our website the historical perspectives on the developments of postmodern art and postmodern society. It is the result of a evolving culture of the contemporary world. Some people deny that modernity ended and consider the period after the Second Word War as the Late Modernity.

The first phase overlaps the end of modernity and is part of the modern period. Television became the primary news source, manufacturing decreased in importance in the Western Europe economics. Trade volumes increased within the developed core. The baby boom generation from 1967 to 1969 took a crucial cultural place. Its fundamental experience of society, demanded entrance into the political, cultural and educational power structure. A series of demonstrations and acts of violence represented the opposition of the young to the policies and perspectives of the previous age. They took opposition to the Algerian War, Vietnam War, racial segregation, woman discrimination, use of marijuana and psychedelics. The use of television and radio helped make these changes visible in the broader cultural context.

A second phase is digitality. The increasing power of personal and digital means of communication including fax machines, modems, cable and internet altered the condition of postmodernity dramatically. Digital production of information allows individuals to manipulate virtually every aspect of the media environment. Where is the border between intellectual capital and intellectual property?

One big demarcation point of this period is the collapse of the Soviet Union and the liberalization of China in 1991. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was just the beginning.

Oerlikon ammo OE 79 35 mm Shot (Inert)

Inert 35mm Shot. Found: Germany (JN0159)

Oerlikon Ammo OE 79

± 1994

An inert handling cartridge. A recycled steel shell, aluminum projectile. The borehole has been enlarged and a threaded plug has been fitted in place. These are used for teaching and training, during military training. Apart from the lack of propellant and primer, these are exactly like the explosive one. Firing a firearm with an empty chamber can damage the weapon. That is why such dummies are used.

The Flab Can 63 cannon, a fixed, towed, or anti-aircraft gun, was developed in Switzerland in the late 1950s. For the range of automatic guns, a range of extremely powerful ammunition was designed to compete with the classic Bofors 44mm due to its high rate of fire of 550 shots/minute. With an effective range of 4 km. The Germans used it in the Gepard vehicle. The dual arrangement was mounted on different vehicles.

Traditional ammunition includes a 550-gr projectile. With a speed of 1175 m/sec, the projectile has a green painted steel shell. This specimen has an unpainted projectile. Normally the projectile is painted in various colors, depending on the function of the projectile. During WWII, planes were equipped with bombs to attack ground targets. Those bombers were suitable for transporting bombs. There were different kinds. Some bombs were made to attack ships, others to attack armored ground targets. To make them easily recognizable during battle, a color code was used with the ammunition. Each color (combination) had its own function to achieve a certain goal. Each country also has its own markings. Which makes it impossible to give a general example here.