
± 2,3 billion yrs. BC. - ± 2,05 billion yrs. BC. Found: Ampanihy Ouest, Madagascar (JN0428)

Iron Aluminium Silicate

Chemical Formula: Fe2+3Al2Si3O12 

Crystal System: Cubic

Crystal Habit: Rounded crystals with 12 rhombic or 24 trapezoidal faces, combinations are possible

Mohs Scale: 7-7,5

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Conchoidal

Color: Reddish orange to red, purplish red to reddish purple, dark in tone

Streak: White

Luster: Vitreous to greasy

Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent

What is Almandine A Gemstone Journey for Curious Teens.mp3

What is Almandine? A Gemstone Journey for Curious Teens

Imagine a gemstone the color of a juicy pomegranate, with a sparkle that hints at hidden depths. That captivating gem is known as almandine. It's a member of the garnet family, a group of minerals with fascinating properties and a rich history.

A Name with History

The word "almandine" sounds a bit mysterious, right? Its origins are just as intriguing. It comes from an ancient name, "alabandicus," used by a Roman scholar named Pliny the Elder. He was describing a stone worked on in Alabanda, an ancient city in what is now (2021) known as Turkey. Over time, "alabandicus" transformed into the name we know today (2021) – almandine.

Almandine:  The Basics

Let's get a bit scientific to understand almandine fully:

Where on Earth is Almandine Found?

Almandine is a globetrotter! This gemstone pops up in various locations around the world, including:

It's important to remember that almandine likes to hang out in special rock formations:

A Gem Through the Ages

Almandine isn't just a pretty stone – people have treasured it for centuries! Here's a peek into its history:

Almandine: More than Meets the Eye

Almandine is more than just a sparkly red mineral. Here are some other cool facts about it:

There you have it – a whirlwind tour into the world of the fascinating almandine garnet! From its intriguing name to its history and unique properties, it's a gemstone that offers a blend of beauty, science, and cultural significance.