

± 358,9 million yrs. BC. Found: Germany (JN0009-4)

Fine-Grained Extrusive Igneous Rock

Chemical Formula: 45-52% SiO2

Crystal System: Small, fine-grained

Crystal Habit: Crystalline, short columnar structure

Mohs Scale: 6

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Conchoidal

Color: Dark gray to black

Streak: White to gray

Luster: Dull

Diaphaneity: Opaque

Basalt A Volcanic Rock with a Rich History.mp3

Basalt: A Volcanic Rock with a Rich History

Imagine a world where fiery rivers of molten rock flow across the land, shaping and reshaping the Earth's surface. This is the world of volcanoes, where a remarkable rock called basalt is born.  Basalt covers more of our planet's surface than any other type of rock – it creates most of the ocean floor and even makes up parts of the Moon!  Let's dive into the fascinating story of basalt, uncovering its definition, origins, and the secrets it holds about our planet's fiery past. 

What on Earth is Basalt?

Imagine the Earth's fiery heart – a place where molten rock called magma bubbles and churns.  Sometimes, this magma forces its way to the surface through cracks and fissures, erupting in spectacular volcanic explosions.  When this magma spills out as fiery lava and cools,  it often hardens into a dark, dense rock called basalt.

Basalt is one of the most common rocks on our planet. In fact, it covers about 70% of the Earth's surface!  You can find it forming the vast plains of the ocean floor, as well as towering volcanic mountains and islands. It's a rock that tells the story of our planet's dynamic and ever-changing nature.

A Closer Look at Basalt

Basalt is an igneous rock. Do you know what that means? Igneous comes from the Latin word "ignis," meaning fire. Igneous rocks are born from fire, from the cooling and hardening of molten magma or lava.

Basalt has a special kind of composition:

What's in a Name? The Story of the Word "Basalt"

The word "basalt" comes with an interesting tale! Here's the scoop:

Basalt Through the Ages: A Historical Journey

Basalt Today (2024): More Than Just a Rock

Basalt isn't just a cool rock with a fascinating past; it has many modern uses too:

So, the next time you see a dark gray or black rock, take a closer look - it just might be basalt! Remember, this simple-looking rock tells a mighty story of fire, volcanoes, and the ever-changing nature of our extraordinary planet.