

± 358,9 million yrs. BC - ± 323,2 million yrs. BC. Found: Beith, Ayrshire, UK (JN0009-3)

Clastic Sedimentary Rock

Chemical Formula: 58% Clay, 28% quartz, 6% feldspar, 5% carbonate, 2% iron, 1 % organic and rest of other materials

Crystal System: Amorphous

Crystal Habit: Amorphous, very fine-grained clay particles

Mohs Scale: 3

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Splintery

Color: Red, black, buff, brown, green, gray and yellow

Streak: White

Luster: Dull

Diaphaneity: Opaque

Shale The Story of a Sedimentary Rock.mp3

Shale: The Story of a Sedimentary Rock

Rocks aren't just lifeless objects lying around. If you look at them closely, you'll discover that each one carries a story about Earth's incredible history.  Today (2024), let's unravel the mysteries surrounding one special rock – "shale". Get ready to embark on a journey through time and learn all about this fascinating natural creation.

What is Shale?

Imagine taking some really fine mud – the sticky kind you might find at the bottom of a lake – and compressing it over millions of years.  Add in some tiny grains of minerals like quartz, and that's basically shale! It's a type of rock, and here's what makes it special:

The Word "Shale" – Where Does it Come From?

The word "shale" has a bit of a journey in its history.  It might have come from:

Shale: An Ancient Storyteller

Studying shale is like going on a treasure hunt through time, because:

History of Shale – How Humans Have Used It

People have found ways to make use of shale for a very long time. Here are a few examples:

Shale and the Environment

Finding and using the resources hidden inside shale rocks comes with both benefits and issues:

So What's the Big Deal about Shale?

Shale might seem like just another boring rock, but it actually tells a fascinating story:

There you have it! Shale in a nutshell: a flaky rock with a big story to tell.