

± 4 billion yrs. BC - ± 2,5 billion yrs. BC. Found: Onega, Karelia, Russia (JN0838)


Chemical Formula: 5% - 80% C + quartz, feldspars, chlorite, rutile and sulfur

Crystal System: Amorphous

Crystal Habit: Noncrystalline carbon with trace amounts of fullerenes

Mohs Scale: 3,5-4

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Concoidal

Color: Anthracite gray to deep black

Streak: Black

Luster: Shiny silvery black semimetallic

Diaphaneity: Opaque

Shungite A Unique and Mysterious Rock.mp3

Shungite: A Unique and Mysterious Rock

Shungite is a fascinating rock with a mysterious past, making it a topic of interest for geologists and those intrigued by alternative health and wellness.  Let's dive into everything you need to know about shungite!

What exactly is Shungite?

Shungite is a rare, black, lustrous rock primarily composed of carbon.  Scientists classify it as a type of metamorphosed coal.  What makes shungite truly unique is that it contains fullerenes, which are soccer-ball-shaped molecules made entirely of carbon atoms. Fullerenes are a rare type of carbon configuration, fascinating scientists since their discovery!

Shungite comes in several types, each with a different carbon content:

Word Origins: Where Does "Shungite" Come From?

Shungite gets its name from the village of Shunga in Karelia, Russia. This region is the only place in the world where large deposits of this unique rock have been found.

The History of Shungite: A Story Unfolding

Shungite is exceptionally old! Scientists believe it formed about two billion years BC. Its origins are a subject of debate, with several theories proposed. Here are some of the leading ideas:

Although the exact origin of shungite remains a puzzle, its presence on Earth billions of years BC undeniably sparks curiosity.

Traditional Uses of Shungite

Humans have interacted with shungite for centuries. Here's the scoop on its known historical uses:

Shungite in the Modern World

Today (2023), shungite's popularity has expanded even further and its supposed properties are touted in various industries:

A Note on Scientific Research

It's crucial to remember that while shungite has a rich history and some intriguing uses, there's limited scientific evidence to fully support many of the claims regarding its benefits.  More research is needed to determine the true potential of shungite.