
Found: 1808, London, UK (JN0336)

Element 20 - Calcium (Ca)

Symbol: Ca

Atomic number: 20

Group: Group 2

Period: Period 4

Block: S-block 

Category: Alkaline earth metal

Color: Dull grey, silver

Calcium The Mighty Mineral Building Your Bones (and More!).mp3

Calcium: The Mighty Mineral Building Your Bones (and More!)

Hey there, fellow adolescents! Have you ever heard of calcium? You probably have, since it's often linked to strong bones and milk mustaches. But there's a whole lot more to this mineral than meets the eye (or mouth!). So, get ready to dive into the exciting world of calcium!

What is Calcium?

Imagine your body as a complex Lego set. To build it strong and resilient, you need different bricks, right? Calcium is one of those essential bricks, a mineral found in your bones, teeth, and even muscles. It's like the building block for strength and support. But that's not all! Calcium also plays a vital role in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and hormone regulation. In short, it's pretty important stuff!

Etymology: Where does the name "calcium" come from?

The word "calcium" has some cool roots! It comes from the Latin word "calx," which means lime. Why? Because back in the day, alchemists (early scientists) discovered calcium oxide (quicklime) by heating limestone. Although they didn't know it was an element, they recognized its unique properties.

The History of Calcium: From Roman baths to your smoothie!

Calcium's history is fascinating! Romans used baths with lime (calcium oxide) for medicinal purposes, not knowing they were reaping the benefits of the element itself. In the 18th century, scientists finally isolated calcium and unlocked its secrets. Today (2024), we understand its importance for health and find it in various sources, from dairy products to leafy greens and fortified foods.

Why is Calcium Important for Adolescents?

You're probably going through some major growth spurts right now. Guess what? Calcium is your best friend during this transformation! Your body is building bones at an accelerated rate, and getting enough calcium ensures they become strong and dense. This sets the stage for healthy bones throughout your life and helps prevent osteoporosis later on.

But wait, there's more! Calcium also helps with muscle function, which is key for all those sports and activities you love. It even plays a role in brain development and mood regulation. So, getting enough calcium can boost your energy, mental focus, and overall well-being.

How Much Calcium Do You Need?

The magic number for adolescents is 1.300 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day. That might sound like a lot, but don't worry, there are delicious ways to reach it!

Where to Find Calcium:

Bonus Tips for Calcium Power:

Remember: Getting enough calcium is an investment in your future health. Strong bones, better muscle function, and a happy brain are just some of the rewards! So, grab your calcium-rich snacks, lace up your shoes, and embrace a healthy lifestyle. Your body will thank you for it!

P.S. This is just a starting point. Keep exploring and learning about calcium and other essential nutrients for a healthy and vibrant you!