

± 2,588 million yrs. BC - ± 1,806 million yrs. BC. Found: Laghman, Afghanistan (JN0614)

Spodumene Variety (Lithium Aluminium Silicate)

Chemical Formula: LiAlSi2O6

Crystal System: Monoclinic

Crystal Habit: Prismatic, commonly massive

Mohs Scale: 6,5-7,5

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Uneven

Color: Green

Streak: White

Luster: Vitreous

Diaphaneity: Transparent, translucent

Hiddenite The Emerald's Little Cousin.mp3

Hiddenite: The Emerald's Little Cousin

Imagine a gemstone that shimmers with a soft, emerald green light.  It's more subtle than a true emerald's vibrant hue, but still captivating in its own way. This alluring stone is called Hiddenite, and it's got a fascinating story to tell.

What is Hiddenite?

Hiddenite is a rare and beautiful variety of the mineral spodumene. Spodumene sounds like a made-up word, but it's a real mineral – a type of silicate that includes other cool gemstones like the pink-purple kunzite. What sets Hiddenite apart is its distinct, pale green color, which is caused by tiny traces of the element chromium (the same stuff that makes rubies red!)

It's a relatively hard gemstone, ranking between 6,5-7 on the Mohs hardness scale. For comparison, a diamond scores a perfect 10 on that scale. This makes it durable enough for jewelry, but you'll want to take good care of your Hiddenite pieces just like other precious gems.

Etymology: A Name with a Story

Hiddenite's name has a hidden origin story of its own!  In 1879, a young man named William Earl Hidden was searching for platinum in North Carolina. He was a renowned mineral collector, so he kept an eye out for interesting finds. Lucky for him, he discovered some unusual green crystals in the soil. After further research, a mineralogist named Joseph Lawrence Smith confirmed these were a unique type of spodumene, and named them "Hiddenite" in honor of Hidden's discovery.

Where is Hiddenite Found?

The excitement of Hidden's discovery centered around a tiny place called White Plains, in Alexander County, North Carolina. So much Hiddenite was later found in this area that the community was actually renamed Hiddenite! Although some smaller deposits have popped up elsewhere, North Carolina is still the epicenter of Hiddenite mining.

A Gemstone with Hidden Depths

Here are some more cool facts about Hiddenite:

Hiddenite in History

Hiddenite found itself in the hands of famous people and iconic companies over the years:

A Note on Gemstones

While gemstones possess a captivating beauty, there's an important ethical consideration you should know about. As with many other gemstones, mining can cause environmental damage and sometimes involve unfair labor practices. If responsible sourcing of gemstones is important to you, look for jewelers and gem dealers committed to ethical practices.

Hiddenite's Place in the World

Hiddenite might not be as famous as emeralds, rubies, or diamonds, but it holds a special place in the gemstone world. It's a testament to the exciting mineral treasures hidden beneath our feet, waiting to be discovered. Its delicate green shimmer is a reminder of the wonders of nature and the thrill of exploration.