

Found: 1526, Basel, Switzerland (JN0644)

Element 30 - Zinc (Zn)

Symbol: Zn

Atomic number: 30

Group: Group 12

Period: Period 4

Block: D-block 

Category: Transition metal

Color: Silver-gray

Zinc The Mighty Mineral for Growing Teens.mp3

Zinc: The Mighty Mineral for Growing Teens

Hey there, teens! Ever wondered what makes your hair shine, your immune system strong, and your taste buds sing? Well, a hidden hero called zinc plays a crucial role in all these and much more! Today (2022), we'll delve into the fascinating world of zinc, exploring its definition, history, and why it's particularly important for you during your adolescent years.

What is Zinc?

Zinc is a mineral, a naturally occurring element found in the Earth's crust. It's essential for various bodily functions, playing a vital role in:

The Etymology of Zinc

The word "zinc" has a fascinating history. It's believed to have originated from the German word "zink," which translates to "tooth" or "prong." This likely refers to the pointed, jagged crystals of zinc metal. Interestingly, the ancient Romans called zinc "lapis calaminaris," meaning "calamine stone," referring to the mineral from which zinc was first extracted.

A Historical Journey of Zinc

Zinc has been around for millions of years, but its journey as a recognized element is quite interesting. Here's a glimpse into its historical timeline:

Why is Zinc Important for Adolescents?

As teenagers, you're experiencing rapid physical and hormonal changes. Your body needs adequate zinc to support these crucial developments:

Getting Enough Zinc:

Most adolescents can get their daily recommended intake of zinc (around 8-11 mg/day) through a balanced diet rich in:

If you're concerned about getting enough zinc, consult a registered dietitian or healthcare professional for personalized advice. They can assess your individual needs and recommend dietary modifications or supplements if necessary.

Remember: While zinc is crucial for your health, excessive intake can be harmful. Always stick to recommended dosages and consult a healthcare professional before taking any supplements.


Zinc, though often overlooked, is a vital mineral that plays a significant role in your health, especially during adolescence. By understanding its importance, history, and how to get enough through your diet, you can ensure your body has the building blocks it needs to thrive throughout this crucial stage of your life. So, embrace the power of zinc and fuel your journey towards a healthy and vibrant future!