

± 2,588 million yrs. BC - ± 2000 AD. Found: Sierra Gorda, Chile (JN0521)

Copper Aluminium Phyllosilicate

Chemical Formula: Cu2AlH2Si2O5(OH)4 

Crystal System: Amorphous

Crystal Habit: Massive, nodular, botryoidal

Mohs Scale: 2-4

Tenacity: Brittle to sectile

Fracture: Conchoidal

Color: Green to blue

Streak: White to green

Luster: Vitreous to greasy

Diaphaneity: Translucent to opaque

Chrysocolla A Gem of Hidden Depths.mp3

Chrysocolla: A Gem of Hidden Depths

Imagine a stone that captures the essence of a tropical ocean – deep blues swirling with vibrant greens, sometimes even a touch of earthy brown. That's chrysocolla, a mesmerizing mineral that has fascinated people for centuries. Let's dive into the science, history, and mystery surrounding this captivating gem.

What is Chrysocolla?

Chrysocolla isn't just a single mineral—it's kind of a mixed bag!  Here's the science behind it:

The Name Game: Word Origins

The name "chrysocolla" has an interesting backstory. It comes from ancient Greek:

This name was likely inspired by the use of similar-looking minerals in soldering gold back in ancient times.

Chrysocolla Through the Ages

People have admired and used chrysocolla for a surprisingly long time! Here's a quick timeline:

Where Do We Find Chrysocolla?

Chrysocolla forms a bit differently than many gems. Picture this:

This means you'll often find chrysocolla near copper mines in places like:

Beyond Beauty: Chrysocolla in Our World

While it's mostly known as a gemstone, chrysocolla has a few other interesting roles:

Chrysocolla Fun Facts

Ready for some extra tidbits of knowledge?

A Gemstone Unlike Any Other

Chrysocolla is a testament to the wonders of nature. Its swirling colors, unique formation, and rich history make it an enchanting mineral. Whether you love it for its beauty, its story, or its possible spiritual significance,  chrysocolla is a treasure to behold!