Lava Rock

Lava Rock

± 10.960 yrs. BC. Found: Mendig, Laacher See, Eifel, Germany (JN0009-8)

Pumice Variety (Scoria)

Chemical Formula: 50% Silica , 10% calcium oxide with contents of potash and soda

Crystal System: Amorphous or variable

Crystal Habit: Vesicular massive

Mohs Scale: 5-6

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Conchoidal

Color: Dark brown, black or purplish-red

Streak: White

Luster: Subvitreous to dull

Diaphaneity: Opaque

Lava Rocks Earth's Fiery Creations.mp3

Lava Rocks: Earth's Fiery Creations

Have you ever seen a volcano erupt, spewing fiery rivers of molten rock? That incredible, glowing substance is called lava. Once it cools and solidifies, it transforms into the fascinating material known as lava rock. Lava rocks are a window into the Earth's fiery heart, offering us clues about the powerful forces that shape our planet. In this exploration, we'll dive into the world of lava rocks, uncovering their definition, origins, properties, and historical significance.

What on Earth is Lava Rock?

Picture a volcano, that fiery, cone-shaped mountain with smoke billowing from the top. When a volcano erupts, it doesn't just spit smoke; it also blasts out red-hot liquid rock called lava. This lava is like melted stone, glowing and flowing like a super-thick, slow-moving river.

Lava rock is what happens when that super-heated liquid rock finally cools and hardens. It becomes solid, often creating fascinating shapes, textures, and even holes (those are from gas bubbles that got trapped!).

Word Nerd Time - The Story Behind "Lava"

The word "lava" actually comes from the Italian word "lavare," which means "to wash." Think of a volcano as washing the Earth's inside with a fiery shower of molten rock!

Types of Lava Rock – Not Just One Kind!

Here's where things get interesting – there's not just one type of lava rock. Here are some of the most common ones:

Lava Rock Superpowers

Why should we care about these cool-looking rocks? Well, lava rocks aren't just pretty to look at, they have some neat uses too:

A Trip Through Lava History

Lava rocks have been around as long as volcanoes, which means they have a super long history, dating back way before humans even existed! Here's a quick timeline:

The Science of it All: How Lava Becomes Rock

Here's a neat mini-science lesson on how that flowing lava turns into hard rock:

Remember: Lava rock is a reminder of the incredible forces at work within our planet.  What  seems like just a simple rock is actually a piece of fiery history, frozen in time!