Cretaceous Period

(145 million yrs. BC to 66 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

Stepping Back in Time: The Cretaceous Period Explained

Imagine a world teeming with giant reptiles, vast inland seas, and a constantly shifting landscape. This isn't science fiction, but a glimpse into the Cretaceous Period, a time period that stretched for a whopping 79 million years, from roughly 145 million years BC to 66 million years BC. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a prehistoric adventure!

What's a Period, Anyway?

Before diving into the Cretaceous, let's understand how geologists mark time. Earth's history is divided into giant chunks called eons, further split into eras, periods, epochs, and finally, moments. Think of it like a giant family tree - eons are the grandparents, eras the parents, periods the children, and epochs and moments the grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The Cretaceous Period is a specific "child" within the Mesozoic Era, often referred to as the Age of Dinosaurs.

The Cretaceous Name Game: Where Does it Come From?

The name "Cretaceous" has a fascinating origin story. It comes from the Latin word "creta," meaning chalk. During the Cretaceous, vast shallow seas covered much of the Earth. Tiny marine organisms called coccolithophores secreted calcium carbonate, which built up over millions of years, eventually forming thick deposits of white rock - chalk! These chalk deposits became a defining feature of the period, giving it its name.

A World Transformed: Continents on the Move

The Cretaceous wasn't just about dinosaurs. The Earth itself was undergoing a dramatic makeover. The two massive supercontinents, Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south, were slowly breaking apart, drifting towards their present positions. This continental drift had a significant impact on the climate and geography of the planet.

Climate Chaos: A World of Extremes

Unlike today's fluctuating climate, the Cretaceous was a period of relative warmth. There were no ice caps at the poles, leading to higher sea levels that flooded vast areas of land, creating shallow seas teeming with life. The lack of ice caps also meant less reflection of sunlight, contributing to warmer global temperatures. However, this warmth wasn't uniform. Evidence suggests there were still variations in temperature depending on latitude, with hotter regions near the equator and cooler zones closer to the poles.

Life in the Cretaceous: A Dinosaur's Paradise...But Not Just Dinosaurs!

While dinosaurs are the rock stars of the Cretaceous, they weren't the only players in this prehistoric drama. Let's take a closer look at the diverse lifeforms that thrived during this period:

The End of an Era: A Mass Extinction Event

The Cretaceous Period came to a dramatic end roughly 66 million years BC with a mass extinction event. Scientists are still (2020) piecing together the puzzle, but a giant asteroid impact or volcanic eruptions are considered the leading suspects. This event caused a global catastrophe, wiping out an estimated 75% of all life on Earth, including the mighty dinosaurs.

A Legacy in Stone: Fossils Tell the Story

The amazing creatures of the Cretaceous aren't entirely lost to us. Their remains, preserved as fossils, offer a window into their world. Fossils are the remnants of plants and animals that get buried in sediment and over time, are transformed into stone. Studying these fossils helps paleontologists (scientists who study ancient life) understand the anatomy, behavior, and even diet of these long-gone creatures.

The Cretaceous: A Stepping Stone for the Future

The Cretaceous Period wasn't just the end of the dinosaur era; it also set the stage for the rise of mammals. Small, furry mammals lived alongside the dinosaurs throughout the Cretaceous, but they were overshadowed by the giants. However, the mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs cleared the path for mammals to diversify and evolve, eventually leading to the rise of familiar creatures like us!

Cretaceous Discoveries: A Global Effort

Fossils are unearthed worldwide, and the Cretaceous is no exception. From the scorching deserts of Mongolia to the icy plains of Antarctica, paleontologists have uncovered a treasure trove of Cretaceous creatures.

The Cretaceous: A Reminder of Change

The Cretaceous Period serves as a stark reminder of the dynamic nature of our planet. Continents drifted, climates shifted, and a mass extinction event reshaped life on Earth. Understanding the Cretaceous helps us appreciate the delicate balance of our own ecosystem and the potential for significant change.

The Enduring Allure of the Cretaceous

The Cretaceous Period continues to capture our imaginations. Dinosaurs spark a sense of wonder in children and adults alike. Documentaries, movies, and museum exhibits bring this lost world to life. The Cretaceous isn't just about giant reptiles; it's a story of a time when life on Earth flourished in a vastly different form. By studying this period, we gain a deeper appreciation for the history of our planet and the incredible diversity of life that has evolved over millions of years.

Ammonite - Cleoniceras

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Cleoniceras: Unveiling the Coiled Dwellers of the Cretaceous Seas

Imagine a swirling seashell, not pearly white like the ones you find on a beach, but intricately ribbed and coiled tightly. This is Cleoniceras, an extinct marine animal that lived millions of years BC. Buckle up, because we're about to dive deep into the fascinating world of these ancient creatures!

What is a Cleoniceras?

Cleoniceras belongs to a group of extinct marine animals called ammonoids. Ammonoids were similar to squid and octopuses, but with one key difference: they had an external shell. This beautiful shell, often fossilized today, is what allows us to learn about Cleoniceras and its kin.

Etymology: Unveiling the Name's Origins

The name Cleoniceras is a combination of two ancient Greek words: "kleos" meaning "fame" or "glory," and "keras" meaning "horn."  So, Cleoniceras literally translates to "glorious horn." This name likely refers to the impressive, often large size and distinctive coiled shape of their shells.

Cleoniceras's Anatomy: Decoding the Shell's Secrets

Cleoniceras had a spectacular shell! It was typically involute, meaning the inner coils were mostly hidden by the outer ones, giving it a compact look. Imagine a tightly wound spiral staircase. The shell was also high-whorled, meaning it had many tightly packed coils.

The underside of the Cleoniceras shell, called the umbilicus, was generally small compared to the overall size. The opposite side, the top, is called the venter. This area could be arched or even sharp, depending on the specific Cleoniceras species.

One of the most interesting features of Cleoniceras is its ribbing. The shell wasn't smooth, but decorated with raised ridges called ribs. In some growth stages, these ribs even had a unique feature – they came in pairs and resembled the curved beak of a falcon, hence the term falcoid ribs. These ribs, along with the suture patterns (the complex lines visible on a cross-section of the broken shell), are crucial for paleontologists (scientists who study fossils) to identify different Cleoniceras species.

A Life in the Cretaceous Seas: When Did Cleoniceras Live?

Cleoniceras thrived during the Cretaceous Period, a geological time period that lasted from roughly 145 to 66 million years BC.  This period saw the rise of the dinosaurs on land and some amazing marine creatures, including giant marine reptiles and the first true bony fish.

The fossils of Cleoniceras have been found in several locations around the world, including Europe, Madagascar, and the Transcaspian region (an area around the Caspian Sea). This suggests that Cleoniceras had a relatively wide geographic distribution, potentially inhabiting various marine environments within the ancient oceans.

A Mystery Unfolds: How Did Cleoniceras Live?

Since Cleoniceras is an extinct creature, paleontologists rely on fossils and comparisons to living relatives like squid and octopuses to understand its life. Here's what we know (and what we're still trying to figure out):

Cleoniceras and Extinction: A Story from the Past

The reign of Cleoniceras and other ammonoids came to an abrupt end with the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, a mass extinction that wiped out many life forms on Earth, including the dinosaurs. The exact cause of this extinction is still (2020) debated, but it's likely a combination of factors like a giant asteroid impact, volcanic eruptions, and climate change.

Cleoniceras: A Window to the Past

Cleoniceras fossils are like tiny time capsules holding secrets about the ancient oceans. These fossils are valuable tools for paleontologists, offering a glimpse into a world teeming with life millions of years before our time. Here's how Cleoniceras fossils help us unlock the mysteries of the past:

Cleoniceras: A Story Beyond Fossils

The story of Cleoniceras extends beyond the physical fossils themselves. These creatures have captured the imagination of artists, collectors, and enthusiasts for centuries.

Cleoniceras, though long gone, continues to spark curiosity and fascination. These fossils serve as a powerful reminder of the vastness of geologic time, the interconnectedness of life on Earth, and the constant process of evolution and extinction that shapes our planet's history. The next time you see a Cleoniceras fossil, take a moment to ponder the incredible journey it has taken, from a living creature in the Cretaceous seas to a captivating window into our planet's ancient past.

Found: Tulear, Madagascar (JN0014-5)

Carbonate - Malachite

± 163,5 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

The Enchanting Green Gem: Malachite from Rio Marina, Italy

Have you ever seen a rock with mesmerizing bands of green, like swirling emeralds trapped inside? That's malachite, a beautiful copper carbonate mineral that boasts a rich history and interesting properties. Today (2023), we'll delve into the world of malachite, with a special focus on its presence in Rio Marina, a charming town on the island of Elba, Tuscany, Italy.

Rio Marina: A Treasure Island of Malachite

Now, let's set sail to Rio Marina, a picturesque town nestled on the northeastern coast of Elba Island, Tuscany, Italy. This island is famous for its rich mineral deposits, and malachite is one of its hidden gems.

The history of mining on Elba Island stretches back to the Etruscan civilization, who mined iron there as early as 800 BC. Later, the Romans continued this tradition, extracting not only iron but also copper, which would have yielded malachite as a byproduct.

While large-scale mining for malachite is no longer active in Rio Marina, the mineral can still be found in small quantities, particularly in alluvial deposits (loose rock fragments transported by water). These alluvial deposits might be found in streambeds near former mining sites.

Finding malachite yourself can be a fun and rewarding experience, but remember to always obtain permission before exploring any private property or potentially hazardous areas.

Beyond Beauty: The Science of Malachite

Malachite isn't just a pretty face; it holds some interesting scientific properties. Here are a few:

It's important to remember that mining can have environmental and social impacts. Therefore, sustainable mining practices are crucial to minimize these impacts. These practices include proper waste management, land reclamation after mining is complete, and ensuring the safety of workers.

Overall, the science behind malachite is fascinating, from its role in copper production to its use as a pigment and its interesting chemical properties. Understanding these scientific aspects adds another layer of appreciation to this beautiful and historic gem.

Dear visitor:

More information about malachite can be found via this link:


Found: Rio Marina, Tuscany, Elba, Italy (JN0781-4)

Oxide - Amethyst

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

The Enchanting Amethyst: A Journey from Stanziwurten to Your Jewelry Box

Have you ever held a jewel that seemed to shimmer with a magical light? If you've ever admired a beautiful amethyst, you might have felt its mysterious allure. But this captivating gemstone has a story that goes beyond its beauty. Today (2022), we'll embark on a journey to explore the world of amethysts, particularly those found in a special place called Stanziwurten, Austria.

A Hidden Gem: The Amethyst Deposits of Stanziwurten

Nestled within the breathtaking scenery of the Austrian Alps, in the region of Carinthia, lies a small village called Zirknitz. Within Zirknitz, there's a specific area called Stanziwurten, which holds a hidden treasure – a deposit of amethysts! Geologists believe that these amethyst crystals formed millions of years BC within volcanic cavities. Over time, these cavities were filled with mineral-rich fluids that deposited quartz crystals, and the presence of iron gave them their characteristic amethyst color.

Amethyst mining in Stanziwurten has a long history, dating back to at least the Middle Ages. Local miners would extract the crystals by hand, using basic tools and techniques. These amethysts were then transported to various parts of Europe, where they were fashioned into beautiful jewelry and decorative objects.

Unfortunately, the Stanziwurten amethyst deposits are relatively small and have been heavily mined over the centuries. Today (2022), commercial mining activity in the area is minimal. However, amethyst enthusiasts can still find small, beautiful specimens through recreational collecting, following local regulations.

The Journey of an Amethyst: From Stanziwurten to the World

Imagine an amethyst crystal formed millions of years BC deep within the Austrian mountains. Fast forward, and it's carefully extracted from the earth by a miner. The crystal is then transported to a workshop, where a skilled gem cutter transforms it into a dazzling gemstone. Finally, the amethyst finds its way into a beautiful piece of jewelry, ready to adorn someone's hand, neck, or ear.

The journey of an amethyst from Stanziwurten highlights the fascinating world of gemstones. It's a story that combines geology, history, and craftsmanship, ultimately culminating in a piece of natural beauty that can be cherished for generations.

Responsible Gemstone Collection: Keeping the Magic Alive

Amethysts are a finite resource. While there are still amethyst deposits around the world, including Stanziwurten, it's important to be mindful of our impact on the environment when collecting gemstones.

Here are some tips for responsible amethyst collecting:

Beyond Stanziwurten: Exploring the World of Amethysts

While Stanziwurten holds a special place in amethyst history, amethyst deposits are found in many locations worldwide. Some of the most notable sources include:

The global presence of amethysts highlights the vastness and diversity of the geological world. Each deposit offers unique characteristics that contribute to the overall allure of this captivating gemstone.

The future of amethyst is bright. By embracing sustainable practices and technological advancements, we can ensure that the beauty of amethysts continues to inspire and captivate generations to come. So, the next time you admire an amethyst jewel, remember its fascinating journey, from the volcanic cavities of Stanziwurten to the sparkling gem adorning your finger or ear. It's a story that connects us to history, geology, and the enduring allure of natural beauty.

Dear visitor:

More information about amethyst can be found via this link:

Amethyst used as pendant

Used for Pendant. Found: Stanziwurten, Zirknitz, Austria (JN0543)

Rock - Oncolite

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Mystery of Oncolites: Nature's Layered Balls

Have you ever come across a smooth, round rock with surprising onion-like layers? That, my friend, might be an oncolite! These fascinating rock structures hold stories of ancient life and tell us a lot about the history of our oceans. So, buckle up as we delve into the world of oncolites!

What exactly is an oncolite?

In simple terms, an oncolite is a sedimentary structure, meaning it's formed from bits and pieces of things that settled over time. But what makes it special is its building block: the oncoid. Imagine tiny balls made of layered calcium carbonate (the same material that forms seashells!). These oncoids are the tiny stars of the show, and a rock with more than 50% of its volume made up of these balls gets the official title of "oncolite."

The Etymology Adventure: Where did the name "oncolite" come from?

Ever heard of someone being called "oncological" because of a disease? Well, the word "onco-" is related to lumps or swellings. "Lite" comes from the Greek word "lithos," meaning stone. So, oncolite literally translates to "swollen stone," which makes sense considering its bumpy, layered appearance.

The Formation Factory: How do oncolites come to be?

The story of an oncolite's birth begins with a tiny seed – a grain of sand, a piece of shell, or anything small and hard that ends up on the seafloor. Enter the cyanobacteria, sometimes referred to as "blue-green algae." These microscopic, single-celled organisms are nature's master builders. They love sunlight and live in shallow waters. When they find a suitable seed on the seabed, they latch on and start multiplying.

These cyanobacteria have a special talent: they can take calcium carbonate dissolved in the seawater and turn it solid. As they grow and multiply, they trap tiny particles of calcium carbonate around their seed, forming a thin layer. Over time, these layers build up, one on top of the other, like a miniature onion. This layering process is why oncolites have those characteristic concentric circles.

There are two main ways these tiny architects can build their oncolites:

Slowly but surely, over years or even decades, the tiny seed grows into a layered ball – the oncoid. If enough oncoids accumulate in one area, they cement themselves together with more calcium carbonate, forming the larger rock structure we call an oncolite.

Oncolites vs. Stromatolites: Telling the Fossils Apart

Oncolites have a close cousin – the stromatolite. Both are formed by the action of cyanobacteria and are ancient signs of life. But there's a key difference in their shapes. Stromatolites tend to be flat and layered, like mats, while oncolites are those characteristic round or bumpy balls. Imagine a layered pancake (stromatolite) versus a layered bouncy ball (oncolite).

A Journey Through Time: The History of Oncolites

Oncolites are like tiny time capsules holding clues to Earth's past. The oldest known oncolites date back a whopping 2,1 billion years! This means they were forming even before complex life like dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Their presence tells us that shallow, warm seas existed even in those ancient times, and that cyanobacteria were busy shaping the planet.

Oncolites continued to be prominent throughout Earth's history, with their peak occurring during the Paleozoic Era (541 to 252 million years BC). However, their numbers declined significantly during the Mesozoic Era (252 to 66 million years BC).

Geologists studying oncolites can learn a lot about ancient environments. By analyzing the size, shape, and even the types of cyanobacteria trapped within, they can reconstruct past climates, water chemistry, and the overall health of the oceans.

Oncolites Today (2022): Still Around and Kicking

While not as abundant as they once were, oncolites are still forming in some shallow marine environments today (2022), particularly in warm, tropical waters. Finding a modern oncolite might require a bit of searching on a snorkeling trip, but they are out there, continuing the legacy of their ancient ancestors.

The Significance of Oncolites: More Than Just Round Rocks

Oncolites hold more significance than simply being cool fossils. Here's why these layered balls are a fascinating subject for scientists:

Oncolites and Us: A Ripple Effect

The story of oncolites doesn't end with their formation. These fascinating structures have a surprising connection to the very foundation of our existence. Here's how:

Oncolites: A Testament to Nature's Ingenuity

Oncolites may seem like simple, round rocks, but they hold a wealth of information about our planet's past and the intricate dance between life and geology. From their role in shaping the early atmosphere to their contribution to modern ecosystems, these layered balls are a remarkable testament to the power of tiny organisms and the vast timescales over which our planet has evolved. So, the next time you encounter a smooth, round rock with intriguing layers, remember the story of the oncolite – a tiny marvel that has been silently shaping our world for billions of years.

Oncolite (Leopardite)

Raw. Found: Miraflores, Peru (JN0663)

Oncolite or Leopardite Polished

Polished. Found: Miraflores, Peru (JN0664)

Sulfide - Pyrite

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Fool's Gold: The Allure of Pyrite from the Lengenbach Quarry

Have you ever stumbled upon a shiny golden rock and thought you struck it rich? Chances are, you might have encountered pyrite, also known as fool's gold! This mineral, though beautiful, can be deceiving. Today (2023), we'll delve into the world of pyrite, specifically focusing on the fascinating specimens found in the Lengenbach Quarry of Switzerland.

The Lengenbach Quarry: A Treasure Trove of Minerals

Nestled in the heart of the Swiss Alps, in the Binn Valley, lies the Lengenbach Quarry. This world-famous locality is not known for gold, but for its incredible variety of rare minerals. Mining for economic purposes never occurred here, but since 1958, the quarry has been a hotspot for mineral collectors and researchers. The unique geological conditions in Lengenbach have resulted in the discovery of over 44 different mineral species, making it one of the most prolific mineral localities globally.

Pyrite is just one of the many minerals found in Lengenbach. However, the pyrite specimens from this location are particularly prized by collectors. They are known for their well-formed crystals, often cubical or pyritohedral, and their bright, golden luster. These pyrites are frequently found associated with other stunning minerals like realgar (a vibrant red arsenic sulfide) and dolomite (a white or pink carbonate mineral).

The Lengenbach Quarry is a prime example of how geological processes can create a treasure trove of minerals. The combination of specific rock types, hydrothermal activity, and time has resulted in a unique mineral deposit that continues to fascinate scientists and collectors alike.

The Future of Lengenbach Quarry

The Lengenbach Quarry is a unique and irreplaceable resource. The Forschungsgemeinschaft Lengenbach (FGL), a research association, manages the quarry with a dual mission: scientific research and responsible specimen collection. They ensure controlled extraction during summer months, balancing scientific exploration with the opportunity for collectors to acquire these fascinating minerals.

Pyrite from the Lengenbach Quarry serves as a reminder that even common minerals can be exceptional. Its beauty and scientific significance highlight the wonders hidden beneath our feet. So, next time you encounter a shiny rock, remember, it might just be pyrite – a testament to Earth's geological marvels!

Dear visitor:

More information about pyrite can be found via this link:


Found: Lengenbach Quarry, Binn Valley, Switzerland (JN0781-6)


Found: Lengenbach Quarry, Binn Valley, Switzerland (JN0781-7)

Muscovite & Pyrite

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Luster: Muscovite and Pyrite from the Lengenbach Quarry

Imagine a place where minerals so rare and beautiful exist that they captivate collectors and scientists worldwide. This is the Lengenbach Quarry, nestled in the Binn Valley of Switzerland. Today (2023), we'll delve into the world of two fascinating minerals found there: muscovite and pyrite. But there's a catch - they don't typically occur together!  So, what's the story behind Muscovite Pyrite from Lengenbach?

Lengenbach Quarry: A Treasure Trove

The Lengenbach Quarry is a truly unique geological feature. Formed millions of years BC by hydrothermal activity (hot, mineral-rich fluids), the quarry is a treasure trove of over 250 different minerals, many incredibly rare. These minerals formed in veins within the rock, deposited by the circulating fluids.

The Binn Valley itself has been mined for centuries, with records dating back to the 15th century. However, the Lengenbach Quarry wasn't actively mined until the 19th century. Then, a surge in scientific interest in mineralogy, coupled with the growing demand for mineral specimens for collections and museums, led to a boom in mineral extraction. The quarry became famous for its exceptional specimens, particularly rare thallium-bearing minerals.

Muscovite and Pyrite Together? Not Quite

While both muscovite and pyrite are found in the Lengenbach Quarry, they typically don't occur together in the same mineral assemblage. Muscovite is usually associated with pegmatites (coarse-grained igneous rocks), whereas pyrite is more common in hydrothermal veins.

So, what about "Muscovite Pyrite from Lengenbach Quarry"? This term is likely used by mineral dealers or collectors to describe a rock specimen containing both minerals, not necessarily grown together. Perhaps the muscovite forms large flakes within the rock, while the pyrite forms separate crystals or clusters.

The Importance of Lengenbach Minerals

The Lengenbach Quarry has played a significant role in the advancement of mineralogy. The sheer diversity and rarity of minerals found there have provided scientists with valuable specimens for studying mineral formation, composition, and crystal structure. These studies help us understand geological processes and the history of our planet.

The Future of Lengenbach

Mining at Lengenbach ceased in the late 20th century due to depletion of easily accessible mineral deposits and environmental concerns. Today (2023), the area is protected, and the remaining resources are preserved for scientific research and education.

Specimens from Lengenbach Quarry remain highly sought after by collectors and museums, and some can fetch high prices. However, it's important to ensure these specimens are ethically sourced and not obtained through illegal mining activities.

Exploring Further

The story of Muscovite Pyrite from Lengenbach Quarry highlights the fascinating world of minerals. If you're interested in learning more, here are some ideas:

With a little exploration, you can unlock the secrets hidden within the rocks and discover the beauty and intrigue of the mineral kingdom.

Dear visitor:

More information about muscovite and pyrite can be found via this link:

Found: Lengenbach Quarry, Binn Valley, Switzerland (JN0781-23)

Early Cretaceous Epoch

(145 million yrs. BC to 100,5 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

Dawn of the Flowers: Unveiling the Early Cretaceous Epoch

Imagine a world 145 million years BC. Dinosaurs ruled the land, fearsome marine reptiles patrolled the oceans, and a revolution was brewing in the plant kingdom. This period, known as the Early Cretaceous Epoch, marks a fascinating chapter in Earth's history, laying the groundwork for the world we see today (2021). Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a prehistoric adventure!

What's an Epoch, Anyway?

The Cretaceous isn't a single stretch of time. Geologists, the rock detectives of our planet, have divided it into smaller chunks called epochs. The Early Cretaceous is the first of these, spanning a whopping 44,5 million years, from 145 million years ago (Ma) (million years BC) to 100,5 Ma (million years BC). To put that in perspective, T-Rex, the iconic king of the Late Cretaceous, wouldn't stomp onto the scene for another 80 million years after the Early Cretaceous ended!

The word "Cretaceous" itself comes from the Latin word "creta," meaning "chalk." This name stems from the abundance of chalky rock formations deposited during this period.

A World Transformed: Continents on the Move

During the Early Cretaceous, Earth looked quite different from how it does today (2021). The giant supercontinent Pangaea had finally broken apart, with Laurasia (containing North America, Europe, and Asia) in the north and Gondwana (comprising South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and India) slowly drifting further apart. This continental drift had a profound impact on the environment, influencing ocean currents, climates, and the distribution of life.

A Warm and Wet Wonderland

The Early Cretaceous was a time of global warmth. Lush greenery carpeted the continents, thanks to high rainfall and minimal seasonal variation. Shallow seas teemed with life, creating vast marine ecosystems teeming with diverse creatures. This warm and wet paradise provided a perfect breeding ground for the evolution of new and exciting lifeforms.

Dinosaur Dynasty: The Rise of the Theropods

Dinosaurs were already well-established by the Early Cretaceous. Theropods, the two-legged ancestors of modern birds, continued their diversification. One fascinating group was the Compsognathids, small, agile predators with long, grasping claws. Imagine a turkey-sized dinosaur with a killer instinct!

Meanwhile, the early stages of the lineage leading to Tyrannosaurs like T-Rex began to emerge. These early ancestors were smaller and less ferocious, but they possessed the basic body plan that would later evolve into the fearsome giants of the Late Cretaceous.

Sauropods, the massive, long-necked herbivores, continued to dominate the plant-eating scene. Early Cretaceous giants like the Barosaurus and Diplodocus munched on the abundant vegetation, their colossal bodies dwarfing even the largest land animals alive today (2021).

Rise of the Plant Powerhouses: Enter the Flowering Plants

But perhaps the most significant development of the Early Cretaceous wasn't a dinosaur at all. It was the emergence of flowering plants, or angiosperms. These revolutionary plants, unlike their predecessors, reproduced using seeds encased in protective flowers. This innovation provided a major evolutionary advantage, leading to a rapid diversification of flowering plants.

The Early Cretaceous witnessed the rise of early angiosperms like the Archaefructus, a small, shrub-like plant with primitive flowers. Though not as showy as the roses and lilies we know today (2021), these early bloomers laid the foundation for the explosion of flowering plants that would come to define the Late Cretaceous and beyond.

Lords of the Deep: Marine Reptiles Rule the Waves

While dinosaurs dominated the land, the oceans belonged to the marine reptiles. Plesiosaurs, with their long necks and powerful flippers, were sleek hunters of the seas. Mosasaurs, distant relatives of lizards, evolved into top predators, some reaching lengths exceeding 30 feet (9 meters)! These leviathans ruled the waves, feasting on fish, plesiosaurs, and even smaller marine dinosaurs.

Ichthyosaurs, another group of dominant marine reptiles from the Jurassic, began their decline in the Early Cretaceous. This decline likely opened up ecological niches for the rise of Mosasaurs and other marine predators.

The skies, too, belonged to reptiles. Pterosaurs, flying reptiles with leathery wings, soared through the air, scavenging for food or preying on smaller creatures.

A Glimpse into the Fossil Record: Unearthing the Past

Our knowledge of the Early Cretaceous wouldn't be possible without the tireless work of paleontologists, the detectives of the prehistoric world. They meticulously analyze the fossil record – the preserved remains of plants and animals from that time – to paint a picture of this ancient era.

Fossils are formed when the remains of dead organisms get buried by sediment. Over time, the tremendous pressure and mineral-rich fluids can replace the organic material, leaving behind a stone impression of the original organism. This natural casting process can preserve not just bones and teeth, but also footprints, skin impressions, and even delicate structures like feathers.

The fossil record of the Early Cretaceous is particularly rich in certain regions. The Yixian Formation in China, for instance, has yielded a treasure trove of feathered dinosaurs and early angiosperms. The Konstein Formation in South Africa has preserved footprints of various dinosaurs, offering insights into their locomotion and behavior. These fossil sites, scattered across the globe, serve as windows into the diverse ecosystems of the Early Cretaceous.

However, the fossil record is incomplete. Many organisms, particularly soft-bodied creatures like jellyfish or insects, rarely leave fossilized remains. Additionally, geological processes can destroy or obscure fossils, leaving gaps in our understanding. Paleontologists rely on a variety of techniques to bridge these gaps. They meticulously compare fossils from different locations and time periods, building a timeline of life's evolution. Additionally, they may employ sophisticated imaging techniques like CT scans to reveal internal structures hidden within fossilized bones.

The fossil record, along with evidence from other disciplines like geology and climate modeling, allows us to reconstruct the paleoenvironment – the ancient environment of the Early Cretaceous. By analyzing fossilized plants and studying the types of rocks deposited during this period, scientists can infer information about temperature, rainfall patterns, and even the chemistry of the ancient oceans.

This piecing together of clues allows us to not only identify the creatures that lived in the Early Cretaceous but also understand how they interacted with each other and their environment. It's a detective story millions of years in the making, and with every new fossil discovery, the story of the Early Cretaceous becomes a little clearer.

Oxide - Agate

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 100,5 million yrs. BC

The Wondrous Agates of Barros Cassal, Brazil: A Gemstone Story

Have you ever seen a smooth, colorful rock with mesmerizing swirls and patterns? That might be an agate! Agates are a fascinating type of gemstone, and Brazil is home to some truly incredible ones, particularly those found in a place called Barros Cassal. So, buckle up, rock enthusiasts, because we're diving deep into the world of these captivating Brazilian agates!

Barros Cassal's Treasure Trove

Barros Cassal is a small town in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. This unassuming place holds a hidden treasure: a unique type of agate formation. Unlike many agates that form in round or oval cavities, the Barros Cassal agates develop in amygdales. These are almond-shaped cavities within volcanic rock, formed by gas bubbles trapped during the rock's solidification.

Swirls and Colors: A Visual Treat

The most striking feature of Barros Cassal agates is their mesmerizing patterns. Unlike some agates with concentric circles, these agates boast swirling, wispy, almost feathery bands. The colors can vary, with shades of red, black, white, and even hints of yellow and purple dancing across the stone's surface. This distinctive swirling pattern is often called the "Barros Cassal swirl" and is a prized characteristic by collectors and gem enthusiasts.

Formation Magic: How They Came to Be

The formation of these unique agates is a story millions of years in the making. Volcanic activity played a crucial role. When molten rock (magma) cools and solidifies, it sometimes traps gas bubbles. These bubbles create cavities called amygdales. Over time, silica-rich water seeped into these cavities, depositing layer upon layer of chalcedony. The specific composition of the water and the surrounding rock influence the colors and patterns that emerge. In Barros Cassal, the combination of minerals and elements resulted in the formation of the characteristic swirls and vibrant hues.

Mining and Processing: Unveiling the Beauty

Mining for Barros Cassal agates is a relatively small-scale operation. Miners typically use hand tools and techniques to extract the agate nodules from the volcanic rock. Once extracted, the rough stones undergo a process called lapidary, which involves cutting, grinding, and polishing the agates to reveal their hidden beauty. This process transforms the rough rock into the stunning gemstones we admire.

From Gemstone to Jewelry: A Journey of Adornment

Barros Cassal agates are highly sought-after by jewelry makers and collectors. Their captivating swirls and vibrant colors make them perfect for creating unique and eye-catching pieces.  These agates can be cut into cabochons (smooth, polished stones) for use in rings, pendants, and earrings. They can also be sliced and polished into slabs, revealing the mesmerizing patterns across the entire surface. These slabs can be used for creating beautiful decorative items or unique inlays.

Beyond Beauty: The Allure of Agates

The appeal of Barros Cassal agates goes beyond their captivating aesthetics. Throughout history, agates have been imbued with symbolic meaning in various cultures. They've been associated with strength, protection, and good luck.  Some believe agates can promote emotional balance and stability.

A Window to the Past: Fossils Preserved in Stone

In rare cases, Barros Cassal agates can hold a fascinating surprise: fossils! During the formation process, the silica-rich water can sometimes trap tiny organisms like plant matter or even microscopic creatures. These inclusions get preserved within the agate, offering a glimpse into the ancient world that existed when the agate formed.

The Future of Barros Cassal Agates: A Balancing Act

The Barros Cassal agates are a finite resource, meaning there's a limited amount available. This makes it crucial to implement sustainable mining practices to ensure these beautiful gemstones are enjoyed by future generations. Sustainable mining techniques minimize environmental impact and prioritize the safety of miners. This can involve using proper tools and equipment to reduce waste and employing responsible land management practices to minimize disruption to the surrounding ecosystem.

Unearthing the Secrets: The Role of Science

Research into the geology of the Barros Cassal region can play a vital role in understanding how these unique agates formed and where potential new deposits might lie. Geologists can study the volcanic rock formations and the surrounding environment to gain insights into the geochemical processes that led to the creation of these agates. This knowledge can be used to identify areas with a higher likelihood of containing agate deposits. Additionally, advancements in technology like remote sensing and 3D modeling can aid in exploration efforts, minimizing the need for invasive exploration techniques.

A Global Citizen: Barros Cassal Agates in the International Market

The captivating beauty of Barros Cassal agates has garnered international attention. These unique gemstones are sought after by collectors, jewelry designers, and lapidary enthusiasts worldwide. The demand for these agates has led to their export to various countries, where they are transformed into stunning jewelry pieces or showcased in private collections. However, it's important to be mindful of ethical sourcing practices throughout the entire supply chain. Consumers can play a role by inquiring about the origin of their agate jewelry and opting for vendors who prioritize responsible sourcing.

Beyond Aesthetics: The Scientific Significance of Barros Cassal Agates

The value of Barros Cassal agates extends beyond their captivating aesthetics. These gemstones can hold valuable scientific information. As mentioned earlier, agates can sometimes trap inclusions of ancient organic matter or even microscopic fossils during their formation. Studying these inclusions can provide scientists with insights into the past environment and the geological conditions that existed millions of years ago. By analyzing the trapped minerals and organic materials, researchers can learn about the climate, flora, and fauna of the region during the agate's formation. In essence, these gemstones can act as tiny time capsules, offering a glimpse into a bygone era.

A Legacy in Stone: The Enduring Allure of Barros Cassal Agates

The Barros Cassal agates are a remarkable testament to the beauty and complexity of the natural world. Their formation is a story etched in stone, spanning millions of years of volcanic activity, mineral deposition, and the patient hand of time.  The captivating swirls and vibrant colors not only delight the eye but also hold the potential to unlock scientific secrets. Through sustainable practices, ongoing research, and ethical trade, we can ensure that the legacy of these Brazilian gemstones continues to inspire and intrigue for generations to come.

Dear visitor:

More information about agate can be found via this link:


Found: Barros Cassal, Brazil (JN0008-7)

Sulfate - Desert Rose

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 100,5 million yrs. BC

The Enchanting Desert Rose: A Crystal Bloom from Chihuahua, Mexico

Imagine a flower blooming not in a field, but deep within the heart of a desert. This isn't a fairytale – it's the desert rose, a fascinating natural formation found in the arid landscapes of Chihuahua, Mexico. Let's delve into the world of these unique "flowers" and discover their story!

What is a Desert Rose?

The desert rose, also called a sand rose or selenite rose, isn't actually a flower at all. It's a beautiful crystal formation made of a mineral called gypsum. Gypsum is a soft, white mineral that's quite common on Earth. In Chihuahua's dry climate, gypsum undergoes a special transformation. Windblown sand gets trapped within the crystallizing gypsum, creating rosette-shaped clusters that resemble roses. The sand inclusions can be various colors, like red from iron oxide or black from manganese, adding to the desert rose's charm.

Formation: A Dance of Wind and Water

The formation of a Desert Rose is a slow and fascinating process that takes place over thousands of years. Here's a breakdown:

A History Steeped in Wonder

The desert rose has captivated people for centuries. Native American cultures in the region have stories and legends associated with these formations. Some believe they are flowers petrified by time, while others see them as gifts left behind by their ancestors.

The unique beauty of desert roses has also made them popular collectibles. They are prized for their delicate crystal structure, interesting sand inclusions, and the connection they offer to the ancient landscapes where they formed.

Desert Roses: A Reminder of Nature's Beauty and Power

The next time you see a desert rose, remember the incredible story it holds. It's a testament to the power of nature – how wind, water, and minerals can come together to create something both beautiful and scientifically valuable. These "flowers of the desert" serve as a reminder that even in the harshest environments, beauty can bloom.

Here are some additional interesting facts about desert roses:

So, the next time you encounter a desert rose, appreciate it not just for its beauty but also for the story it whispers of ancient seas, desert winds, and the artistry of nature.

Dear visitor:

More information about desert rose can be found via this link:

Mineral Desert Rose Mexico

Found: Chihuahua, Mexico (JN0008-12)

Raw Emerald

± 139,8 million yrs. BC to ± 100,5 million yrs. BC

The Enchanting Emerald: A Journey from Colombia's Muzo Mines to You

Have you ever seen a gemstone so green it seems to glow from within? That's the magic of emeralds, especially those from a legendary location in Colombia called Muzo. Today (2022), we're diving deep into the world of these raw emeralds, exploring their history, and the journey they take from deep underground to sparkling jewels.

Unearthing the History of Muzo Emeralds

Muzo, nestled in the Colombian Andes, boasts a history intertwined with emeralds. For centuries, these mines have yielded some of the world's most incredible emeralds. Evidence suggests people mined emeralds here as far back as 1500 BC! Imagine, that's over 3.500 years ago!

Legends of the Muzo mines are fascinating. The indigenous Muzo people believed the goddess Fura cried tears that turned into emeralds. Spanish conquistadors, arriving in the 16th century, were dazzled by these "green stones" and claimed the mines for the crown. Emeralds from Muzo adorned the jewelry of royalty and religious figures worldwide.

Mining Marvels: How Emeralds Reach the Surface

Mining for emeralds in Muzo is a complex process. Traditionally, miners used hand tools and followed emerald veins deep underground. Today (2022), a mix of modern and traditional techniques are employed. It's a challenging but rewarding job – unearthing these hidden treasures!

Once extracted, the rough emeralds embark on a journey. They're carefully sorted, graded based on color, clarity, and size. Some are cut and polished to enhance their brilliance, destined to become dazzling jewelry. Others are sold in their natural, rough form for collectors or industrial uses.

The Future of Muzo's Green Legacy

The Muzo mines continue to be a source of some of the world's finest emeralds. Sustainable practices and innovation are being explored to ensure this Colombian treasure endures for generations to come.

So, the next time you see a captivating green emerald, remember its journey – from the depths of the Muzo mines to a dazzling ring or a captivating natural wonder. These emeralds are more than just gemstones; they're windows into the Earth's history and brilliance.

Dear visitor:

More information about emerald can be found via this link:

Raw Emerald

Found: Muzo, Colombia (JN0588)

Oxide - Quartz Crystal

± 134,5 million yrs. BC to ± 119,3 million yrs. BC

The Sparkling Secrets of Corinto Quartz: A Journey Through Crystals

Have you ever seen a clear, pointed crystal that seems to hold a world within it? That might be quartz crystal, one of the most common and fascinating minerals on Earth. But did you know there are special types of quartz found in specific locations, each with its own unique characteristics? Today (2021), we're diving into the world of Corinto Quartz, a dazzling variety hailing from Brazil!

Unveiling the Beauty of Corinto Quartz

Corinto Quartz comes from the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. This region is famous for its stunning quartz crystals, and Corinto is one of the standout locations. Here's what makes Corinto Quartz special:

A Miner's Tale: How Corinto Quartz Forms

So, how do these captivating crystals come to be? Corinto Quartz forms in a process called hydrothermal deposition. Here's the story:

The specific conditions in the Corinto region, with its unique geological history, favor the formation of large, clear quartz crystals.

A History Etched in Stone: Mining Corinto Quartz

Quartz crystals have been prized by humans for millennia. Their beauty and durability made them valuable for tools, ornaments, and even religious purposes in ancient cultures.

Evidence suggests that mining for quartz crystals in Brazil dates back to pre-Columbian times. Indigenous people likely used them for various purposes, including toolmaking and decorative items.

With the arrival of Europeans in the 16th century, quartz crystal mining became more systematic. The clear varieties, like Corinto Quartz, were particularly sought after for their use in jewelry and decorative objects.

Today (2021), Corinto Quartz is still mined by hand using traditional methods. Miners often rely on simple tools and their knowledge of the terrain to locate and extract these precious crystals. This traditional approach ensures minimal environmental impact and helps preserve the unique character of the region.

Beyond Beauty: The Allure of Corinto Quartz

Corinto Quartz isn't just visually stunning; it also holds a special place in the world of crystals and healing. Here's a glimpse into this fascinating aspect:

It's important to remember that the scientific evidence for the healing properties of crystals is limited. However, the belief in their power holds cultural significance and can provide comfort and focus for some people.

The Future of Corinto Quartz: Balancing Beauty and Sustainability

Corinto Quartz is a valuable resource, but mining needs to be done responsibly. Here are some ways to ensure a sustainable future for these crystals:

By implementing these practices, we can ensure that the beauty of Corinto Quartz is enjoyed for generations to come, while protecting the environment and the communities that depend on it.

Beyond these points, here are some additional considerations for a sustainable future:

Ultimately, a sustainable future for Corinto Quartz requires a collaborative effort from miners, sellers, and consumers. By working together, we can ensure that these captivating crystals continue to grace us with their beauty while preserving the natural world and the well-being of those who bring them to light.

Dear visitor:

More information about quartz can be found via this link:

Quartz Crystal

Found: Corinto, Brazil (JN0008-4)

Berriasian Age

(145 million yrs. BC to 139,8 million yrs BC)

Valanginian Age

(139,8 million yrs. BC to 132,9 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

Stepping Back in Time: The Valanginian Age

Imagine yourself transported 139,8 million years back in time. Dinosaurs roam the Earth, continents look quite different, and the climate is undergoing a major transformation. This period, known as the Valanginian Age, is a fascinating chapter in our planet's history, and today (2022), we'll delve into its depths!

What is the Valanginian Age?

The Valanginian Age is a specific slice of geologic time that falls within the Early Cretaceous Epoch. Think of the Cretaceous Period as a giant book, and the Early Cretaceous is one of its major chapters. The Valanginian Age is then a subsection within that chapter, lasting for a cool 7 million years, from roughly 139,8 million years BC to 132,9 million years BC.

Here's the breakdown:

A Name from the Swiss Mountains

The name "Valanginian" is quite the mouthful, but it actually has a cool origin story. Édouard Desor, a Swiss geologist, first described and named this age in 1853. His inspiration? A small town nestled in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland called Valangin. So next time you say "Valanginian," picture those majestic mountains!

A World in Transition

The Valanginian Age was a period of significant change on Earth. Our planet was emerging from a relatively cold period at the end of the Jurassic and transitioning towards the warmer "greenhouse world" that dominated most of the Cretaceous.

Imagine Earth as a giant thermostat. During the Valanginian, the setting was being adjusted. Unlike the generally warm and uniform climate of most of the Mesozoic Era, the Valanginian experienced more seasonal variations. Think hot summers and chilly winters, with regional differences depending on location. This shift likely impacted the distribution and diversity of life on Earth.

Oceans teeming with life

The Valanginian seas were vibrant ecosystems teeming with a variety of marine creatures. Ammonites, a group of shelled cephalopods related to squid and octopuses, were particularly abundant during this time. These fascinating creatures with their coiled shells come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are excellent fossils, helping scientists understand the environments of the past. Certain ammonite species are so distinctive that geologists use them as "index fossils" to identify specific geologic time periods, including the Valanginian.

Besides ammonites, the Valanginian oceans were home to a rich variety of other organisms, including:

Land Dwellers Take Center Stage

While the oceans were bustling with life, the continents were also experiencing significant changes during the Valanginian Age. The supercontinent Pangaea had begun to break apart, slowly giving rise to the continents we know today (2022). This continental drift likely influenced the distribution of land-dwelling creatures.

Dinosaurs were the undisputed rulers of the Valanginian landmasses. Groups like theropods (including the fearsome carnosaurs), sauropods (the giant herbivores with long necks and tails), and stegosaurs (the plated herbivores) were all present during this time. Early mammals were also making their appearance, though they were small and relatively inconspicuous compared to the dominant dinosaurs.

Understanding the Valanginian Age helps us piece together the puzzle of Earth's history. It was a time of climatic change, evolving marine ecosystems, and the continued dominance of dinosaurs on land.

Uncovering the Secrets of the Past

How do we know so much about a period that happened millions of years BC?  Geologists rely on several tools to unlock the secrets of the Valanginian Age, like piecing together a detective story:

By combining evidence from sedimentary rocks, fossils, and isotopic dating, geologists can paint a vivid picture of the Valanginian Age. It's like reading a fascinating story from Earth's autobiography, filled with details about the climate, the creatures that roamed the planet, and the ongoing story of our planet's evolution

Jet - Araucariaceae

± 135 million yrs. BC

Jet: A Prehistoric Treasure From Ancient Trees

Have you ever seen a piece of black jewelry with a deep, shiny luster? That might be jet, a gemstone with a fascinating history that stretches back millions of years. But unlike diamonds or rubies, jet isn't formed from volcanic rock or intense heat. It's actually the fossilized remains of ancient trees! Buckle up, because we're about to delve into the world of Jet Araucariaceae, a unique material with a story to tell.

What is Jet?

Jet is a lightweight gemstone formed from the compressed wood of trees that lived millions of years BC. This wood underwent a slow process of fossilization, where organic materials get replaced by minerals over time. The result? A beautiful, deep black stone with a smooth, polished finish. Jet can be quite brittle, so it needs to be handled with care, but its unique look has made it a popular choice for jewelry and decorative objects for centuries.

Etymology: A Journey Through Words

The word "jet" has a long and interesting journey. It's believed to come from the Latin word "gagates," which referred to a black gemstone found near a place called Gages in ancient Greece. Over time, "gagates" evolved into the Old French word "jayet," eventually morphing into the English word "jet" we use today (2022).

The Family Tree of Jet: Araucariaceae

Now, let's talk about the star of the show: the Araucariaceae family. This group of trees, which includes the Monkey Puzzle tree, is where the wood that forms jet originated. These prehistoric Araucaria trees were conifers, meaning they produced cones for reproduction, similar to pine trees. During the Jurassic period, roughly 180 million years BC, vast Araucaria forests thrived around the globe. When these trees died, they fell into rivers, swamps, and eventually the sea. Over millions of years, immense pressure and gradual decomposition transformed the wood into the jet we know today (2022).

A History Etched in Stone: The Journey of Jet

Jet's story doesn't end with fossilization. Humans have been using this material for millennia. Some of the earliest evidence comes from Europe, where archaeologists have found jet beads and carvings dating back to the Neolithic period (around 6.000 BC). The Romans, Celts, and Vikings all valued jet for its beauty and believed it possessed magical properties. It was used to create jewelry, amulets, and decorative objects.

One of the most famous locations for jet is Whitby, a town on the coast of England. The cliffs around Whitby are rich in fossilized wood, and jet mining has been a local industry for centuries. Whitby jet is known for its deep black color and high quality, making it a prized material for Victorian-era jewelry. Today (2022), jet continues to be used in jewelry making, but it's also used for sculptures, buttons, and other decorative items.

Beyond Black Beauty: The Science of Jet

Jet might look simple, but there's more to it than meets the eye. While it's primarily composed of carbon, jet can also contain other minerals like sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen. The exact composition of jet can vary depending on the location where it was found and the conditions under which it fossilized. Studying jet can help scientists understand the environment of ancient forests and the process of fossilization itself.

Jet: A Bridge Between Past and Present

Jet is a bridge that connects us to our planet's ancient past. It's a tangible reminder of the vast forests that once dominated the Earth. By studying and appreciating jet, we gain a deeper understanding of our history and the incredible natural processes that continue to shape our world.

Here are some additional points to consider:

So, the next time you see a piece of jet jewelry, remember the fascinating journey it has taken. It's a reminder of the ancient trees that once stood tall, the natural processes that transformed them into a beautiful gemstone, and the enduring connection between humanity and the natural world.

Jet Araucariaceae

Found: Siberia, Russia (JN0621)

Hauterivian Age

(132,9 million yrs. BC to 129,4 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

Diving Deep into the Hauterivian Age: A Prehistoric Adventure

Imagine yourself transported back in time, 132 million years to be exact! This era is known as the Hauterivian Age, a fascinating period in Earth's history nestled within the Early Cretaceous Epoch. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of this ancient time.

What Exactly is the Hauterivian Age?

The Hauterivian Age can be thought of as a specific slice of geologic time. Just like we break down history into eras and periods, geologists use ages and stages to categorize Earth's long and eventful journey. The Hauterivian falls under the Early Cretaceous Epoch, which itself is part of the grand Mesozoic Era, often referred to as the "Age of Dinosaurs."

The Hauterivian Age lasted for roughly 3 million years, from about 132,9 million years ago (Ma) (millions years BC) to 129,4 Ma (millions years BC. It sits neatly between two other ages: the Valanginian Age before it and the Barremian Age following it.

Think of it like a chapter in a giant book about Earth. The Hauterivian is a particularly interesting chapter filled with unique life forms, dramatic environmental changes, and the rise of some truly impressive creatures.

Where Does the Name "Hauterivian" Come From?

The name "Hauterivian" has a cool geological origin story. It comes from the Swiss town of Hauterive, located on the shores of Lake Neuchâtel. Back in 1873, a Swiss geologist named Eugène Renevier first identified this specific geological time period based on the rock formations found near Hauterive. These rocks contained fossils and other clues that helped scientists piece together the environmental conditions and life forms present during the Hauterivian Age.

So, the next time you hear "Hauterivian," remember the charming Swiss town that serves as its namesake!

A Glimpse into the Hauterivian World

The Earth during the Hauterivian Age was a very different place than what we see today (2021). Here are some key features that defined this prehistoric period:

Unveiling the Creatures of the Hauterivian

The Hauterivian Age witnessed a diverse range of life forms, both on land and in the seas. Let's take a peek at some of the fascinating creatures that roamed (or swam) during this time:

A Period of Change and Adaptation

The Hauterivian Age wasn't all sunshine and shallow seas. This period also saw some significant geological events and environmental changes that shaped the world for creatures struggling to survive and adapt.

Understanding the Hauterivian Age allows us to appreciate the dynamism of Earth's history. This period was a time of transition, with the rise of new life forms, dramatic environmental shifts, and the ongoing reshaping of the planet's geography. By studying this chapter in Earth's story, we gain a deeper understanding of the forces that have shaped our planet and the incredible diversity of life that has emerged and evolved over vast stretches of time.

Belemnite - Hibolites Species

± 130 million yrs. BC

Diving Deep into the Past: Unveiling the Mystery of Hibolites

Have you ever stumbled upon a weird, pointed rock while fossil hunting? It might just be a Hibolites, a fascinating creature from Earth's ancient oceans! Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey to explore these enigmatic fossils.

What is a Hibolites?

Hibolites belongs to a group of extinct marine animals called belemnites. Although they might look like a type of rock or weird bullet at first glance, belemnites were actually relatives of squids and octopuses – cephalopods!

Unlike their modern cousins, belemnites possessed a hard, internal shell called a guard. This guard, often found fossilized, is what paleontologists (scientists who study fossils) use to identify different belemnite species. Hibolites is just one such genus, distinguished by its unique guard shape.

The Name Game: Unveiling the Etymology

The name "Hibolites" has some cool Greek origins. "Hibolos" translates to "pointed" or "barbed," likely referring to the guard's pointed tip, a characteristic feature of Hibolites. The second part, "lithes," means "stone," reflecting the fossilized nature of these creatures. So, essentially, Hibolites means "pointed stone," a fitting name for these sharp-ended fossils.

A Peek Inside: Anatomy of a Hibolites

While the belemnite guard is the most commonly found part, Hibolites had a more complex anatomy hidden within. Here's a breakdown:

A Life in the Ancient Seas: The Ecology of Hibolites

Hibolites lived during the Mesozoic Era, also known as the Age of Dinosaurs, which spanned roughly 252 to 66 million years BC. They thrived in warm, shallow seas, likely swimming actively and hunting for prey.

Here's what we know about their potential lifestyle:

However, much about their behavior remains a mystery due to the limited fossil evidence of their soft body parts.

A Journey Through Time: The History of Hibolites

The story of Hibolites starts millions of years BC. Here's a timeline of their existence:

Finding Hibolites Fossils: A Treasure Hunt Through Time

If you're interested in finding Hibolites fossils, keep an eye out for these locations:

Remember, collecting fossils might require permits depending on the location. Always check local regulations before embarking on your fossil hunting adventure!

The Importance of Hibolites: A Window to the Past

These seemingly simple fossils hold immense value for paleontologists, acting as tiny time capsules offering glimpses into the ancient oceans. Here's how Hibolites contribute to our understanding of Earth's history:

In conclusion, Hibolites fossils, though seemingly simple, serve as valuable tools for paleontologists. They help us date rocks, understand past environments, trace evolutionary lineages, and reconstruct ancient marine ecosystems. Each Hibolites fossil is a tiny window into a bygone era, offering valuable insights into the amazing diversity of life that once thrived in our oceans.

Belemnite Hibolites Sp.

Found: Resse, Germany (JN0451)

Barremian Age

(129,4 million yrs. BC to 125 million yrs. BC)

Aptian Age

(125 million yrs. BC to 113 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

Digging into the Aptian Age: A Dinosaur Era Adventure

Imagine yourself transported 120 million years back in time. Lush greenery stretches before you, with a warm, shallow sea teeming with life. Dinosaurs roam the land, some familiar and some unlike anything you've ever seen. This is the Aptian Age, a fascinating period in Earth's history nestled within the Early Cretaceous epoch. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey to explore this remarkable time!

What is the Aptian Age?

The Aptian Age is a chunk of geologic time that lasted for roughly 12 million years, from about 125 million years BC to 113 million years BC. It falls under the umbrella of the Early Cretaceous epoch, which itself is part of the Cretaceous Period. Think of it like a nested set of boxes: the Aptian Age is the smallest box, fitting within the Early Cretaceous epoch, which in turn fits inside the larger Cretaceous Period.

Geologists use these time divisions to categorize Earth's history based on the rocks and fossils found in different layers. Rocks formed during the Aptian Age can be found all over the world, and the fossils they contain tell us a story about the plants and animals that lived back then.

Where did the name "Aptian" come from?

The name "Aptian" has a cool origin story. It comes from the Latin word "Apta," which refers to a town in southeastern France now (2021) known as Apt. This town is located in an area where geologists first identified rock formations dating back to the Aptian Age. So, next time you hear "Aptian," you can picture a quaint French town that holds the key to a prehistoric era!

A World Transformed: Life in the Aptian Age

The Aptian Age was a dynamic time for life on Earth. The continents were slowly drifting apart, shaping the future geography of our planet. Here's a glimpse into some of the key features of this remarkable period:

Dinosaur Domination: Creatures of the Aptian

The Aptian Age was a prime time for dinosaurs. Here are some of the fascinating creatures that roamed the Earth during this period:

The Aptian Age wasn't just about dinosaurs; a diverse range of mammals, lizards, pterosaurs (flying reptiles), and crocodilian ancestors also called this time home.

A Time of Change: Events of the Aptian Age

The Aptian Age wasn't just a static period. Here are some significant events that shaped this era:

These are just some of the major events that helped shape the Aptian Age. By studying the rocks and fossils from this period, paleontologists can piece together a fascinating glimpse into a dynamic era in Earth's history.

Sea Urchin - Toxaster Species

± 125 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Toxaster: A Journey into the Fossil World

Have you ever stumbled upon a weird, heart-shaped rock at the beach? It might not be a rock at all, but a fossil – the preserved remains of an ancient creature! Today (2021), we're diving deep into the fascinating world of a particular fossil group – the Toxaster species.

What's in a Name? The Etymology of Toxaster

The name Toxaster is pretty cool, but where does it come from? It's a combination of two ancient Greek words: "toxon" meaning "bow" or "arrow," and "aster" meaning "star." Scientists believe this name refers to the star-shaped pattern formed by the Toxaster's feeding grooves on its underside.

Meet the Toxaster: Unveiling an Ancient Sea Urchin

Toxaster wasn't your average beach bum. It belonged to a group of marine animals called echinoderms, which include sea stars, sand dollars, and yes, even sea urchins! Unlike the round sea urchins you might see in tide pools, Toxaster was an irregular echinoderm. Imagine a sea urchin that ditched its spherical shape for a more heart-like one, flattened from top to bottom. This unique body shape helped Toxaster burrow into the seafloor for a comfy life.

A Look Inside: Anatomy of a Toxaster

While Toxaster might look strange, it had a well-equipped body for its burrowing lifestyle. Here's a breakdown of its key features:

A Life Underground: The Toxaster's Ecological Niche

Toxaster wasn't exactly a social butterfly. It preferred a solitary life, burrowing headfirst into the soft sediment on the seafloor. Using its tube feet, it would shuffle around, creating burrows and sifting through the sediment for tasty morsels like tiny organisms and organic matter. This burrowing lifestyle also provided protection from predators.

A Family Affair: The Toxasteridae

Toxaster wasn't alone! It belonged to a family of extinct echinoderms called the Toxasteridae. These guys were around from the Early Cretaceous period (about 145 million years BC) all the way up to the present day (although the last Toxaster species died out millions of years in the past). While Toxaster is the most well-known member of this family, there were many other genera (groups of closely related species) within the Toxasteridae, each with slightly different shapes and features.

A Fossil Tale: How We Know About Toxaster

Since Toxaster is extinct, we can't exactly observe them live. But luckily, they left behind amazing clues – their fossils! These fossils are the preserved remains of Toxaster's hard shell, often found in sedimentary rocks that were once the seafloor. By studying these fossils, scientists can piece together information about Toxaster's anatomy, lifestyle, and even the environment it lived in. The presence of Toxaster fossils in certain rock formations can tell us about the ancient seafloor conditions, like depth and oxygen levels.

Where to Find Toxaster Fossils?

Fossils of Toxaster have been found in various locations around the world, including Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. These areas were once covered by shallow seas during the Cretaceous period, providing a perfect habitat for burrowing Toxaster. If you're ever fossil hunting near former coastlines, keep an eye out for heart-shaped rocks with interesting surface textures – you might just stumble upon a piece of Toxaster history!

The Legacy of Toxaster: A Window to the Past

The Toxaster might be gone, but it serves as a valuable reminder of the incredible diversity of life that once existed on Earth. By studying these fossils, we gain a deeper understanding of how echinoderms have evolved over millions of years. Toxaster also helps us reconstruct ancient marine ecosystems and understand the environmental changes that have occurred on our planet.

The Evolutionary Journey of the Toxaster

The story of the Toxaster doesn't end with its extinction. Fossils tell us that the Toxasteridae family underwent a fascinating evolutionary journey. Early members of the family, like those from the Cretaceous period, had a more primitive body structure. Their shells were thicker, and their feeding grooves were straighter. Over time, Toxaster and its kin evolved thinner shells, more complex feeding grooves, and a more streamlined body shape, making them more efficient burrowers.

This evolution suggests that Toxaster faced increasing competition for food and resources on the seafloor. By becoming more adept burrowers, they could access food sources unavailable to other organisms and escape lurking predators. However, the evolutionary story of the Toxasteridae family eventually came to an end. The reasons for their extinction remain unclear, but it likely involved a combination of factors like environmental changes, competition from other organisms, or perhaps even a massive asteroid impact that triggered the extinction of dinosaurs.

Toxaster: A Teaching Tool for Paleontology

The study of Toxaster fossils is a cornerstone of a scientific field called paleontology. Paleontologists act like detectives, using fossils to crack the code of ancient life. Toxaster fossils, with their well-preserved features, provide valuable clues about the anatomy, lifestyle, and behavior of these extinct creatures. By comparing Toxaster fossils to those of other echinoderms, paleontologists can build a family tree, tracing the evolutionary relationships between different species.

Furthermore, studying the distribution of Toxaster fossils across different geographical locations helps scientists reconstruct ancient seafloor environments. The presence or absence of Toxaster in certain rock formations can tell us about factors like water depth, temperature, and oxygen levels. These insights into past environments allow us to understand how Earth's climate has changed over vast stretches of time.

Toxaster: A Model for Environmental Change

The story of the Toxaster also offers valuable lessons for understanding the future of our planet. As human activities continue to impact the environment, studying how organisms like Toxaster adapted to changing conditions can provide insights into how marine ecosystems might respond to future challenges. By understanding the delicate balance of life in the past, we can make more informed decisions about protecting the incredible biodiversity of our oceans today (2021).

Toxaster: A Spark of Curiosity

The next time you visit a natural history museum or browse online fossil collections, keep an eye out for the Toxaster. This seemingly simple fossil holds within it a captivating story – a glimpse into a world teeming with life millions of years BC. The Toxaster serves as a reminder of the power of scientific discovery and the importance of preserving our planet's rich fossil record for future generations. Who knows, maybe the Toxaster will spark your own curiosity about paleontology and inspire you to become a future fossil detective!

Sea Urchin Toxaster

Found: Ericeira, Portugal (JN0374)

Rock - Mookaite

± 125 million yrs. BC to ± 113 million yrs. BC

Mookaite: A Gemstone Whispering Tales of Ancient Seas

Have you ever stumbled upon a beautiful jasper with swirls of red, yellow, cream, and brown? That might be Mookaite, a gemstone with a unique story as old as time itself! Found in a special corner of Australia, Mookaite holds the whispers of ancient seas and the history of Aboriginal culture. Let's dive deep and explore this fascinating rock!

The Meaning Behind the Name: Mooka Creek

The name Mookaite is a clear giveaway of its origin. It comes from Mooka Creek, a waterway nestled near the Kennedy Ranges in Western Australia. According to Aboriginal stories, the word "Mooka" translates to "running waters," a fitting name for a creek and the source of this unique gemstone.

Mooka Station, a former sheep station that encompasses Mooka Creek, is the only known source of Mookaite in the world. This makes it a truly special gemstone, a treasure specific to this corner of Australia.

A Journey Through Time: The History of Mookaite

The story of Mookaite stretches back millions of years. During a time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, vast oceans covered much of Australia. Tiny radiolarians thrived in these ancient seas, leaving behind their silica skeletons as they died. Over millions of years, these skeletons accumulated, forming a layer of rock called chert.

Later, geological forces like weathering and volcanic activity transformed the chert into a harder, more colorful rock – the Mookaite we know today (2022).  Imagine the immense amount of time it took for these tiny fossils to become the beautiful gemstone we cherish!

Mookaite and the Aboriginal People

The Aboriginal people of Australia have a deep connection to the land and its treasures. While there's no documented evidence of how they used Mookaite in the distant past, some believe they might have valued it for its beauty and connection to the Earth.

Today (2022), some Aboriginal communities in Western Australia see Mookaite as a significant stone. It can be crafted into jewelry and art objects, serving as a connection to their heritage and the land.

Mookaite: More Than Just a Gemstone

Owning a piece of Mookaite is more than just having a pretty rock. It's a chance to connect with a distant past, the history of our planet, and the culture of the Aboriginal people. Here are some additional thoughts to ponder as you appreciate your Mookaite:

Mookaite truly is a gemstone that whispers tales of the ancient past. By caring for it properly and appreciating its story, you can ensure this little piece of Australian history continues to resonate for years to come.

Dear visitor:

More information about Mookaite can be found via this link:


 Raw (Large). Found: Mooka Creek, Australia (JN0672)

Impactite - Lake Mien

± 121 million yrs. BC

Lake Mien: A Swedish Lake Hiding a Cosmic Secret

Have you ever looked at a lake and wondered if there's more to it than meets the eye? Well, in the case of Lake Mien in southern Sweden, there absolutely is! This seemingly ordinary lake holds a fascinating secret – it's actually nestled within a giant crater left behind by a meteorite impact millions of years BC.

Today (2023), we'll dive deep (figuratively, of course, the lake itself is quite shallow!) to explore the science behind impactites, the history of Lake Mien, and the clues that helped scientists unravel its extraordinary past.

What's an Impactite?

The word "impactite" might sound like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, but it's a real geological term. It refers to a special type of rock that forms when a meteorite crashes into Earth.

Imagine a giant space rock hurtling towards our planet at incredible speeds. The impact is incredibly powerful, shattering both the meteorite and the rock it hits on Earth. The intense heat and pressure from the collision melt and fuse the rock together, creating a new type of rock – impactite.

Impactites can come in various forms depending on the impact. Sometimes, they're glassy and smooth, like a dark, greenish-yellow rock called suevite. Other times, they're a jumbled mix of melted and broken rock fragments, forming a breccia.

These rocks are like tiny time capsules, holding clues about the meteorite itself and the violence of the impact. Studying impactites allows scientists to piece together the history of meteorite strikes on Earth and understand their dramatic effects on our planet.

The Etymology of Impactite

The word "impactite" is a relatively new term in geology, coined in the 1960s. It comes from two Latin words: "impactus" meaning "struck together" and "ite" which is a common suffix used for rock names. So, "impactite" literally translates to "impact rock," perfectly capturing its origin story.

Unveiling the Mystery of Lake Mien

For centuries, Lake Mien was just another pretty lake in the Swedish countryside. People might have admired its circular shape, but no one suspected the hidden story beneath its calm waters.

The first clue came in 1900 when a geologist named Arvid Högbom noticed something unusual about the rocks around the lake. They had a strange, glassy texture and contained minerals not typically found in the area. Högbom suspected a volcanic origin for these rocks, but something didn't quite fit.

The theory remained unsolved for another decade. Then, in 1910, Högbom made a breakthrough realization. He connected the dots between the unusual rocks, the circular shape of the lake, and the growing understanding of meteorite impacts. Could Lake Mien be the remnant of a giant crater?

Further studies confirmed Högbom's hunch. Scientists found evidence of impactites around the lake, solidifying the theory that a meteorite strike millions of years BC had carved out this impressive crater.

Dating the Impact: A Journey Back in Time

Geologists use various techniques to determine the age of rocks and geological features. In the case of Lake Mien, they employed a method called radiometric dating. This technique analyzes the natural decay of radioactive elements present in rocks. By measuring the ratio of decayed elements to their parent elements, scientists can estimate how long ago the rock formed.

Studies on impactites from Lake Mien revealed an age of approximately 121 million years. This means the meteorite that created the crater struck Earth during the Early Cretaceous period, a time when dinosaurs still roamed the planet!

The Formation of Lake Mien

Imagine the Earth 121 million years BC. A massive meteorite, likely several kilometers wide, hurtled towards our planet. The impact would have been catastrophic, releasing energy equivalent to millions of atomic bombs. The surrounding rock would've instantly vaporized, creating a huge fireball.

The intense heat and pressure would have melted and shattered the rock beneath the impact point, excavating a giant crater. As the fireball cooled, molten rock would have solidified, forming impactites. Over time, the crater filled with water, giving rise to the serene Lake Mien we see today (2022).

Millions of years of erosion have significantly reshaped the crater. The original rim, estimated to be around 9 kilometers in diameter, has been worn down. Today (2022) Lake Mien itself is only about 5,5 kilometers across, but its circular shape remains a testament to its violent origins.

The Significance of Lake Mien: A Window into Earth's Past

Lake Mien is a valuable scientific treasure. It's a well-preserved example of a meteorite crater, offering scientists a window into the history of cosmic impacts on Earth. Studying Lake Mien helps us understand the power of these impacts and their potential influence on our planet's evolution. Here's a deeper dive into its significance:

Earth has been bombarded by meteorites throughout its history. These impacts have played a significant role in shaping our planet, from creating craters that reshaped landscapes to potentially influencing the course of evolution. Lake Mien provides a pristine example for studying these events. By examining the impactites and the crater itself, scientists can reconstruct the details of the impact, including the size and composition of the meteorite, the force of the collision, and the environmental effects. This knowledge helps us create models for past impact events and assess their potential impact on life.

The rock layers surrounding Lake Mien contain microscopic fossils and other geological evidence that offer clues about the climate prevailing at the time of the impact. By studying these layers, scientists can piece together a picture of the environment before, during, and after the impact. This information can shed light on past climate cycles and help us understand how such events might have influenced global climate patterns.

The study of meteorite impacts also holds significance for astrobiology, the field dedicated to understanding the possibility of life beyond Earth. Meteorites can carry traces of organic molecules, the building blocks of life, from distant parts of the solar system.  Studying impactites from Lake Mien can help us determine if meteorites might have played a role in delivering these organic molecules to early Earth, potentially contributing to the origin of life on our planet.

Lake Mien serves as a natural laboratory for studying the long-term effects of meteorite impacts. The crater and surrounding environment offer a unique opportunity to examine how such events alter the landscape, disrupt ecosystems, and influence geological processes over vast stretches of time. This knowledge can help us prepare for potential future impacts and understand the challenges they might pose.

The rock formations around Lake Mien tell a story that extends far beyond the meteorite impact. These layers contain a record of geological activity over millions of years, including volcanic eruptions, sedimentary processes, and changes in flora and fauna. Studying these layers alongside the impact crater allows scientists to create a more comprehensive timeline of the Earth's history in that region.

In conclusion, Lake Mien is a fascinating geological wonder that transcends its serene beauty. It's a valuable scientific resource, offering a glimpse into the power and consequences of meteorite impacts, the history of our planet's climate, and the potential origins of life. By studying Lake Mien, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of Earth's past and prepare for the possibility of future cosmic encounters.

Lake Mien Impactite

Found: Lake Mien, Sweden (JN0735-4)

Mien Impactite Green Variant

Found: Mien, Sweden (JN0735-5)

Belemnite (Unidentified Species)

± 120 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Belemnite: A Fossil Bullet from the Ancient Seas

Imagine yourself on a prehistoric beach, millions of years BC. The air is warm, the waves crash against the shore, and beneath the surface teems a hidden world. Among the strange creatures swimming there might be a belemnite, an extinct relative of squid with a fascinating fossil record.

Today (2021), we'll delve into the world of belemnites, uncovering their secrets and exploring their journey through time.

What's a Belemnite?

Belemnites (or belemnoids) were squid-like animals that lived in the Earth's oceans from the Late Triassic period (about 250 million years BC) all the way to the Late Cretaceous period (about 66 million years BC), which means they swam the seas alongside dinosaurs! Unlike their modern squid cousins, belemnites had a unique internal skeleton made of a mineral called calcite. This hard structure, often referred to as the "guard," is the most commonly fossilized part of the belemnite, and it's what paleontologists (scientists who study fossils) often find.

The guard's shape is what gave belemnites their name. It comes from the Greek word "belos," meaning "dart" or "missile," because the guard often resembles a pointed bullet or cigar.

Fossil Detectives: Putting the Belemnite Together

While the guard is the most common find, the entire belemnite wasn't just a pointy shell. They had a soft body similar to a squid, with tentacles, a beak, and an ink sac for defense. Unfortunately, these soft parts rarely fossilize. However, paleontologists can sometimes find imprints of the belemnite's phragmocone, which was a series of gas-filled chambers inside the body that helped the animal control its buoyancy, much like a modern cuttlefish's cuttlebone.

Etymology: A Wordy Adventure

The name "belemnite" comes from the Greek word "belos" (dart) and "-itēs," a suffix meaning "stone" or "fossil." So, the name literally translates to "dart stone," which perfectly describes the pointed shape of the most commonly fossilized part.

A Life in the Ancient Seas

Belemnites were active predators, using their tentacles to grab fish and other small marine animals. They likely lived in shallow waters near the coasts, swimming with other marine reptiles and early fish. Based on the structure of their ink sacs found in some fossils, scientists believe they used ink clouds to escape predators, just like modern squid.

One interesting aspect of belemnite ecology is that they seem to have been fast-growing creatures, reaching maturity quickly and then dying after reproducing. This rapid growth likely contributed to their abundance in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

The Rise and Fall of the Belemnites

Belemnites were incredibly successful for millions of years. Their fossils are found all over the world, especially in marine rock formations from the Mesozoic Era (which includes the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods). In fact, belemnite guards are so common that they're sometimes used as "index fossils" by geologists. These are fossils that are widespread and easily identifiable, helping scientists determine the relative age of rock layers.

However, the belemnites, along with many other marine creatures, met their demise at the end of the Cretaceous period. The mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs also took a toll on these cephalopods. The exact cause of their extinction is still being debated by scientists, but it's likely a combination of factors like climate change, volcanic eruptions, and asteroid impacts.

Belemnites: A Window to the Past

Despite their disappearance, belemnites continue to be valuable tools for paleontologists. By studying their fossils, scientists can learn about the ancient oceans, the belemnites' role in the marine ecosystem, and even the environmental conditions of the past.

Finding Your Own Belemnite Fossil

If you're interested in seeing a belemnite for yourself, you might be surprised to know that they're actually quite common fossils! Depending on your location, you could potentially find them on beaches along cliffs formed from marine rock. Remember to always check local regulations before collecting fossils on public lands.

Beyond the Fossil: The Legacy of the Belemnite

The belemnites may be gone, but their legacy lives on. Their story reminds us of the incredible diversity of life that has existed on Earth and the constant process of evolution and extinction. Studying fossils like these helps us understand the history of our planet and the interconnectedness of life.

So, the next time you see a picture of a belemnite fossil, remember the fascinating creature it represents and the vast underwater world it once inhabited.

Belemnite (Unidentified Species)

Found: Carniol, France (JN0002-13)

Belemnite unidentified species

Found: Carniol, France (JN0063-10)

Sea Urchin - Toxaster Amplus

± 120 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Toxaster Amplus: A Fossil Sea Urchin from the Past

Ever wondered about the ancient creatures that roamed our planet millions of years BC? Today (2021), we'll delve into the fascinating world of a fossil sea urchin called Toxaster amplus. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey through time to uncover its secrets!

What's in a Name? Decoding Toxaster Amplus

The name Toxaster amplus is pretty cool, but what does it actually mean? Let's break it down like a detective!

So, putting it all together, Toxaster amplus translates to "large bow-star," a fitting name for this star-shaped and frequently found sea urchin.

A Blast from the Past: The History of Toxaster Amplus

Toxaster amplus lived a very long time ago, during a period called the Early Cretaceous. This epoch stretched from roughly 145 to 100 million years BC. Imagine a world teeming with dinosaurs like the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex, while Toxaster amplus quietly munched on the ocean floor!

These sea urchins weren't around forever, though. Their reign ended sometime during the Aptian Age, which falls within the Early Cretaceous. This means Toxaster amplus fossils are like tiny time capsules, holding clues about what the oceans were like millions of years BC.

Finding Fossils: Where do Toxaster Amplus Hide?

The remains of Toxaster amplus are most commonly found in sedimentary rocks, particularly limestones and marls. These rocks form when layers of sediment, like mud and sand, accumulate over time and get compressed. If an organism gets buried in this sediment, over millions of years, the minerals can slowly replace the hard parts of the body, leaving behind a fossil.

Paleontologists, the detectives of the ancient world, have unearthed Toxaster amplus fossils in various locations around the globe. Some notable spots include:

These fossils provide valuable information about the past distribution of these sea urchins and the environmental conditions they preferred.

Anatomy of a Toxaster Amplus: Unveiling its Body

Toxaster amplus, like all sea urchins, belonged to the phylum Echinodermata. This group also includes starfish, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers.  Echinoderms have a unique body plan with radial symmetry, meaning their body parts are arranged around a central point like spokes on a wheel.

Toxaster amplus possessed a hard outer shell made of calcium carbonate plates, similar to our bones but lighter. This shell protected the soft body parts inside. Unlike some sea urchins with long spines, Toxaster amplus had small, button-like bumps on its shell.

Here's a closer look at some of its key features:

Living on the Edge: The Life of Toxaster Amplus

Imagine yourself walking on the ocean floor millions of years BC. You might encounter a Toxaster amplus slowly scooting along, using its tube feet to propel itself. These were infaunal organisms, meaning they lived partially buried in the sediment.

Toxaster amplus wasn't a picky eater. It most likely fed on detritus, which is organic matter that settles on the seafloor. Using its mouthparts, it could scrape up bits of algae, dead organisms, and other organic material.

Evolutionary Twists: Relatives of Toxaster Amplus

The Toxaster genus, to which Toxaster amplus belongs, is an extinct group of sea urchins. However, they have some living relatives! Modern sea urchins, like the sand dollar you might find on the beach, share some similarities with Toxaster amplus in terms of their body plan and lifestyle.

By studying Toxaster amplus fossils, scientists can gain insights into the evolution of sea urchins and how they adapted to different environments over time. Here's a deeper dive into the evolutionary story:

However, the story of sea urchins doesn't end there. Modern sea urchins, despite their diverse shapes and sizes, share some fundamental similarities with Toxaster amplus. They possess a radial body plan, a hard external shell made of calcium carbonate plates, and tube feet for movement and feeding. Studying Toxaster amplus fossils helps us understand the ancestral features of these modern sea urchins and how they've evolved to occupy various ecological niches in our oceans today (2021).

The Importance of Toxaster Amplus Fossils

These fascinating fossils are more than just ancient oddities. Here's why Toxaster amplus holds significance for paleontologists and beyond:

Toxaster amplus serves as a reminder of the vast history of life on Earth. It's a window into a bygone era, offering valuable clues about the ancient oceans and the fascinating creatures that once called them home. The next time you see a sea urchin at the beach, remember its amazing evolutionary journey, with Toxaster amplus as a distant relative from the depths of time!

Sea Urchin

Found: Gutach, Germany (JN0063-4)

Sea Urchin Toxaster Amplus

Found: Gutach, Germany (JN0376)

Sea Urchin - Heteraster Oblungus

± 120 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Heteraster oblongus: A Fossil From the Cretaceous Seas

Have you ever walked on the beach and stumbled upon a peculiar, rounded object unlike any rock you've seen? It might just be a fossil, a remnant of a creature that lived millions of years BC. Today (2021), we're diving deep (figuratively, of course) to explore a specific fossil – the Heteraster Oblongus.

What is a Heteraster Oblongus?

The Heteraster oblongus wasn't a spiky sea creature like the sea urchins you might see in tide pools today (2021). Instead, it belonged to an extinct group of sea urchins called the Toxasteridae. Imagine a flattened, oval-shaped sea urchin – that's the basic look of the Heteraster oblongus.

These fascinating creatures lived during the Cretaceous period, a time period spanning roughly 145 to 66 million years BC. Think dinosaurs roaming the Earth! The Heteraster oblongus wasn't exactly a giant – fossils typically measure around 2,5 centimeters long.

Decoding the Name: Etymology of Heteraster Oblongus

The name Heteraster oblongus is like a secret code for scientists. Let's crack it open!

So, Heteraster oblongus literally translates to "different elongated star," a fitting name for this unusual sea urchin.

The Life of a Heteraster Oblongus: Unveiling Their Habits

Imagine a life unlike any fish or seahorse. The Heteraster oblongus was a slow-moving dweller of the seafloor, living in shallow waters. Unlike their spiny cousins, they didn't cling to rocks. Instead, they were infaunal, meaning they burrowed partially into the soft sediment on the seabed.

These weren't fierce predators. The Heteraster oblongus was a detritivore, feeding on bits of decaying organic matter that settled on the ocean floor. They used tiny tube feet to sweep up this detritus, acting as nature's underwater vacuum cleaners.

A Journey Through Time: The History of Heteraster Oblongus

The story of the Heteraster oblongus begins millions of years BC during the Cretaceous period. This era saw the rise of the dinosaurs, the expansion of shallow seas, and a diversification of marine life.

The Heteraster oblongus thrived in these warm, shallow seas. Their fossils have been found in various locations worldwide, including Europe, North Africa, and even parts of the Americas. These fossils offer scientists a window into the ancient oceans and the creatures that called them home.

How Did They Become Fossils?

Fossils are the preserved remains of organisms. But how did a soft-bodied sea urchin like the Heteraster oblongus become a fossil? Here's a simplified version:

The Importance of Heteraster Oblongus Fossils

These fossils are more than just curious rocks. They act as tiny time capsules, holding valuable information about the past. Here's why they're important:

Finding Your Own Heteraster Oblongus Fossil

Feeling like a paleontologist yourself? You might be surprised to know that fossil hunting can be a fun and rewarding hobby. Here are some tips to increase your chances of finding a Heteraster oblongus fossil, or any fossil for that matter:

Finding a fossil can be a chance encounter, but with some knowledge and perseverance, you might just uncover a piece of prehistoric history. Remember, even a small fossil like the Heteraster oblongus can be a significant find, offering a glimpse into a world long gone.

Beyond Fossil Hunting: Museums and Research

While fossil hunting can be a fun activity, the most significant discoveries often come from professional paleontologists working in museums and research institutions. These institutions house vast collections of fossils, meticulously documented and studied by scientists.

By visiting museums with paleontology exhibits, you can get a firsthand look at amazing fossils, including Heteraster oblongus specimens. Museum paleontologists use sophisticated techniques to analyze fossils, including CT scans and microscopic analysis. This allows them to extract even more information about these ancient creatures, including their feeding habits, internal anatomy, and even signs of disease.

The story of the Heteraster oblongus is a reminder that even the smallest creatures can leave a lasting mark on our planet's history. The next time you're at the beach or exploring a natural area, keep an eye out – you might just stumble upon a fossil and become a part of the ongoing scientific quest to understand our planet's fascinating past.

Sea Urchin Heteraster Oblungus Large

Large. Found: Morella, Spain (JN0404)

Belemnite (Unidentified Species)

± 120 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Mystery: Belemnites from Alstätte, Germany

Have you ever stumbled upon a peculiar, bullet-shaped rock while exploring nature? That, my friend, could be a belemnite, an extinct marine creature that swam the oceans millions of years BC! Today (2021), we'll embark on a journey to understand these fascinating fossils, specifically focusing on the belemnites found in Alstätte, Germany.

Demystifying Belemnites: What are they?

Belemnites weren't actually rocks, but rather hard internal shells of cephalopods, a group of marine invertebrates that includes squids, octopuses, and cuttlefish. Unlike their modern relatives with soft bodies, belemnites possessed this internal shell, called a phragmocone, for support and buoyancy.

The word "belemnite" itself has a cool backstory! It comes from the Greek word "bélemnon," which means "dart" or "pointed projectile." This perfectly reflects the belemnites' characteristic slender, pointed shape.

A Fossil Treasure Trove: Alstätte, Germany

Alstätte, a town in northwestern Germany, boasts a rich history dating back millions of years. During the Early Cretaceous period (around 145 to 100 million years BC), this region was submerged under a shallow sea. This marine environment teemed with life, including belemnites.

Over time, these belemnites died and got buried under layers of sediment. Over millions of years, under immense pressure and through complex geological processes, these belemnites transformed into fossils. The surrounding sediment hardened into rock, leaving behind the belemnites as the only remaining evidence of these ancient creatures.

These Alstätte belemnites are particularly interesting because they belong to the Aptian stage of the Early Cretaceous. This specific geological period is known for its diverse marine life, and the belemnites from Alstätte offer valuable insights into the ecosystems of that time.

A Sneak Peek Inside: Anatomy of a Belemnite

While the phragmocone, the hard shell, is the most commonly fossilized part of a belemnite, they actually had a more complex anatomy. Here's a breakdown:

Unveiling the Lives of Belemnites

Though they're extinct, thanks to fossils like those from Alstätte, we can piece together some aspects of how belemnites lived. Here's what we know:

A Window to the Past: Significance of Alstätte Belemnites

The belemnites from Alstätte hold immense value for paleontologists, serving as crucial pieces in understanding Earth's ancient history. Here's a deeper dive into their significance:

In conclusion, the belemnites from Alstätte, Germany, are more than just curious fossils. They are valuable scientific tools that unlock the secrets of our planet's past, serving as timekeepers, environmental indicators, and evolutionary guides. As we continue to study these fascinating creatures, we gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity of life that once existed on Earth and the remarkable evolutionary journey that led to the marine life we see today (2021).

Belemnite Unidentified Species

Large. Found: Alstätte, Germany (JN0453)

Fish - Dastilbe

± 125 million yrs. BC to ± 113 million yrs. BC (Probaby ± 116 million yrs. BC)

Unveiling the Dastilbe: A Prehistoric Fish Frozen in Time

Have you ever wondered what swam in the Earth's oceans millions of years BC? Today (2021), we're diving deep into the fascinating world of Dastilbe, an extinct bony fish that lived during the Cretaceous period.

What is a Dastilbe?

Dastilbe wasn't some giant sea monster from a movie. Instead, imagine a small, slender fish, typically between 1 to 2,5 inches (2,5 to 6 cm) long, with a maximum recorded length of around 5,5 inches (14 cm). These prehistoric creatures belonged to a group of bony fish called the Gonorynchiformes, which are still around today but look quite different.

Where Did the Name "Dastilbe" Come From?

The name Dastilbe has a cool scientific origin, stemming from ancient Greek. "Dasos" translates to "thick" or "dense," while "tilbe" means "scale."  Putting it together, "Dastilbe" likely refers to the closely packed scales these fish had, offering them some protection in the ancient waters.

A Journey Through Time: The History of Dastilbe

Dastilbe lived during the Aptian stage, which falls within the Early Cretaceous period, roughly 125 to 113 million years BC. Imagine a world quite different from ours. The continents were still clumped together in a supercontinent called Gondwanaland, which included parts of modern-day (2021) South America, Africa, India, Australia, and Antarctica.

The Earth's climate during this time was warmer than today (2021), with lush forests and shallow seas teeming with life. This is where Dastilbe thrived, most likely inhabiting freshwater lakes and rivers. Unfortunately, these lakes weren't always stable. The climate could be quite arid, meaning these bodies of water would sometimes dry up.

Fossil Hunters Unearth the Secrets of Dastilbe

Our knowledge of Dastilbe comes from the incredible work of paleontologists, scientists who study fossils. These fascinating remains are the preserved traces of ancient life, like bones, teeth, or even footprints. In the case of Dastilbe, their fossils are often found in a type of rock called siltstone, which formed from the compressed remains of ancient mud.

One of the most famous locations for Dastilbe fossils is the Santana Formation in northeastern Brazil. This region was once a vast freshwater ecosystem during the Cretaceous, and the particular conditions there led to exceptional fossil preservation. These well-preserved Dastilbe fossils allow scientists to reconstruct what these fish looked like and how they lived.

Unveiling the Life of a Dastilbe

Based on the fossils, scientists believe Dastilbe had a slender, elongated body with a pointed snout. Their fins were likely used for maneuvering and navigating the freshwater environments they called home. While we can't be sure exactly what they ate, their anatomy suggests they were probably small fish eaters.

Interestingly, some scientists believe Dastilbe might have been an anadromous fish. These are fish that spend most of their lives in saltwater but travel to freshwater rivers and streams to spawn (reproduce). This fascinating behavior is seen in some modern fish like salmon, and it's possible Dastilbe followed a similar life cycle.

The Demise of Dastilbe and a Legacy in Stone

The end of the Cretaceous period, marked by the infamous Chicxulub asteroid impact, brought about a mass extinction event that wiped out many lifeforms, including the dinosaurs. Unfortunately, Dastilbe also fell victim to this global catastrophe.

However, these fish left behind a remarkable legacy in the form of their fossils.  By studying these ancient treasures, scientists can piece together the story of life on Earth millions of years BC. Dastilbe serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity of life that has existed on our planet and the importance of preserving these natural wonders.

Dastilbe: A Stepping Stone for Future Discoveries

The story of Dastilbe is far from over. New fossil discoveries and advancements in paleontological techniques might reveal more about their behavior, diet, and even how they interacted with other creatures in their ecosystem. Dastilbe serves as a stepping stone for scientists to understand the evolution of fish and the broader story of life on Earth.

So, the next time you see a fish swimming in a lake or river, remember that these creatures have a deep history stretching back millions of years. Dastilbe, though long gone, reminds us of the amazing diversity of life that has graced our planet and the ongoing quest to understand its incredible journey.

Fish Dastilbe

Found: Ceará, Brazil (JN0248)

Albian Age

(113 million yrs. BC to 100,5 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

Diving Deep into the Albian Age: A Cretaceous Adventure

Imagine yourself transported back in time, 113 million years to be exact! This era is known as the Albian Age, a fascinating chapter in Earth's history nestled within the Cretaceous Period. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey to explore this prehistoric world.

What is the Albian Age?

The Albian Age is a specific time interval within the geologic timescale. Think of it as a slice of Earth's history, much like chapters in a book. Geologists use these time intervals to categorize the vast stretches of time our planet has experienced. The Albian Age falls under the Early Cretaceous Epoch, which lasted from roughly 145 to 100 million years BC. So, the Albian Age represents the final act of the Early Cretaceous play.

The name "Albian" is quite interesting. It comes from "Alba," the Roman name for the Aube department in France. Rocks from this region serve as the classic example of geological formations dating back to this specific time period.

How Long Did the Albian Age Last?

The Albian Age wasn't a fleeting moment; it stretched for a significant period of roughly 12,5 million years. That's a mind-boggling amount of time! To put it in perspective, the history of all human civilization is only about 6.000 years old. In comparison, the Albian Age is like a giant compared to a speck!

Geologists further subdivide the Albian Age into smaller units based on specific rock formations and fossils found within them. These subdivisions help them paint a more detailed picture of what happened during this time.

A Glimpse into the Albian World

The Earth during the Albian Age was a very different place than what we see today (2021). Here's a peek at what it might have been like:

Life in the Albian Age

The Albian Age witnessed a vibrant and diverse biosphere teeming with lifeforms. Here are some of the fascinating creatures that roamed (or swam) the planet:

Fossils: Clues to the Albian Age

Fossils are the preserved remains of ancient life forms – the tiny time capsules that tell us the story of the Albian Age. These fascinating remnants, like bones, teeth, and even footprints, allow paleontologists, the detectives of the past, to piece together what life was like millions of years BC. By studying fossils from the Albian Age, scientists can learn about the different species that existed, their adaptations to the environment, and even how the climate might have changed over time.

The End of the Albian Age

No chapter in Earth's history lasts forever, and the Albian Age was no exception. The end of this period is marked by a major ocean anoxic event, a time when vast areas of the ocean became depleted of oxygen. This event likely caused mass extinctions of marine life, impacting the entire ecosystem. The Albian Age transitioned into the Cenomanian Age, marking the beginning of a new chapter in Earth's story.

The Albian Age: A Legacy in Stone

The Albian Age, though a distant chapter in Earth's history, holds immense significance for our understanding of the planet and the life it sustains. Here's how this prehistoric period continues to impact us today (2021):

The Albian Age, though long gone, continues to shape our world in profound ways. From influencing our understanding of climate change to providing us with valuable resources and shaping the diversity of life on Earth, this prehistoric period serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of our planet's history and its lasting impact on the present. As we continue to explore and learn more about the Albian Age, we gain a deeper appreciation for the incredible journey of life on Earth and the importance of safeguarding our planet for future generations.

Ammonite - Douvilleiceras

± 110 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Douvilleiceras: A Journey into the Cretaceous Seas

Imagine a swirling ocean teeming with life millions of years BC. Among these ancient creatures were the ammonites, majestic shelled animals related to squid and octopuses. Today (2021), we'll delve into a specific type of ammonite – the Douvilleiceras. Get ready for a fossil adventure!

What is a Douvilleiceras?

The Douvilleiceras (pronounced doo-vil-LEE-uh-seh-ras) is an extinct genus, meaning a group of closely related species, of ammonites. These fascinating creatures lived during the Cretaceous period, roughly 145 to 66 million years BC, a time when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.

Etymology: Unveiling the Name

The name Douvilleiceras is a combination of two parts:

So, Douvilleiceras translates to "horn of Douvillé," a reference to the ammonite's characteristic coiled shell.

A Look at the Douvilleiceras's Shell

The Douvilleiceras sported a beautiful spiral shell, much like a snail's, but with some key differences. Unlike a snail that can retreat entirely into its shell, the Douvilleiceras only had a small chamber at the end where its soft body resided. The rest of the shell was filled with gas-filled chambers, helping the ammonite to float and navigate the ocean depths.

One of the defining features of Douvilleiceras is its ribbed shell. These ribs weren't just decorative; they likely served multiple purposes. They might have helped strengthen the shell, aided in buoyancy, or even played a role in the ammonite's jet propulsion for movement. The specific patterns and strength of the ribs varied among Douvilleiceras species.

Douvilleiceras Around the Globe

Douvilleiceras fossils have been unearthed on continents all over the world, including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. This widespread distribution suggests that Douvilleiceras species were successful marine dwellers, adapting to various ocean environments during the Cretaceous.

Finding Douvilleiceras fossils helps us understand the paleogeography of the Cretaceous period, the ancient geography of Earth's continents and oceans. By analyzing where these fossils are found and the types of rock formations they're embedded in, scientists can piece together the movement of continents and the changing shape of seas millions of years BC.

A Life in the Cretaceous Seas

Though we can't directly observe their behavior, scientists use fossil evidence and comparisons to living relatives like squid to make educated guesses about Douvilleiceras's life.

Douvilleiceras were most likely pelagic animals, meaning they lived and drifted in the open ocean waters, rather than dwelling on the seafloor. Their streamlined shells and probable jet propulsion suggest they were capable swimmers.

They were likely predators, using tentacles to capture smaller prey like shrimp or fish. Their sharp jaws would have helped them crush and consume their food.

Unearthing the Douvilleiceras's Story

The first Douvilleiceras fossils were described in the late 19th century by French paleontologist Henri Douvillé (of course!). Since then, paleontologists have identified and named numerous Douvilleiceras species based on variations in shell size, shape, ribbing patterns, and suture lines (the complex patterns where chambers meet within the shell).

Studying these fossils provides valuable information about the evolution of Douvilleiceras over time. By comparing different species, scientists can see how the shell shape, ribbing, and other features changed over millions of years. This allows them to understand how Douvilleiceras adapted to their environment and how the genus diversified.

The Demise of the Douvilleiceras

The reign of the Douvilleiceras, like that of the dinosaurs, came to an end with the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event about 66 million years BC. This mass extinction event wiped out many marine and terrestrial species, and the reasons behind it are still (2021) debated (could have been an asteroid impact, volcanic eruptions, or a combination of factors).

The fossil record shows that Douvilleiceras disappeared during this extinction event, leaving behind a rich legacy of fossils for us to discover and learn from.

Douvilleiceras: A Window to the Past

Douvilleiceras fossils are more than just beautiful remnants of the past. They offer valuable clues about the ancient oceans, the evolution of marine life, and the dramatic events that unfolded at the end of the Cretaceous period.

Clues to Ancient Oceans

The presence of Douvilleiceras fossils in various geographical locations helps scientists reconstruct the paleogeography of the Cretaceous period. By examining the types of rocks the fossils are found in and the other marine creatures fossilized alongside them, paleontologists can build a picture of the ancient seafloor environments. This information sheds light on factors like ocean currents, water temperatures, and the overall health of marine ecosystems during the Cretaceous.

Evolutionary Insights

Studying Douvilleiceras fossils provides a window into the evolutionary history of ammonites. The variations seen in shell morphology (shape) and ribbing patterns among different Douvilleiceras species hint at how these creatures adapted to their surroundings over time. Perhaps a specific ribbing pattern offered better buoyancy in certain ocean depths, or a wider shell opening allowed for capturing larger prey. By analyzing these variations and comparing them to fossils of other ammonite groups, scientists can build a more complete picture of ammonite evolution and diversification throughout the Mesozoic Era (252 to 66 million years BC).

A Mass Extinction Story

The mass extinction event that marked the end of the Cretaceous period remains a topic of scientific inquiry. The fossil record reveals a significant decline in marine and terrestrial life around 66 million years BC, and Douvilleiceras was among the casualties. Studying the distribution and abundance of Douvilleiceras fossils in rock layers close to the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary can offer clues about the extinction's impact on these ammonites. Did certain Douvilleiceras species disappear earlier than others? Were they more or less vulnerable to the environmental changes brought on by the extinction event? By piecing together this information for Douvilleiceras and other marine creatures, scientists can gain a better understanding of the extinction's severity and the factors that contributed to the demise of so many species.

Douvilleiceras: A Legacy in Stone

Douvilleiceras fossils serve as a powerful reminder of the vast diversity of life that once existed in our oceans. These ancient ammonites swam alongside numerous other marine creatures, forming a complex and interconnected ecosystem. Their story, preserved in rock for millions of years, continues to inspire scientific curiosity and helps us piece together the grand narrative of life on Earth.

The next time you encounter a Douvilleiceras fossil in a museum or perhaps even online, remember that it represents not just a single creature, but a window into a bygone era. It's a testament to the power of adaptation, the drama of extinction events, and the ongoing quest to understand the history of our planet.

Ammonite Douvilleiceras Middle

Medium. Found: Mahajanga, Madagascar (JN0072)

Ammonite - Cleoniceras (Probably Besairiei)

± 110 million yrs. BC

Unearthing a Rainbow: The Iridescent Cleoniceras of Madagascar

Imagine holding a fossil millions of years old that shimmers with all the colors of a rainbow. That's the magic of an iridescent Cleoniceras from Tulear, Madagascar! This fossil isn't just beautiful; it tells a fascinating story about a long-extinct creature and the geological processes that preserved it. So, buckle up, young paleontologists, as we delve into the world of these mesmerizing fossils!

What is a Cleoniceras?

First things first, Cleoniceras is a genus, a scientific classification for a group of similar organisms. In this case, Cleoniceras refers to a type of ammonite, an extinct marine creature related to squid and octopuses. They lived during the Mesozoic Era, often called the "Age of Dinosaurs," which spanned a whopping 186 million years!

The name "Cleoniceras" comes from ancient Greek. "Cleos" translates to "fame" or "glory," and "ceras" means "horn." This name likely refers to the ammonite's distinctive coiled shell, which resembles a curved horn.

Cleoniceras Besairiei: The Iridescent Star

There are many species within the Cleoniceras genus, but the one found in Tulear, Madagascar, is called Cleoniceras besairiei. These specific ammonites are the ones known for their incredible iridescence, the fancy word for their rainbow-like sheen.

The Secret Behind the Rainbow

But how does a fossil millions of years old have such vibrant colors? It's all about the way light interacts with the fossil's shell. The original Cleoniceras shell was made of a mineral called aragonite. Over time, after the ammonite died, this aragonite dissolved and was replaced by opal, a beautiful gemstone known for its play of color.

The opal in these Cleoniceras fossils has a special microscopic structure. It's made of tiny, layered spheres of silica, a common mineral found in sand and glass. When light hits these layers, it bends and diffracts (scatters) in different directions, creating the dazzling rainbow effect we see. It's the same principle behind rainbows in soap bubbles or the shimmering colors of some butterfly wings!

A Journey Through Time: The History of Cleoniceras

Cleoniceras besairiei lived in the Albian stage of the Cretaceous Period, roughly 110 million years BC. Madagascar was once part of a vast continent called Gondwana, which eventually broke apart to form the continents we know today (2021). Back then, the area around Tulear was a shallow sea teeming with life.

Cleoniceras, like other ammonites, swam freely in these ancient seas. They propelled themselves using jet propulsion, squirting water out of a chamber in their shell. Their coiled shells likely offered some protection from predators, and they used tentacles to capture food, probably tiny plankton and other floating organisms.

Unfortunately, the reign of the ammonites came to an end with the mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years BC. The exact cause of this extinction is still (2021) debated by scientists, but it's believed to be a combination of factors like a giant asteroid impact and volcanic eruptions.

From Seafloor to Showcase: The Journey of a Fossil

Millions of years after their demise, the remains of Cleoniceras besairiei were buried under layers of sediment. Over time, these sediments hardened into rock, and the ammonite shells underwent a process called fossilization. Minerals replaced the original shell material, preserving the ammonite's shape and sometimes even details of its outer surface.

The area around Tulear, Madagascar, is particularly rich in these fossils. Geological processes like erosion eventually exposed the fossilized ammonites, making them accessible for collectors and paleontologists. Today (2021), these iridescent Cleoniceras fossils are prized by collectors for their beauty and scientific value. They offer a glimpse into a bygone era and the incredible diversity of life that once existed on Earth.

The Importance of Iridescent Cleoniceras

These fossils are more than just beautiful conversation starters. They can tell us a lot about the ancient environment where Cleoniceras lived. The presence of marine fossils like these indicates that the area around Tulear was once a shallow sea. By studying the types of fossils found, scientists can reconstruct past ecosystems and understand how life on Earth has changed over time.

Furthermore, the iridescence of these fossils helps scientists understand the process of fossilization. The way light interacts with the opal in the shell tells us about the microscopic structure of the fossil and the minerals that replaced the original shell material. This information can be used to study fossilization in other organisms as well.

The captivating beauty of iridescent Cleoniceras from Tulear, Madagascar, extends far beyond their mesmerizing colors. These fossils act as time capsules, offering a wealth of information for paleontologists and geology enthusiasts alike. Let's delve deeper into the significance of these remarkable creatures.

Beyond Aesthetics: Unveiling Ancient Environments

The presence of Cleoniceras besairiei fossils in Madagascar paints a vivid picture of the region's prehistoric past. These marine creatures wouldn't have survived outside a saltwater environment. Geologists can confidently infer that the Tulear area was once submerged beneath a shallow sea teeming with diverse life forms.

Furthermore, the specific types of fossils found alongside Cleoniceras can shed light on the overall ecosystem. Different marine organisms have varying ecological niches and environmental preferences. By studying the assemblage of fossils – the collection of different organisms found in a particular location – scientists can reconstruct the food chain, water temperature, depth, and overall health of the ancient sea. Imagine these fossils as puzzle pieces, each one contributing to a broader picture of a lost world.

A Testament to Transformation: The Tales Written in Stone

The very process of fossilization itself, as exemplified by iridescent Cleoniceras, unveils fascinating geological stories. As mentioned earlier, the original aragonite shells of Cleoniceras were gradually replaced by opal over millions of years. This transformation wasn't a simple one-to-one swap. The microscopic structure of the opal, with its intricate layers of silica spheres, tells a story about the geochemical conditions present during fossilization. Scientists can analyze these structures to understand the mineral-rich fluids that percolated through the rock layers, carrying dissolved minerals that eventually replaced the original shell material.

The study of fossilization processes in Cleoniceras can be applied to a broader range of fossils. By understanding how these ammonites transformed into iridescent marvels, paleontologists can gain valuable insights into how other organisms fossilized, potentially revealing details about past environments and geological events.

A Bridge Between Eras: Connecting the Past to the Present

Iridescent Cleoniceras fossils serve as powerful reminders of the immense timescale of Earth's history. These creatures lived and thrived over 100 million years BC, a timeframe that dwarfs our human experience. Studying these fossils allows us to connect with a distant past and appreciate the incredible diversity of life that has graced our planet.

Furthermore, these fossils can spark curiosity about the present state of our oceans. The ammonites, despite their success, eventually succumbed to a mass extinction event. Understanding the factors that led to their demise can inform ongoing efforts to conserve marine biodiversity in the face of modern threats like climate change and pollution.

A Call to Responsible Stewardship

The beauty and scientific significance of iridescent Cleoniceras fossils come with a responsibility. These are finite resources, remnants of a bygone era. It's crucial to ensure their responsible collection and preservation for future generations of scientists and nature enthusiasts.

Supporting ethical fossil trade practices and encouraging responsible collecting habits are essential. Additionally, museums and research institutions play a vital role in properly cataloging, studying, and exhibiting these fossils to maximize their educational and scientific value.

In conclusion, iridescent Cleoniceras fossils transcend mere beauty. They act as scientific keys, unlocking the secrets of ancient environments, fossilization processes, and the history of life on Earth. By cherishing these time capsules, we not only honor the past but also gain valuable insights that can guide our actions towards a more sustainable future for our planet's incredible biodiversity.

Iridescent. Found: Tulear, Madagascar (JN0084)

Belemnite - Neohibolites Minimus

± 105 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Tiny Terror of the Seas: Neohibolites Minimus

Imagine yourself on a prehistoric beach, millions of years BC. The air is thick with the calls of strange creatures, and the shallows teem with life unseen today (2022). Among these denizens of the deep lurked a fascinating cephalopod called Neohibolites minimus. Though its name might sound intimidating, this creature was actually quite small, earning its title "minimus" which means "smallest" in Latin.

So, what exactly was Neohibolites minimus? Buckle up, young paleontologists, because we're about to embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of this ancient wonder.

Decoding the Name: A Wordy Breakdown

Let's dissect the scientific name Neohibolites minimus to understand its meaning better.

Therefore, Neohibolites minimus translates to "the new, small hibolite," a fitting name for this unique creature.

Unveiling the Beast: A Cephalopod Disguised

Neohibolites minimus belonged to a group of extinct marine animals called cephalopods. This group includes familiar present-day (2022) creatures like squid, octopuses, and cuttlefish. However, unlike their modern relatives, Neohibolites minimus possessed an internal shell, earning them the nickname "belemnites."

This internal shell, called a rostrum, was the most commonly fossilized part of Neohibolites minimus. The rostrum was a cigar-shaped, pointed structure made of aragonite, a mineral similar to calcium carbonate. While some might think of a hard outer shell like a snail, the rostrum was actually internal and functioned more like a weight to help Neohibolites minimus stay buoyant and maneuver in the water column.

The rest of Neohibolts minimus' body was soft and rarely fossilized. Scientists believe they had a streamlined, torpedo-shaped body with eight tentacles surrounding their mouth. These tentacles were likely used for capturing prey and navigating through the ocean depths.

A Life Less Ordinary: The Diet and Habitat of Neohibolites Minimus

Imagine Neohibolites minimus zipping through the ocean depths, its eight tentacles snatching tiny shrimp-like creatures and other zooplankton. Scientists believe they were active predators, using their sharp beaks to tear into their prey. Their small size allowed them to navigate through dense seaweed beds and coral reefs, hunting for unsuspecting meals.

Neohibolites minimus thrived during the Early Cretaceous period, roughly 145 to 100 million years BC. Fossils of these creatures have been found in various locations around the world, including Europe, North Africa, and even parts of Asia. These fossils provide valuable clues about the ancient oceans and the ecosystems that existed millions of years BC.

A History Written in Stone: The Fossil Record of Neohibolites Minimus

The story of Neohibolites minimus is primarily told through fossils. When these creatures died, their soft bodies decomposed, but the aragonite rostra often remained buried in sediment. Over millions of years, this sediment transformed into rock, encasing the rostra as fossils. These fossilized rostra are what paleontologists use to study Neohibolites minimus and understand its morphology (physical form), ecology (relationship with its environment), and even its evolutionary history.

The abundance of Neohibolites minimus fossils in certain rock formations suggests that these creatures were once quite common. Studying the distribution of these fossils also helps scientists map out ancient seafloors and understand the environmental conditions during the Early Cretaceous period.

The Significance of Neohibolites Minimus: A Tiny Piece of a Big Puzzle

While Neohibolites minimus might seem like a small creature, it plays a vital role in our understanding of ancient marine ecosystems. Here's why this little cephalopod is so important:

In conclusion, Neohibolites minimus, though a tiny creature, offers a valuable window into the past. By studying these fossils, we can not only understand the anatomy and way of life of this specific cephalopod but also gain insights into the broader marine ecosystems of the Early Cretaceous period. These insights contribute to our overall understanding of the history of life on Earth and the fascinating evolutionary journey of cephalopods.

Belemnite Neohibolites Minimus

Found: Ölbach, Frankenmühle, Germany (JN0454)

Late Cretaceous Epoch

(100,5 million yrs. BC to 66 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

Welcome to the Late Cretaceous: A Time of Giants and Change

Imagine a world teeming with giant reptiles, vast inland seas splitting continents, and flowering plants painting the landscape in vibrant colors. This isn't a scene from a fantasy movie; it's a glimpse into the Late Cretaceous Epoch, a period in Earth's history that lasted from roughly 100,5 million years BC to 66 million years BC. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey back in time to explore this fascinating era!

What's an Epoch, Anyway?

Before we dive into the Late Cretaceous, let's understand how geologists chop up Earth's long history. They divide time into giant chunks called eons, then subdivide those into eras, periods, epochs, and ages. Think of it like a giant family tree: eons are the grandparents, eras the parents, periods the siblings, and epochs and ages are like specific generations within a period.

The Cretaceous Period is part of the Mesozoic Era, often referred to as the "Age of Dinosaurs." It's further divided into two epochs: the Early Cretaceous and the Late Cretaceous, which is our focus today (2020).

The Meaning Behind the Name: A Chalky Connection

The word "Cretaceous" comes from the Latin word "creta," which means chalk. This isn't a random coincidence! During this period, shallow seas covered vast areas of the continents. Tiny marine organisms called coccolithophores thrived in these seas, leaving behind their calcium carbonate shells when they died. Over millions of years, these shells piled up on the seafloor, compacting to form thick deposits of white limestone – chalk.

A World Transformed: Continents on the Move

The Late Cretaceous was a time of dramatic change for Earth's geography. The supercontinent Pangea had long since broken apart, and the continents were slowly drifting towards their current positions. Here are some highlights:

Climate Chaos: From Warm to Mild

The Late Cretaceous started with a continuation of the hot and humid climate that characterized the Early Cretaceous. However, things gradually began to cool down. Global temperatures became milder, with more variation between seasons. This shift likely played a role in the evolution and distribution of plant and animal life.

A Flourishing Flora: The Rise of Flowering Plants

The Late Cretaceous witnessed the rise of flowering plants, also known as angiosperms. These plants, with their enclosed seeds and efficient reproduction, diversified rapidly, taking over landscapes previously dominated by conifers and ferns. This diversification of plants had a ripple effect, providing new food sources for herbivores and influencing the evolution of entire ecosystems.

The Reign of the Dinosaurs: Giants and Theropods

Of course, no discussion of the Late Cretaceous is complete without mentioning the dinosaurs! This epoch was truly the Age of Dinosaurs, with a diverse array of these magnificent creatures roaming the Earth. Here are some of the highlights:

The End of an Era: The K-Pg Extinction Event

The Late Cretaceous ended with a bang – a massive extinction event known as the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction. Roughly 66 million years BC, a large asteroid or comet slammed into Earth, triggering a series of catastrophic environmental changes. Dust choked the atmosphere, blocking sunlight and causing a global temperature drop. This event wiped out about 75% of all life on Earth, including the non-avian dinosaurs.

Fossils Tell the Story: A Window to the Past

Our knowledge of the Late Cretaceous comes from a vast treasure trove of fossils – the preserved remains of plants, animals, and other organisms from that time period. Paleontologists, the scientists who study fossils, spend their careers meticulously excavating, cleaning, and analyzing these remnants of the past. By studying fossils, they can piece together the anatomy of extinct creatures, understand their behavior and ecological roles, and reconstruct the environments they lived in.

Here are some of the different types of fossils that provide clues about the Late Cretaceous:

Beyond Dinosaurs: A Look at Other Late Cretaceous Creatures

The Late Cretaceous wasn't just about dinosaurs! This epoch saw a remarkable diversity of life forms, both on land and in the seas. Here are some other fascinating creatures that shared the planet with the dinosaurs:

The Legacy of the Late Cretaceous

The Late Cretaceous Epoch was a pivotal time in Earth's history. It was a period of dramatic change, from the breakup of continents to the rise of flowering plants and the dominance of dinosaurs. The K-Pg extinction event, however, marked a turning point. It paved the way for the rise of mammals, eventually leading to the evolution of our own species. By studying the Late Cretaceous, we gain a deeper understanding of the history of life on Earth, the forces that have shaped our planet, and the incredible diversity of life that has existed throughout time.

The study of this era continues to be an active field of research. New fossil discoveries are constantly being made, and paleontologists are developing new techniques to analyze these finds. As we continue to learn more about the Late Cretaceous, we gain a greater appreciation for the amazing creatures that roamed our planet millions of years BC.

Sulfide - Pyrite

± 100,5 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Fool's Gold: Unveiling the Secrets of Pyrite from Rousset, France

Have you ever stumbled upon a shiny golden rock, only to discover it's not actually gold? You might have encountered pyrite, also known as fool's gold!  This seemingly unremarkable mineral holds a surprising amount of history and science within its sparkling form. Today (2022), we'll delve into the world of pyrite, specifically focusing on its presence in Rousset, France.

The Science Behind the Shine: How Pyrite Forms

Pyrite forms in a variety of geological environments, but most commonly it crystallizes from hydrothermal solutions. Imagine hot, watery fluids circulating deep underground, dissolving minerals and carrying them along. When these fluids cool or encounter changes in pressure, the dissolved minerals can precipitate out, forming crystals like pyrite.

In Rousset, France, pyrite is found specifically in a region called the Hautes-Alpes, a mountainous area known for its stunning scenery. The pyrite here likely formed millions of years BC when hydrothermal solutions interacted with the surrounding rock.

The Unique Pyrite of Rousset

The pyrite found near Rousset, France, has some unique characteristics that set it apart from pyrite found in other locations. Here are some interesting details:

Beyond the Bling: The Importance of Pyrite

While pyrite may not be real gold, it's a fascinating and valuable mineral in its own right. From its role in starting fires to its potential for future technologies, pyrite's story highlights the importance of seemingly ordinary minerals. Here's how pyrite continues to be relevant:

Pyrite: A Testament to Earth's History

Pyrite, often dismissed as mere fool's gold, holds a surprising amount of significance. From its historical uses to its potential future applications and its role in scientific research, pyrite offers a glimpse into the complex and fascinating story of our planet. The next time you encounter a piece of pyrite, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and the unique story it tells. It might not be gold, but pyrite is a valuable reminder of Earth's geological history and the potential for discovery that lies beneath our feet.

Dear visitor:

More information about pyrite can be found via this link:


Found: Rousset, France (JN0439)

Cenomanian Age

(100,5 million yrs. BC to 93,9 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

Diving Deep into the Cenomanian Age: A 100 Million Year Journey

Imagine yourself transported back in time, not just a few years or decades, but a staggering 100 million years! This is the world of the Cenomanian Age, a fascinating period within the Cretaceous Period. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey to explore this ancient era.

What is the Cenomanian Age?

The Cenomanian Age is a specific slice of time within Earth's history. Geologists use the term "age" to define a specific period based on the types of fossils found in rock layers. Think of it like chapters in a giant book – each age tells a unique story about the life and environment on Earth at that time. The Cenomanian Age is the first chapter, or the oldest part, of the Late Cretaceous Epoch, which itself falls within the Cretaceous Period.

The Cretaceous Period lasted from roughly 145 million years BC to 66 million years BC, making it a very long time! The Cenomanian Age specifically stretches from 100,5 million years BC to 93,9 million years BC.

Where Does the Name "Cenomanian" Come From?

The name "Cenomanian" has a cool origin story. It comes from "Cenomanum," the Roman name for the city of Le Mans in northwestern France. Geologists first identified rocks from this period near Le Mans, and the name stuck! It's a reminder that sometimes, the key to understanding the past lies hidden in the place names we use today (2020).

A World Transformed: Life in the Cenomanian Age

The Cenomanian Age was a time of great change on Earth. Here's a glimpse into what this world might have looked like:

A Glimpse from Fossils: Evidence of the Cenomanian

Our knowledge of the Cenomanian Age comes from the incredible evidence left behind – fossils! These preserved remains of plants and animals tell us a story about the life that existed during this period. Here are some of the amazing fossils found from the Cenomanian Age:

A Time of Change: Events that Shaped the Cenomanian

The Cenomanian Age was not just a static period. Several significant events happened during this time:

The Legacy of the Cenomanian Age

The Cenomanian Age holds a significant place in our understanding of Earth's history, particularly for the following reasons:

The Cenomanian Age is a reminder that Earth's history is a continuous narrative of change and adaptation. By delving into this period, we gain a deeper appreciation for the incredible diversity of life that has existed on our planet and the importance of maintaining a healthy balance in our own environment.

Bivalve - Exogyra Species

± 100 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Exogyra: Fossil Oysters That Once Ruled the Seas

Imagine a world teeming with life millions of years BC. Today (2021), we'll delve into the fascinating story of an extinct creature – the Exogyra, an oyster that dominated the seas during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, roughly 200 to 65,5 million years back. Buckle up, young paleontologists, because we're about to uncover the secrets of these remarkable fossils!

What's in a Name? The Etymology of Exogyra

The name "Exogyra" has a cool Greek origin. "Exo" translates to "outward" and "gyros" means "curved." Putting these together, Exogyra literally means "outwardly curved," a fitting description for these unique oysters.

Exogyra vs. Modern Oysters: Not Quite Twins

While Exogyra were close relatives of our modern-day (2021) oysters, there were some key differences. Modern oysters have two relatively similar valves that hinge together. Exogyra, however, were superstars of asymmetry. Their left valve, the one attached to the seabed, was deeply cupped, while the right valve was flatter, often with a curved beak. This lopsided design helped them anchor themselves firmly to the ocean floor.

Built for Survival: The Shell of an Exogyra

Exogyra weren't messing around when it came to protection. Their shells were incredibly thick and sturdy, able to withstand the currents and bumps of life on the seabed. This thick shell also served another purpose – it housed the soft body of the oyster inside. Imagine it as a personal submarine, keeping them safe from predators and the harsh ocean environment.

A Life on the Move (Sort Of)

Unlike modern oysters, which stay put their entire lives, Exogyra might have exhibited a bit more movement during their early stages.  Scientists believe that they may have started life attached to free-floating objects before finally cementing themselves to the seabed with their left valve as they matured.

A Feast for Filter Feeders: How Exogyra Ate

Exogyra were filter feeders, just like their modern cousins. They had gills that functioned like tiny sieves, drawing in water and extracting microscopic food particles like plankton and organic matter. Imagine them using their gills like a built-in straw, slurping up nutritious morsels from the surrounding water.

A Global Citizen: Where Exogyra Lived

Exogyra were true globetrotters! Their fossils have been found on continents across the globe, including Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia. This widespread distribution suggests they were a highly successful group, thriving in warm, shallow seas during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

Leaving a Legacy: The Importance of Exogyra Fossils

Exogyra fossils are more than just cool-looking rocks. They act as tiny time capsules, offering valuable clues about the ancient oceans and the environments where these creatures lived. By studying their shape, size, and the surrounding rock layers, paleontologists can piece together information about past climates, ocean currents, and even the types of other organisms that shared their habitat.

Unearthing the Past: How Exogyra Fossils are Found

Fossil hunters often find Exogyra in sedimentary rocks, which are formed from the accumulated layers of sediment at the bottom of ancient seas. These rocks can be exposed in cliffs, road cuts, and even quarries. The next time you're out exploring, keep your eyes peeled for interesting rock formations – you might just stumble upon a hidden Exogyra!

Exogyra: A Window to a Bygone Era

The story of Exogyra is a reminder of the incredible diversity of life that has existed on our planet. These lopsided oysters, once abundant in the Jurassic and Cretaceous seas,  are a testament to the power of adaptation and the ever-changing nature of life on Earth. The next time you see an oyster at the seafood market, take a moment to appreciate its evolutionary journey, connected to these ancient giants of the sea.

Want to Dig Deeper?

If you're curious to learn more about Exogyra or fossils in general, here are some resources to check out:

So, the next time you hear the word "oyster," remember that these seemingly simple creatures have a fascinating history, with Exogyra as their long-lost relatives. Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to uncover the next amazing fossil find!

Bivalve - Exogyra Species

Found: Indiana, US (JN0240)

Bivalve (Unidentified Species)

± 100 million yrs. BC

Buried Treasures: Bivalve Fossils from Essaouira, Morocco

Imagine yourself on a trip to Morocco, exploring the beautiful Essaouira region. As you walk along the beach, you stumble upon a smooth, oddly-shaped rock. Upon closer inspection, you notice a faint hinge running down the middle. This, my friend, could be a bivalve fossil – a window into Earth's ancient past!

So, what exactly is a bivalve fossil, and why is finding one in Essaouira so interesting? Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey through time!

The Bivalve Bunch: Clams, Oysters, and Mussels, Oh My!

First things first, let's crack open the meaning of "bivalve." Bi means "two," and valve refers to a hinged opening. So, bivalves are animals with two hinged shells that they can open and close to protect themselves and filter food from the water. Familiar examples include clams, oysters, mussels, scallops, and even some fancy deep-sea dwellers!

These shelled creatures belong to a phylum (a major animal group) called Mollusca, which also includes snails, octopuses, and squid. Bivalves, however, are the rockstars of the mollusk world when it comes to leaving a fossil record.

From Shell to Stone: The Fossil Formation Process

Fossils are the preserved remains of plants and animals from millions of years BC. But how does a squishy, living creature like a bivalve turn into a rock? It all depends on the right conditions:

Essaouira's Earthy Secrets: A Geological Snapshot

The Essaouira region in Morocco boasts a fascinating geological history. Millions of years BC, this area was a shallow sea teeming with marine life, including bivalves. Over time, the seafloor gradually rose, and the once-submerged sediments became dry land. Today (2021), thanks to erosion and weathering, these ancient rocks are exposed, revealing the hidden treasures within – bivalve fossils!

Unearthing the Past: What Bivalve Fossils Tell Us

These fossils are more than just cool rocks; they're like tiny time capsules holding clues about Earth's ancient environments. By studying bivalve fossils, scientists can learn:

A Treasure Trove of Bivalves: Exploring Essaouira's Fossils

The Essaouira region is particularly rich in bivalve fossils. Some of the commonly found species include:

Unearthing Fossils Responsibly: Becoming a Citizen Scientist

If you ever find yourself fossil hunting in Essaouira, remember to be a responsible explorer! Here are some tips:

By following these guidelines, you can contribute to our understanding of Essaouira's geological history and the amazing bivalves that once called this region home.

Beyond Essaouira: The Global Significance of Bivalve Fossils

Bivalve fossils are not unique to Essaouira; they are found worldwide and offer a glimpse into ancient marine environments across the globe. Studying these fossils has revolutionized our understanding of:

The Enduring Legacy of Bivalves: From Humble Shell to Global Knowledge

So, the next time you see a bivalve at the beach, remember – it's more than just a pretty shell. It represents a long evolutionary journey and holds valuable clues about our planet's past. From Essaouira's rich fossil beds to coastlines around the world, bivalves continue to teach us about Earth's dynamic history and the amazing diversity of life that has graced our planet.

Bivalve Marocco

Found: Essaouira Region, Morocco (JN0242)

Crocodile - Elosuchus Cherifiensis

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC (± 96 million yrs. BC)

Elosuchus Cherifiensis: The Long-Snouted Hunter of the Early Cretaceous Seas

Have you ever seen a gharial, a crocodile with a long, slender snout perfect for fishing? Imagine a whole lineage of ancient crocodiles that looked similar and lived in the seas millions of years BC! That's exactly what Elosuchus cherifiensis was! Buckle up, because we're diving deep into the prehistoric world to learn about this fascinating creature.

What is Elosuchus Cherifiensis?

First things first, let's break down the name. Elosuchus comes from two ancient Greek words: "elos" meaning "swamp" and "soukhos" meaning "crocodile." So, literally, Elosuchus translates to "swamp crocodile." But don't be fooled by the name, Elosuchus wasn't exactly a swamp dweller.

The second part of the name, cherifiensis, is a tribute to the person who first discovered the fossils – a French paleontologist named René Lavocat who first named it Thoracosaurus cheriefiensis.

Putting it all together, Elosuchus cherifiensis means "Lavocat's swamp crocodile," a fitting name for this long-snouted predator of the Early Cretaceous seas.

A Face Only a Fish Could Love (or Fear)

Imagine a crocodile with a super-sized snout, full of sharp, conical teeth. That's the basic picture of Elosuchus cherifiensis. This long snout, much like a gharial's, was perfectly adapted for snatching fish. Its slender jaws were lined with numerous small teeth, ideal for impaling and gripping slippery prey.

Unlike most modern crocodiles, Elosuchus likely had its nostrils positioned on the top of its snout, allowing it to breathe while keeping most of its body submerged. This breathing hole placement is another adaptation for a life spent cruising the ocean depths.

Since Elosuchus spent most of its time in the water, its legs were probably weak and not very useful for walking on land. Its powerful tail, however, would have been crucial for propelling itself through the water.

A History of Misidentification

The story of Elosuchus cherifiensis is one of scientific twists and turns. Back in 1955, when the first fossils were found in North Africa (specifically Morocco and Algeria), paleontologists thought they belonged to a different crocodile called Thoracosaurus. Thoracosaurus had a more robust skull and lived in freshwater environments.

It wasn't until 2002 that scientists like French paleontologist François de Broin took a closer look at these fossils. They realized the skull structure and overall body shape were quite different from Thoracosaurus. Based on these new findings, de Broin classified the fossils as a new genus, Elosuchus, with E. cherifiensis as the type species (the first recognized species within a new genus).

A Life in the Early Cretaceous Seas

Elosuchus cherifiensis lived during the Early Cretaceous period, roughly 112 to 99 million years BC. This was a time of great change on Earth. The continents were slowly drifting apart, and the oceans were teeming with all sorts of marine life.

North Africa, where Elosuchus fossils have been found, was part of a vast seaway called the Tethys Ocean. This warm, shallow sea was home to a diverse range of creatures, including giant marine reptiles like plesiosaurs, early mosasaurs, and even sea turtles.

Elosuchus, with its specialized fish-catching snout, likely occupied a niche as a mid-sized predator in this ecosystem. They probably swam alongside these larger marine reptiles, hunting for schools of fish or even scavenging on dead animals. Some scientists believe Elosuchus might have even hunted young plesiosaurs or mosasaurs, similar to how some dolphins hunt today (2021).

The Legacy of Elosuchus Cherifiensis

Fossils of Elosuchus cherifiensis are relatively rare, but they provide a valuable window into the diversity of crocodile evolution. These long-snouted hunters show us how crocodiles adapted to life in the ocean millions of years BC.

Studying Elosuchus also helps us understand the ancient ecosystems of the Early Cretaceous. By piecing together the different types of creatures that lived alongside each other, paleontologists can build a more complete picture of this lost world.

While there's still much to learn about Elosuchus cherifiensis, the fossils we have paint a fascinating picture of a specialized predator that thrived in the warm seas of the Early Cretaceous.

Want to Learn More?

Sure, here are some additional resources to keep you exploring the fascinating world of Elosuchus cherifiensis and its kin:

By delving deeper into these areas, you can gain a richer understanding of Elosuchus cherifiensis, its place in the grand scheme of evolution, and the amazing diversity of life that has graced our planet throughout history.

Crocodile - Elosuchus Cherifiensis Tooth

Tooth 45 mm. Found: Taouz, Kem Kem Basin, Morocco (JN0185)

Sawfish - Onchopristis Numidus (Onchropristis Numida)

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC (± 96 million yrs. BC)

The Giant Sawfish of the Cretaceous: Onchopristis Numida (or Onchopristis Numidus)

Imagine a giant fish swimming in the shallow seas millions of years BC. This wasn't just any fish – it had a long, bony snout lined with sharp, hooked teeth, resembling a giant saw. This fascinating creature is the Onchopristis numida, also sometimes referred to as Onchopristis numidus (though the first is grammatically correct).

What's in a Name? Unveiling the Etymology

The name Onchopristis is pretty cool – it comes from Ancient Greek! "Onkos" means "barb" or "hook," and "pristis" means "saw" or "sawfish." So, literally, Onchopristis translates to "hooked saw," a perfect description of this amazing fish.

A Serrated Snout: The Defining Feature

The most striking feature of Onchopristis numida was its elongated snout, called a rostrum. This rostrum wasn't just for show – it was lined on both sides with numerous sharp denticles. These weren't exactly teeth, but rather modified scales that formed a serrated edge, like a giant underwater saw. Our rare smaller specimen  comes from a young Onchopristis, identical to an adult version.

Size Matters: How Big Were These Sawfish?

Onchopristis numida wasn't exactly small. Fossil evidence suggests these behemoths could reach lengths of up to 4,25 meters (almost 14 feet)!  Imagine encountering a fish that long with a built-in saw – that would be a sight! Their size also suggests they were quite heavy, estimated to weigh between 70 to 150 kilograms (150 to 330 pounds).

A Life in the Cretaceous Seas: Habitat and Diet

Onchopristis numida lived during the Late Cretaceous period, roughly 100 to 66 million years BC. Fossils of these sawfish have been found in what is now North Africa, Europe, and even North America, suggesting they had a wide geographic range.

These giants likely preferred shallow marine environments, similar to the continental shelves where modern sawfish reside. So, what did they eat? Their saw-like rostrum suggests they were specialized for a diet of hard-shelled creatures. They probably used their saws to dig into the seabed, unearthing crustaceans like crabs and lobsters, and then snapped them up with their powerful jaws.

Predators and Prey: Life in a Bygone Era

While Onchopristis numida was a formidable predator, it wasn't at the top of the food chain. Fossils show evidence of bite marks from giant predators like the Spinosaurus, a massive theropod dinosaur with sail-like spines on its back. Spinosaurus, with its long jaws and powerful bite, likely preyed on these sawfish, especially when they ventured into freshwater streams for breeding purposes. It seems even the giants had to watch out for something bigger!

Unearthing the Past: The Fossil Record

Our knowledge of Onchopristis numida comes from the fossil record. These fossils include the distinctive rostra with their rows of sharp denticles, as well as other skeletal remains. By studying these fossils, scientists can piece together the anatomy, size, and even lifestyle of these prehistoric creatures.

Classification Confusion: A Taxonomic Tale

There can be some confusion surrounding the scientific name of this sawfish. The correct spelling is Onchopristis numida, where "numida" refers to a single species within the genus Onchopristis. However, you might sometimes see it written as Onchopristis numidus. This is grammatically incorrect in Latin, the language of scientific classification. It's a small detail, but using the proper name ensures clear communication within the scientific community.

A Window to the Past: The Significance of Onchopristis Numida

Onchopristis numida is more than just a cool-looking fossil. It helps us understand the diversity of life during the Cretaceous period. By studying these creatures, we can learn about the evolution of fish, the food webs of ancient ecosystems, and even the environmental conditions of the past. These giant sawfish are a reminder of the incredible creatures that once roamed our planet.

Beyond the Basics: Further Exploration

If you're interested in learning more about Onchopristis numida, here are some resources to explore:

Evolutionary Connections: Sawfish Through Time

Onchopristis numida belongs to a group of extinct fish called sclerorhynchoids. These fish were distant relatives of modern sharks and rays, but with some key differences. Unlike the flexible cartilage skeletons of sharks and rays, sclerorhynchoids had a mix of cartilage and bone, giving them a more rigid body structure. The elongated, saw-like rostrum was a defining characteristic of sclerorhynchoids, and Onchopristis numida represents one of the most extreme examples of this adaptation.

Modern sawfish, despite their similar appearance, are not directly related to Onchopristis numida or other sclerorhynchoids. They belong to the cartilaginous fish group that includes sharks and rays. However, both Onchopristis numida and modern sawfish showcase a phenomenon called convergent evolution. This means that unrelated organisms evolve similar adaptations to thrive in similar environments. Both these sawfish, separated by millions of years, developed a saw-like rostrum for a similar purpose – to dominate their underwater niche.

A Glimpse into the Cretaceous Seas: Putting It All Together

Imagine yourself traveling back in time to the Late Cretaceous period. The continents haven't quite drifted into their present positions, and shallow seas teem with a variety of marine life. Schools of bony fish dart through the water, while giant marine reptiles like plesiosaurs cruise just beneath the surface. Here, in this vibrant ecosystem, you might encounter Onchopristis numida.

Using its powerful tail for propulsion, it glides through the water, its long, saw-like rostrum searching the seabed. It encounters a burrowed crab, its hard shell a challenge for most predators. With a swift movement, Onchopristis numida slices through the water with its rostrum, its sharp denticles tearing into the sediment and exposing the unsuspecting crustacean. The sawfish then uses its strong jaws to snap up the crab, its serrated teeth making short work of the hard exoskeleton.

This is just a glimpse into the life of Onchopristis numida. By studying these fossils, we can begin to reconstruct the complex food webs and ecological relationships that existed millions of years BC. The presence of Onchopristis numida also tells us something about the environment itself. The fact that they lived in shallow marine environments suggests that these areas were rich in food sources, particularly shellfish and other bottom-dwelling creatures.

The Legacy of Onchopristis Numida: A Window to the Past and a Link to the Present

Onchopristis numida serves as a powerful reminder of the incredible diversity of life that has existed on Earth. These giant sawfish were apex predators in their time, showcasing a unique adaptation that allowed them to thrive. Their fossils provide a valuable window into the past, helping us understand the evolution of fish, the structure of ancient ecosystems, and the environmental conditions of the Cretaceous period.

The story of Onchopristis numida also highlights the power of convergent evolution. While not directly related to modern sawfish, they both represent successful adaptations to a similar ecological niche. Studying these prehistoric creatures allows us to appreciate the remarkable ingenuity of life and the ongoing process of evolution.

So, the next time you visit an aquarium and see a modern sawfish gracefully glide through the water, remember its distant relative, Onchopristis numida, the giant sawfish that ruled the Cretaceous seas.

Onchopristis Numidis Tooth 31 mm

Tooth 31 mm. Found: Taouz, Kem Kem Basin, Morocco (JN0186)

Giant Predator Fish - Aidachar Pankowskii

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC (± 96 million yrs. BC)

Unveiling the Aidachar Pankowskii: A Cretaceous Sea Monster

Ever heard of dragons? Those mythical fire-breathing beasts that capture our imaginations? Well, beneath the waves of the Late Cretaceous seas, there lurked a real-life creature named after a dragon – the Aidachar pankowskii. Buckle up, young paleontologists, because we're diving deep into the world of this fascinating fish!

What's in a Name?

Our story begins with the name "Aidachar." This isn't some random word – it has a cool backstory. It comes from the Kazakh language, where it refers to a mythical creature called the Aydahar, a powerful winged serpent. Scientists who discovered this fish thought its fearsome predatory nature resembled the legendary dragon, hence the name.

The second part of the name, "Pankowskii," honors a paleontologist named J. Panovski who likely contributed to the research on this species. So, the entire name "Aidachar Pankowskii" pays tribute to both myth and science!

Fishy Origins: A Ray-Finned Ruler

Aidachar pankowskii wasn't actually a dragon, but a real fish! It belonged to a group called the ichthyodectiforms, which were a kind of ray-finned fish. Ray-finned fish are the most diverse group of fish alive today (2021), including familiar creatures like salmon, tuna, and even goldfish!

Ichthyodectiforms, however, were quite different. They lived during the Mesozoic Era, which is the time of dinosaurs, and were known for their ferocious hunting skills. Imagine a sleek, powerful fish with sharp teeth – that's the kind of creature Aidachar pankowskii was.

A Time Traveler's Tale: The Cretaceous Period

Aidachar pankowskii swam the oceans during the Late Cretaceous period, roughly 100 to 66 million years BC. This was a time of great change on Earth. Dinosaurs ruled the land, while giant marine reptiles like plesiosaurs and mosasaurs dominated the seas. The continents were still rearranging themselves, and the climate was much warmer than today (2021).

Our fishy friend lived in a part of the world called Central Asia and North Africa. Back then, these areas were covered by shallow seas teeming with life. Aidachar pankowskii wasn't alone – it shared its watery world with other amazing creatures like giant clams, sea turtles, and even early ancestors of crocodiles!

Unearthing the Past: Fossil Frenzy

Our knowledge of Aidachar pankowskii comes from fossils, the preserved remains of ancient organisms. In the case of Aidachar pankowskii, the fossils we have are mostly teeth and jaw fragments. These may not seem like much, but for paleontologists, they're like tiny time capsules holding clues about this creature's life.

The first Aidachar pankowskii fossils were discovered in Central Asia in the early 1980s. Initially, scientists weren't sure what they were looking at. They even thought they might be from a flying reptile at first! But with more research, they realized they belonged to a fearsome fish and named it Aidachar.

Later, in 2011, scientists found more Aidachar pankowskii fossils in Morocco, North Africa. These fossils helped us understand the diversity of this fish and even led to the identification of a possible new species within the Aidachar genus.

A Predator's Arsenal: Built to Bite

Based on the fossils, scientists believe Aidachar pankowskii was a formidable predator. Its jaws were lined with sharp, conical teeth perfectly designed for tearing through flesh. Imagine rows of tiny daggers – that's the kind of bite force Aidachar pankowskii possessed!

These teeth weren't just for show, though. The wear and tear patterns on the fossils suggest Aidachar pankowskii used its teeth to crush and break the bones of its prey. This tells us they were likely targeting creatures with hard shells or bones, like other fish or even small marine reptiles.

A Life Reconstructed: Filling the Gaps

While fossils tell us a lot about Aidachar pankowskii, there's still (2021) much we don't know. For example, we can only estimate its size based on the jaw fragments. Scientists believe it could have grown up to several meters long, making it an apex predator in its environment.

The exact body shape of Aidachar pankowskii is also a mystery. However, based on other ichthyodectiforms, we can assume it had a streamlined body for fast swimming and powerful fins for maneuvering through the water.

A Window to the Past: Why Aidachar Pankowskii Matters

Studying creatures like Aidachar pankowskii helps us paint a more complete picture of prehistoric life. Each fossil discovery adds another piece to the puzzle, allowing us to understand the biodiversity of ancient ecosystems. By examining the teeth and jaws of Aidachar pankowskii, paleontologists can learn about the feeding habits of this fish and its role in the food chain of the Late Cretaceous seas.

This knowledge can also be used to compare Aidachar pankowskii to other prehistoric fish and see how they evolved and adapted over time. Fossils can reveal how different species interacted with each other and their environment. In the case of Aidachar pankowskii, studying its teeth allows scientists to compare its predatory style to other ichthyodectiforms and see how this group of fish diversified.

Furthermore, fossils like those of Aidachar pankowskii can help us understand major events in Earth's history. The presence of Aidachar pankowskii fossils in both Central Asia and North Africa suggests these regions were once connected by shallow seas. This information is crucial for reconstructing the movements of continents over millions of years, a process known as continental drift.

The story of Aidachar pankowskii is a reminder that even the most fearsome creatures eventually go extinct. By studying these prehistoric fish, we can learn about the factors that can lead to extinction and how they might apply to species today (2021). Understanding the past can help us make informed decisions about protecting the incredible biodiversity we have on Earth right now.

The Future of Aidachar Pankowskii

The story of Aidachar pankowskii is far from over. Paleontologists are constantly searching for new fossils that can shed more light on this fascinating creature. Advances in technology like CT scanning can also provide us with a more detailed look at the internal structure of Aidachar pankowskii's fossils, potentially revealing information about its braincase, inner ear, and even muscle attachment points.

These discoveries can help us create more accurate reconstructions of what Aidachar pankowskii might have looked like alive and how it moved. Who knows, maybe someday we'll even be able to create lifelike simulations of this prehistoric fish swimming through the Late Cretaceous seas!

So, the next time you hear about dragons, remember Aidachar pankowskii – a real-life fish that lived up to its mythical namesake. As we continue to explore the fossil record, who knows what other amazing creatures from the past we might uncover?

Giant Predator Fish - Aidachar Pankowskii

Tooth 14,2 mm. Found:  Taouz, Errachidia Province, South Morocco (JN0187)

Garfish - Obaichthys Africanus

± 145 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC (± 96 million yrs. BC)

Unveiling the Obaichthys Africanus: A Fossil Fish with a Spiky Secret

Have you ever wondered what lurked in the oceans millions of years BC? Today (2021), we're diving deep into the fascinating world of fossils to explore the  Obaichthys africanus, an ancient fish with a unique spiky surprise. Buckle up, because this isn't your average fish!

What's in a Name?

Let's break down the name Obaichthys africanus like a detective solving a case.

So, the entire name translates to "spiny fish from Africa," a fitting title considering its most distinctive feature.

A Fossil Fish Flashback

Unlike the colorful fish swimming in coral reefs today (2021), Obaichthys africanus is an extinct species. It lived during the Late Cretaceous period, a time period roughly 95 million years BC. This period saw the reign of dinosaurs on land, but the oceans teemed with a diverse array of marine life, including our spiky friend.

Unfortunately, paleontologists (scientists who study fossils) haven't unearthed complete Obaichthys africanus specimens. Most of what we know comes from isolated rare scales and a few partial skeletons. These fossils were found in what is now Morocco, specifically in the Kem Kem Beds, a geological formation known for preserving remnants of this ancient ecosystem.

The Spiky Secret: Scales that Stood Out

The most striking feature of Obaichthys africanus is its unique scales. Unlike the smooth, flat scales of most fish, Obaichthys africanus boasted scales with a prominent spine protruding from the back. This spine pointed towards the tail (caudal) and likely served several purposes.

The scales also had a peg-and-socket joint system that allowed them to interlock, creating a flexible yet sturdy armor-like covering. This interlocking system is another unique feature not often seen in other fish.

A Fishy Family Tree

Obaichthys africanus belonged to the Lepisosteidae family, also known as gars. Modern gars are freshwater fish found in North and Central America. They share some similarities with Obaichthys africanus, such as having elongated bodies and long snouts. However, modern gars lack the spiky scales of their ancient relative.

A Life Cut Short: The Demise of Obaichthys Africanus

The story of Obaichthys africanus ends around 66 million years BC with the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event. This mass extinction event wiped out a significant portion of life on Earth, including dinosaurs and many marine creatures. The exact cause of the extinction is still (2021) debated, but it's likely a combination of factors like a giant asteroid impact and volcanic eruptions.

A Window to the Past: Why Fossils Like Obaichthys Africanus Matter

Even though Obaichthys africanus is no longer around, studying its fossils helps us piece together the puzzle of how life on Earth has evolved. These fossils provide clues about the diversity of ancient marine ecosystems and the adaptations different species possessed to survive.

Furthermore, studying fossils like Obaichthys africanus allows us to understand the interconnectedness of life. The unique features of this fish, like its spiky scales, tell us about the challenges it faced in its environment and how it adapted to survive.

The Future of Obaichthys Africanus

With further discoveries and research, paleontologists might be able to uncover more complete Obaichthys africanus fossils, providing a clearer picture of this fascinating fish. These discoveries could shed light on its behavior, diet, and how it fit into the ancient ecosystem.

The Evolutionary Arms Race: Obaichthys Africanus in Context

The Late Cretaceous period, when Obaichthys africanus thrived, was a time of intense competition and diversification in the oceans. Predatory fish with various hunting strategies roamed the seas, while prey species like Obaichthys africanus evolved unique defenses to survive. The spiky scales of Obaichthys africanus are a prime example of this evolutionary arms race.

Imagine a large, toothy predator lurking in the murky depths. The spiky scales of Obaichthys africanus could have made it a less desirable target. The sharp protrusions might have discouraged a predator from attacking or even inflicted injuries upon the attacker during a struggle. This highlights the constant push and pull between predator and prey, where each species evolves adaptations to gain an edge in the fight for survival.

Beyond Defense: Unveiling the Multifaceted Role of Spiky Scales

While defense against predators seems like a logical explanation for the spiky scales, paleontologists believe they might have served other purposes as well. The unique shape of the spine could have helped Obaichthys africanus maneuver through currents more efficiently. Imagine a fish paddling against a strong current. The spiky scales might have acted like miniature rudders, providing additional stability and control.

Another theory suggests the spiky scales played a role in communication. Perhaps the unique appearance of the scales helped Obaichthys africanus of the same species recognize each other or even establish dominance within their social hierarchy. This opens up a fascinating window into the potential social behaviors of this ancient fish.

The Importance of Fossils in Understanding Ancient Ecosystems

Fossils like Obaichthys africanus are invaluable for reconstructing ancient ecosystems. By piecing together the different types of fossils found in a particular location and geological formation, scientists can paint a picture of the diverse creatures that coexisted millions of years BC.

For instance, fossils of marine invertebrates like clams and snails found alongside Obaichthys africanus might indicate the type of seabed it inhabited. Additionally, fossils of predatory fish with sharp teeth could support the theory that the spiky scales served a defensive purpose. Each fossil discovery adds another piece to the puzzle, helping us understand the complex web of life in bygone eras.

Obaichthys Africanus: A Legacy that Lives On

The story of Obaichthys africanus is a testament to the remarkable adaptability and diversity of life on Earth. This spiky fish, though long gone, serves as a reminder of the constant process of evolution and the interconnectedness of all living things. By studying fossils, we not only gain a deeper appreciation for the past but also gain valuable insights that can inform conservation efforts for the incredible biodiversity we have today (2021).

The search for more complete Obaichthys africanus fossils continues. Paleontologists around the world are constantly on the lookout for new discoveries that could shed light on this fascinating creature. Perhaps future expeditions will unearth more about its behavior, diet, and how it interacted with other species in its ancient ocean home.

In conclusion, Obaichthys africanus, the spiny fish from Africa, may be extinct, but its legacy lives on. It serves as a reminder of the power of adaptation, the interconnectedness of life, and the ongoing quest to understand the wonders of our planet's rich biological history.

Garfish scale

Scale. Found:  Taouz, Errachidia Province, South Morocco (JN0188)

Dinosaur - Spinosaurus Maroccanus

± 95 million yrs. BC

The Enigmatic Spinosaurus Maroccanus: A Dinosaur Shrouded in Debate

Imagine a colossal predator unlike any other dinosaur. It sported a massive sail on its back, a long, slender snout filled with sharp teeth, and may have even dabbled in a bit of swimming. This is the story of Spinosaurus, and particularly a species you might not hear much about -  Spinosaurus maroccanus.

What's in a Name? Unveiling the Etymology

Spinosaurus comes from a cool combination of Latin and Greek words. "Spina" in Latin means "spine," and "sauros" in Greek translates to "lizard." So, literally, Spinosaurus means "spine lizard," a fitting name for a creature with such a prominent dorsal sail.

Now, let's dissect the second part of the name, "maroccanus." This refers to Morocco, the North African country where some fossils believed to belong to Spinosaurus marocanus were unearthed.

A Species in Question: The History of Spinosaurus Maroccanus

The story of Spinosaurus maroccanus is quite intriguing. Back in 1996, paleontologist Dale Russell described some fossils found in Morocco, including neck vertebrae, back vertebrae, and some skull fragments. Based on these remains, he proposed a new species: Spinosaurus maroccanus.

However, here's the twist: many paleontologists today (2020) don't consider Spinosaurus maroccanus a valid species. Why? There are a few reasons.

Firstly, the fossils were fragmentary, meaning they were incomplete. Reconstructing an entire dinosaur based on just a few bones can be challenging, making it difficult to determine if these fragments were truly different enough to warrant a separate species.

Secondly, other Spinosaurus fossils discovered elsewhere, particularly in Egypt, share many similarities with the Moroccan finds. This suggests that the variations seen in the Moroccan specimens might simply be natural differences within the same species, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus (the first named Spinosaurus species).

So, while Spinosaurus maroccanus isn't widely recognized as a distinct species today (2020), the debate surrounding it highlights the challenges paleontologists face in piecing together the puzzle of prehistoric life from often-incomplete remains.

The Mighty Spinosaurus: Unveiling a Unique Creature

Even though the Spinosaurus maroccanus classification is debated, the overall picture of Spinosaurus is quite fascinating. Here's what we know about this incredible theropod dinosaur:

A Life in the Cretaceous Period

Spinosaurus lived during the Cretaceous period, between 112 and 93,5 million years BC, in what is now North Africa. The environment would have been quite different from what we see today (2020). Lush forests and vast river systems dominated the landscape, teeming with a variety of fish, reptiles, and other dinosaurs.

Spinosaurus, with its unique adaptations, likely occupied a niche as a top predator in this ecosystem. Its large size, powerful jaws, and possible aquatic prowess would have made it a formidable force in the rivers and surrounding areas.

The Spinosaurus Legacy: A Reminder of Ongoing Discoveries

The story of Spinosaurus, particularly Spinosaurus maroccanus, reminds us that paleontology is a constantly evolving field. New discoveries and reinterpretations of existing evidence can change our understanding of these prehistoric creatures.

While Spinosaurus maroccanus might not be a widely accepted species, the fossils from Morocco have contributed significantly to our knowledge of the remarkable Spinosaurus. It serves as a reminder that even fragmentary remains can offer valuable insights into the diversity and adaptations of dinosaurs.

As paleontological research continues, we can expect to learn even more about Spinosaurus and its place in the grand narrative of prehistoric life.

Dinosaur - Spinosaurus Marocanus Tooth

Tooth. Found:  Tegana Formation, Kem Kem, Morocco (JN0001-2)

Dinosaur - Spinosaurs Tooth Souvenir

Tooth. Found: Kem Kem, Morocco (JN0016)

Dinosaur - Abelisauridae (probably Rugops Primus)

± 95 million yrs. BC

Rugops Primus: The Wrinkled Face of the Early Abelisaurs

Imagine a theropod dinosaur, a close relative of Tyrannosaurus Rex, with a skull covered in wrinkles. That's Rugops primus, a fascinating creature that roamed the Earth millions of years BC. Buckle up, paleontology enthusiasts, because we're about to delve into the world of this prehistoric beast!

What's in a Name? Unveiling the Etymology of Rugops Primus

The name Rugops primus is actually a combination of ancient Greek and Latin words that offer clues about this dinosaur. Let's break it down:

A Wrinkled History: Unveiling Rugops Primus

Our knowledge of Rugops primus is based on a single fossil – an incomplete skull. This fossil was discovered in 2000 by a team of paleontologists led by Paul Sereno in the Echkar Formation of Niger, Africa. The rock formations where the skull was found date back to the Late Cretaceous period, roughly 95 million years BC.

Unfortunately, the lack of a complete skeleton makes it difficult to paint a full picture of Rugops primus. However, the skull itself tells us a lot! Paleontologists have meticulously studied its features, including the wrinkles (technical term: ornamentation) on its surface, the shape of its jaws and teeth, and the size and position of openings for muscles and nerves.

Based on these features, scientists believe Rugops primus was a basal abelisaurid. This means it was an early member of the abelisaurid family, possessing some primitive characteristics alongside the more advanced traits of later abelisaurids.

Here's a summary of what we know about Rugops primus:

The Big Picture: Rugops Primus and the Abelisaurid Family

Rugops primus belonged to the theropod dinosaur family called Abelisauridae. These were large, meat-eating dinosaurs that lived during the Cretaceous period, mainly in what is now South America, Africa, and Madagascar.

Abelisaurids were a diverse group, but they shared some common characteristics, including:

The discovery of Rugops primus is significant because it provides insights into the early evolution of abelisaurids. It helps us understand how this group of dinosaurs diversified and developed the unique traits we see in later members.

Filling the Gaps: The Future of Rugops Primus Research

While the single skull fossil provides valuable information, paleontologists are eager to learn more about Rugops primus. Here's what the future holds for research:

New fossil discoveries and advancements in paleontological techniques like CT scanning can provide a more virtual view of internal structures and potentially reveal details about the brain, inner ear, and even sinus cavities of Rugops primus. This would offer unprecedented insights into its sensory perception, balance, and even aspects of its behavior.

The study of Rugops primus is far from complete, but it serves as a fascinating window into the world of early abelisaurids. As paleontological research continues, this "wrinkled face" from the past might reveal even more secrets about its life and the ecosystem it inhabited millions of years BC.

Tooth B. Found: Tegana Formation, Kem Kem, Morocco (JN0050)

Pterosaur - Siroccopteryx Moroccensis 

± 95 million yrs. BC

Soaring Through Time: Unveiling the Siroccopteryx Moroccensis

Imagine a world dominated by giant reptiles, not just lumbering dinosaurs on land, but flying beasts with leathery wings ruling the skies. These incredible creatures were the pterosaurs, and one such fascinating pterosaur is the Siroccopteryx moroccensis. Buckle up, young paleontologists, because we're about to embark on a journey to discover this magnificent flying reptile!

What's in a Name? The Etymology of Siroccopteryx Moroccensis

The name Siroccopteryx moroccensis is a combination of Greek, Latin, and a geographical reference, each part revealing a clue about this pterosaur. Let's break it down:

So, the entire name Siroccopteryx moroccensis literally translates to "Sirocco's wing of Morocco."

A History of Discovery: Unearthing the Siroccopteryx

The story of the Siroccopteryx began in 1999 when paleontologists Bryn Mader and Alexander Kellner stumbled upon a crucial piece of evidence: a fragment of the upper jaw containing teeth. This fragment, discovered in the Upper Cretaceous Kem Kem Beds of Morocco near the Algerian border, was the first pterosaur fossil ever found in the region.

Based on this single fragment, Mader and Kellner classified it as a new genus and species, naming it Siroccopteryx moroccensis. Unfortunately, the limited fossil material makes it difficult to learn everything about this pterosaur, but scientists use this fragment and comparisons to other pterosaurs to piece together its story.

A Classification Conundrum: Is it Siroccopteryx or Something Else?

The scientific world of dinosaurs and pterosaurs can sometimes be a bit messy, and the classification of Siroccopteryx is a prime example. Some paleontologists, like David M. Unwin, believe that Siroccopteryx is too similar to another pterosaur genus called Coloborhynchus and should simply be considered a synonym, meaning they're the same creature with different names.

However, other researchers argue that there are enough subtle differences between the two to classify them as separate genera. As more fossils are discovered, the debate will hopefully be resolved, but for now (2021), Siroccopteryx remains the most widely used name for this fascinating pterosaur.

When Did the Siroccopteryx Rule the Skies? A Look at Its Time Period

The fragment of the Siroccopteryx jaw was found in rocks dating back to the middle Cretaceous period, specifically between the Albian and Cenomanian stages, which translates to roughly 105 million years BC. This period was a time of great change on Earth, with the continents slowly drifting into their current positions and the rise of flowering plants.

The skies during this time were likely teeming with a diverse range of pterosaurs, including the Siroccopteryx, all competing for food and resources.

A Gliding Giant: Exploring the Size and Abilities of Siroccopteryx

While the lack of complete fossils makes it difficult to determine the exact size of the Siroccopteryx, estimates suggest it had a wingspan of around 4 to 5 meters (13 to 16 feet). This places it among the larger pterosaurs, with impressive wingspans that would have allowed it to soar majestically through the prehistoric skies.

Based on its jaw fragment and comparisons to similar pterosaurs, scientists believe the Siroccopteryx was likely a specialized glider. This means it wouldn't have continuously flapped its wings to stay airborne but instead relied on air currents and updrafts to maintain altitude and cover long distances.

Its teeth suggest it might have been a fish-eater, skimming the ocean's surface and snatching prey with its sharp beak. Imagine the incredible sight of this giant pterosaur gliding over the Cretaceous seas, a master of the aerial hunt!

The Legacy of Siroccopteryx: A Glimpse into the Pterosaur World

The Siroccopteryx moroccensis, despite being known from only a single fragment, offers valuable insights into the diversity of pterosaurs during the Cretaceous period. It reminds us that there's still much to learn about these flying reptiles, and every new fossil discovery unlocks a piece of their fascinating story.

The Legacy of Siroccopteryx: A Window into the Pterosaur World

The Siroccopteryx moroccensis, despite being known from only a single fragment, offers valuable insights into the diversity of pterosaurs during the Cretaceous period. It reminds us that there's still much to learn about these flying reptiles, and every new fossil discovery unlocks a piece of their fascinating story.

The hunt for more Siroccopteryx fossils continues, and paleontologists are eager to find a more complete picture of this pterosaur. A more comprehensive collection would allow for a more definitive classification, helping us understand its place in the pterosaur family tree. Additionally, a complete skeleton would reveal details about its body structure, wing design, and potentially even its stomach contents, providing a clearer picture of its lifestyle and feeding habits.

The Pterosaur Family Tree: Where Does Siroccopteryx Fit In?

Pterosaurs were a diverse group of flying reptiles, and scientists have classified them into various subgroups based on their anatomy and features. Understanding where Siroccopteryx fits within this pterosaur family tree is crucial for paleontologists.

By comparing the jaw fragment of Siroccopteryx to other pterosaurs, scientists believe it might belong to a group called azhdarchids. Azhdarchids were known for their massive wingspans and relatively small bodies, with some reaching wingspans of over 10 meters (33 feet). They were likely soarers, using their large wings to stay aloft for extended periods and relying on keen eyesight to spot prey from a distance.

If Siroccopteryx is indeed an azhdarchid, it would add to our understanding of this group's early evolution and diversification. It might represent a transitional form between earlier pterosaurs and the later, giant azhdarchids that dominated the skies millions of years later.

A Day in the Life of Siroccopteryx: Unveiling Its Prehistoric World

While a single fragment can't tell the whole story, paleontologists can use what they know about similar pterosaurs and the environment of the time to speculate on what a day in the life of Siroccopteryx might have been like.

Imagine the scorching sun beating down on the vast expanse of the Cretaceous seas. The shallow waters teem with fish, providing a rich hunting ground for Siroccopteryx. With its impressive wingspan, it effortlessly launches itself from cliffs or rocky outcrops, its powerful legs propelling it into the air.

Soaring high above the water, Siroccopteryx uses its keen eyesight to scan the surface for signs of prey. Its sharp beak and potentially serrated teeth make it a formidable predator, capable of snatching fish from the water with lightning speed. As the sun begins to set, Siroccopteryx returns to its roosting site, perhaps a tall rock formation or a grove of trees, to rest for the night before another day of hunting.

This is just a glimpse into the possible life of Siroccopteryx. Every new discovery helps paleontologists paint a more vivid picture of these incredible flying creatures and the prehistoric world they inhabited.

The Importance of Fossils: Preserving the Past for the Future

The story of Siroccopteryx is a testament to the importance of fossils in paleontology. These fragments of prehistoric life offer invaluable clues about the creatures that roamed our planet millions of years BC. The single jaw fragment of Siroccopteryx, though small, has sparked scientific debate, fueled our understanding of pterosaur diversity, and opened a window into a lost world.

As we continue to explore and excavate, more fossils will undoubtedly come to light, revealing new species and providing missing pieces to the pterosaur puzzle. Each discovery is a reminder of the incredible biodiversity that existed on Earth and the importance of preserving our paleontological heritage for future generations.

The quest to understand Siroccopteryx and other pterosaurs is an ongoing scientific adventure. With continued research and exploration, we can unlock the secrets of these magnificent flying reptiles and gain a deeper appreciation for the amazing diversity of life on our planet.

Pterosaur Siroccopteryx Moroccensis Tooth 30-40 mm

Tooth 30-40 mm. Found:  Kem Kem, Morocco (JN0059)

Pterosaur Spinal Disc Protrusion

Spinal Disc Protrusion. Found:  Kem Kem, Morocco (JN0060)

Shark - Hybodus

± 95 million yrs. BC

Hybodus: The Long-Reigning Shark You Never Knew Existed

Imagine a prehistoric world teeming with life, long before the rise of the dinosaurs. In these ancient oceans, a fascinating creature patrolled the depths: the Hybodus. This wasn't your average shark, though. Hybodus was a unique type of shark-like fish that thrived for a staggering amount of time – a whopping 185 million years!

Let's delve into the fascinating world of Hybodus and explore what made them tick.

What's in a Name? The Etymology of Hybodus

The name Hybodus comes from the ancient Greek words "hybos" meaning "humped" and "odous" meaning "tooth." This name perfectly reflects one of Hybodus' most interesting features: its teeth! Unlike modern sharks with smooth, serrated edges, Hybodus had a variety of teeth depending on its species. Some had pointed, conical teeth ideal for grabbing prey, while others had flatter crushing teeth suited for munching on hard-shelled creatures.

Hybodus: Not Quite a Shark, Not Quite Something Else

Hybodus belonged to a group called hybodonts, which were a transitional stage between the very first sharks and the modern sharks we know today (2021). Hybodonts shared some characteristics with both groups. Like modern sharks, they had a cartilaginous skeleton (made of flexible cartilage instead of bones) and multiple fins for propulsion. However, unlike modern sharks, Hybodus had a peculiar feature – a spiny dorsal fin that jutted out in front of its back fin. This fin spine, along with their diverse tooth types, suggests Hybodus filled a variety of ecological niches in the ancient oceans.

A Life in the Ancient Seas: The Diet and Habitat of Hybodus

Based on fossil evidence, scientists believe Hybodus were active predators. Their streamlined bodies and powerful jaws suggest they were capable of chasing down swift prey. Fossils of Hybodus hauffianus, a specific species, have even been found with the remains of belemnites (extinct squid-like creatures) in their stomachs! This "dinner clue" helps us understand their diet. Depending on the species, Hybodus likely feasted on a variety of fish, squid-like creatures, and even smaller marine reptiles.

As for their habitat, Hybodus fossils have been found all over the world, suggesting they were incredibly widespread. They likely swam in shallow coastal waters as well as the open ocean depths, adapting to various environments throughout their long reign.

A Family Affair: Reproduction and Sexual Dimorphism in Hybodus

Hybodus displayed a fascinating feature called sexual dimorphism. This means that males and females looked slightly different. Similar to modern sharks, male Hybodus had a pair of claspers, specialized organs used to transfer sperm during reproduction. This discovery tells us that Hybodus reproduced similarly to many modern sharks, suggesting a long evolutionary history for this reproductive strategy.

A Reign that Lasted Millions of Years: The History of Hybodus

Hybodus first appeared in the fossil record during the Late Devonian period, a whopping 375 million years BC! However, the genus we typically refer to as Hybodus thrived from the Late Permian period (around 260 million years BC) all the way to the Early Cretaceous period (around 100 million years BC). This incredible span of time is a testament to their adaptability and success in the ancient oceans.

The Disappearance of Hybodus: A Mystery of the Oceans

Despite their long reign, Hybodus eventually disappeared from the fossil record around the Early Cretaceous period. The exact reason for their extinction remains a mystery.  Some scientists hypothesize that competition from more advanced predators, like early bony fish or other types of sharks, may have played a role. Others suggest changes in the environment, such as ocean temperature fluctuations, may have contributed to their decline.

Hybodus: A Window into the Past

The story of Hybodus is a captivating glimpse into the diverse marine life that existed long before the dinosaurs. Their unique combination of shark-like features and primitive characteristics provides valuable insights into the evolution of sharks and the incredible diversity of life in our planet's history. The next time you visit a natural history museum or see a picture of a modern shark, remember Hybodus, the long-reigning shark that paved the way for the ocean's apex predators of today (2021).

Fins, Spines, and a Spiky Surprise: The Anatomy of Hybodus

While modern sharks are known for their sleek, streamlined bodies and powerful tails, Hybodus possessed some unique anatomical features. Their bodies were generally elongated and somewhat slender, but unlike their modern counterparts, Hybodus lacked the prominent dorsal fin most people associate with sharks. Instead, they had a series of smaller dorsal fins spread along their backs. The most intriguing anatomical feature of Hybodus was undoubtedly the fin spine. This spiny projection jutted out prominently in front of the main dorsal fin. Scientists continue to debate the exact function of this spine. Some theories suggest it served as a defensive mechanism, deterring larger predators by presenting a sharp point. Others propose it may have played a role in stabilization or even display, attracting mates or signaling dominance.

Fossil Detectives: Unveiling the Secrets of Hybodus

Our knowledge of Hybodus comes primarily from the fossil record. These fossilized remains, which can include teeth, spines, and even partial skeletons, offer invaluable clues into the anatomy, behavior, and even diet of these ancient creatures. By meticulously examining these fossils, paleontologists can reconstruct the various species of Hybodus and piece together their evolutionary history.

One particularly interesting area of study is the analysis of Hybodus teeth. As mentioned earlier, Hybodus possessed a variety of tooth types depending on the species. Studying these fossilized teeth allows scientists to infer the feeding habits of different Hybodus species. Sharp, pointed teeth suggest a diet of soft-bodied prey, while broader, flatter crushing teeth indicate a preference for hard-shelled creatures. This variation in tooth morphology highlights the remarkable ecological diversity within the Hybodus genus.

Swimming with the Giants: Hybodus and Other Marine Life

The oceans during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, when Hybodus thrived, were teeming with a fascinating array of creatures. Hybodus likely shared their aquatic realm with a diverse cast of marine life, including early bony fish, cephalopods (like the belemnites they munched on), and even the ancestors of modern marine reptiles.

Imagine Hybodus navigating the ancient seas alongside giant armored fish like Dunkleosteus, with its massive bony head, or the bizarre cephalopod ammonites, with their coiled shells. This diverse ecosystem presented both challenges and opportunities for Hybodus. Their varied tooth types and adaptable body plan suggest they successfully filled a variety of ecological niches, allowing them to coexist and thrive alongside these other marine creatures for millions of years.

The Continuing Legacy of Hybodus

The story of Hybodus doesn't end with their extinction. These fascinating creatures continue to provide valuable insights for paleontologists studying the evolution of sharks and the broader history of marine life. Their long reign in the oceans serves as a testament to the power of adaptation and the remarkable diversity of life that has existed on our planet. The next time you visit an aquarium or marvel at the power of a modern shark, remember Hybodus, the ancient predator that swam the seas long before the rise of the dinosaurs.

Shark Hybodus Spine

Fin Spine. Found:  Kem Kem, Morocco (JN0180)

Sawfish - Onchopristis Numidus (Onchopristis Numida)

± 95 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Sawfish Terror of the Kem Kem: Onchopristis Numidus

Imagine yourself swimming in a vast ocean teeming with life millions of years BC. Suddenly, a monstrous creature with a saw-like snout erupts from the depths, its sharp teeth tearing through the water. This prehistoric predator is the Onchopristis numidus, a giant sawfish that ruled the seas during the Cretaceous period. Today (2021), we'll embark on a journey to discover this fascinating creature from the Kem Kem Beds of Morocco.

What's in a Name? Unveiling the Etymology of Onchopristis Numidus

The name Onchopristis numidus is a combination of ancient Greek and Latin, offering clues about this sawfish's anatomy and origin.

A Fearsome Hunter: Physical Characteristics of Onchopristis Numidus

Onchopristis numidus was a true leviathan of the seas. Estimates suggest they could reach lengths of up to 7 meters (23 feet)! Their bodies were similar to modern sharks, with streamlined, torpedo-shaped bodies and powerful fins for propulsion. But what truly set them apart was their rostrum.

Imagine a long, flattened snout lined with dozens of sharp, triangular teeth. This bony structure, called a rostrum, was the Onchopristis numidus's primary weapon. They likely used it in multiple ways:

The Onchopristis numidus's powerful jaws were lined with smaller, pointed teeth perfect for tearing flesh. Their eyes were positioned dorsally (on top of their head), giving them a good view of the water above for spotting prey.

A Life in the Ancient Seas: The Diet and Habitat of Onchopristis Numidus

Onchopristis numidus were apex predators, meaning they sat at the top of the food chain. Their varied hunting techniques allowed them to target a wide range of prey in the rich ecosystems of the Cretaceous seas.  Here's what likely filled their prehistoric plates:

The Kem Kem Beds, where Onchopristis numidus fossils are found, were once part of a shallow sea located near the coast of what is now Africa. This region was teeming with life, with a variety of fish, marine reptiles, and even early crocodiles sharing the waters with these sawfish.

A Window to the Past: Fossil Discoveries and the Geological Timeline

The story of Onchopristis numidus comes from the treasures unearthed in the Kem Kem Beds of Morocco. This geological formation dates back to the Cenomanian-Turonian stages of the Late Cretaceous period, roughly 100 to 95 million years BC.

The scorching desert landscape of the Kem Kem today hides a rich fossil record. Erosion exposes these ancient marine sediments, revealing the remains of creatures that lived millions of years BC. Paleontologists (scientists who study fossils) have painstakingly collected and analyzed these fossils, including teeth, vertebrae, and even complete rostra of Onchopristis numidus.

By studying these fossils, scientists can piece together the anatomy, behavior, and even the environment in which these creatures lived.  For example, the size and shape of the rostral teeth can tell us about the Onchopristis numidus's preferred prey. Scratches and gouges on the fossils may indicate interactions with other predators or scavengers. The presence of certain types of fossils together can help scientists paint a picture of the entire ecosystem that existed in the Kem Kem Beds.

However, fossils are often incomplete. Imagine a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces.  Paleontologists use their knowledge of anatomy and comparisons with modern relatives to fill in the gaps. For instance, the overall body shape of Onchopristis numidus is reconstructed based on fossils of other sawfish species with more complete skeletons.

Another important tool for understanding Onchopristis numidus is the geological timeline. The Cenomanian-Turonian stages of the Late Cretaceous period were a time of great change on Earth. The continents were slowly drifting into their current positions, and the global climate was much warmer than today. Shallow seas covered vast areas of land, creating ideal habitats for marine life like Onchopristis numidus.

By studying the rocks and other fossils found alongside Onchopristis numidus remains, scientists can learn about the environmental conditions of the Kem Kem Beds. They can determine water temperature, salinity, and even the types of plants and animals that shared the ecosystem. This paints a more vivid picture of the world these sawfish dominated.

The ongoing hunt for fossils continues to shed light on Onchopristis numidus. New discoveries may reveal more complete specimens or even shed light on their social behavior or reproductive habits. Each fossil is a valuable piece of the puzzle, helping us understand these magnificent creatures from the ancient seas.

Sawfish Onchopristis Numidus Tooth 50-60 mm

Tooth 50-60 mm. Found: Kem Kem, Morocco (JN0249)

Sea Urchin - Holaster Subglobosus

± 95 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Holaster subglobosus: A Dive into a Prehistoric Sea Urchin

Have you ever walked on the beach and stumbled upon a strange, round object that looks like a spiky button? It might just be a fossil of a fascinating creature called the Holaster subglobosus! Today (2021), we'll embark on a journey to explore this ancient sea urchin, delving into its definition, origins of its name, and its remarkable history.

What is a Holaster Subglobosus?

Imagine a sea urchin, but slightly oval-shaped and flattened on the bottom. Now, picture it covered in tiny bumps and surrounded by a ring of petal-like structures. That's the Holaster subglobosus! These extinct marine animals lived on the seafloor millions of years BC. They belonged to a group called echinoids, which also includes modern-day sea urchins and sand dollars.

The Meaning Behind the Name

The name Holaster subglobosus is quite the mouthful, but it actually tells us a lot about this creature. Let's break it down:

So, putting it all together, Holaster subglobosus translates to "somewhat round whole-star," which perfectly captures the sea urchin's physical characteristics.

A Life on the Ancient Ocean Floor

Holaster subglobosus lived during the Late Cretaceous period, roughly 100 to 66 million years BC. Imagine vast, vibrant oceans teeming with life. These sea urchins would have scooted along the seafloor using tiny tube feet that emerged from the ambulacra on their test. They likely fed on detritus, which is bits of dead organisms and organic matter that settled on the bottom. Their flattened shape and spiny covering might have helped them stabilize themselves and avoid being swept away by currents.

Unearthing the Past: The History of Holaster Subglobosus Discovery

Fossils of Holaster subglobosus have been found in various parts of the world, including Europe, North Africa, and even the Middle East. The first scientific description of this species is credited to a German naturalist named Johann Heinrich Leske in 1778. Since then, paleontologists (scientists who study fossils) have discovered numerous specimens, helping us piece together the story of this ancient sea dweller.

Holaster Subglobosus: A Geological Marker

These fossils are more than just a glimpse into the past; they also act as valuable tools for geologists. The Holaster subglobosus zone is a specific layer of rock that is rich in these fossils. By identifying this zone in rock formations, geologists can determine the relative age of the rocks and reconstruct past environments.

The Legacy of Holaster Subglobosus

The Holaster subglobosus serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity of life that once existed on Earth. Studying these fossils allows us to understand the evolution of marine ecosystems and the intricate relationships between different organisms.

Beyond the Basics: Exploring Further

If you're curious to learn more about Holaster subglobosus, here are some ideas:

The world of paleontology is full of fascinating discoveries. The next time you encounter a fossil, remember the story of the Holaster subglobosus – a tiny but significant piece of our planet's rich history.

Found: Cauville, Normandy, France (JN0409)

Turonian Age

(93,9 million yrs. BC to 89,8 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

Diving Deep into the Turonian Age: A Cretaceous Adventure

Imagine yourself transported back in time, 90 million years to be exact! This era is known as the Cretaceous Period, and within it lies a specific chapter called the Turonian Age. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey to explore this fascinating time period.

What is the Turonian Age?

The Turonian Age is a specific slice of time within the Late Cretaceous Epoch. Geologists use fancy terms like "age" and "stage" to categorize Earth's history based on the rocks and fossils found in different layers. Think of it like a giant geological library, with each layer representing a different chapter. The Turonian Age is like a specific book within the Late Cretaceous section of this library.

Here's the nitty-gritty:

Etymology: A Name from the Past

The name "Turonian" has a cool origin story. It comes from the Latin word "Turones," which refers to the historical region of Touraine in central France. This region is famous for its chalk deposits, which happen to be rich in fossils from the Turonian Age. Geologists studying these fossils back in the 1800s decided to name the age after its treasure trove of ancient life.

A World Transformed: Climate and Geography of the Turonian

The Earth during the Turonian Age was a very different place compared to today (2022). Here's a glimpse into what it might have been like:

Life on the Move: Creatures of the Turonian

The Turonian Age was a time of incredible biodiversity. Here are some of the amazing creatures that roamed (or swam) the Earth:

Unearthing the Past: Fossils of the Turonian

Fossils are the preserved remains of ancient life, and they are the key to understanding the Turonian Age. Paleontologists, like detectives digging up clues, scour rock formations for these fossilized remnants. Here are some of the treasures they might find:

A Time of Change: Events of the Turonian

The Turonian Age wasn't just a static period. Here are some significant events that may have shaped this era:

The End of the Turonian

The Turonian Age ended roughly 89,8 million years BC, marking the transition to the Coniacian Age. This shift wasn't a dramatic overnight event, but a gradual change in the Earth's geological record. The specific cause of this changeover is still (2022) being researched, but it may have been linked to fluctuations in sea level or global climate.

The Legacy of the Turonian

The Turonian Age provides us with a window into a critical period of Earth's history. The fossils unearthed from this time period tell us a fascinating story about the evolution of life, the rise of new species, and the ongoing changes that shaped our planet. By studying the Turonian Age, we gain a deeper understanding of the natural world and the forces that continue to shape it today (2022).

So, the next time you see a cool dinosaur skeleton or a fancy ammonite fossil, remember that it might be a relic from the Turonian Age, a time of flourishing life, dramatic change, and a glimpse into Earth's deep past.

Sea Urchin - Conulus Subrotundus

± 90 million yrs. BC

Unveiling the Conulus Subrotundus: A Deep Dive into the World of Extinct Sea Urchins

Have you ever been walking along the beach and stumbled upon a strange, round object that looks like a bumpy golf ball? It might just be a fossil of a fascinating creature called Conulus subrotundus. This prehistoric sea urchin isn't something you'd find swimming in the ocean today (2022), but its remains offer a glimpse into a bygone era. So, buckle up, young paleontologists, because we're about to embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of the Conulus subrotundus!

What's in a Name?

Let's begin by cracking the code behind its name. Conulus comes from the Latin word "conus," meaning "cone." This makes perfect sense because these sea urchins had a conical, or cone-shaped, shell. Subrotundus also has Latin roots, with "sub" meaning "somewhat" and "rotundus" meaning "round." So, when you put it all together, Conulus subrotundus translates to "somewhat round cone," a fitting description for this unique creature.

A Blast from the Past: Unveiling the History of Conulus Subrotundus

Conulus subrotundus wasn't always a fossilized curiosity. These sea urchins thrived in the Earth's oceans millions of years BC, during a period known as the Late Cretaceous. This era stretched from about 100 million to 66 million years BC and was a time of great change on our planet. Dinosaurs still ruled the land, while giant marine reptiles like plesiosaurs and mosasaurs patrolled the seas. The oceans themselves were teeming with life, with a diversity of fish, squid-like creatures called ammonites, and of course, our friend Conulus subrotundus.

The Life and Times of a Conulus Subrotundus

Unlike the colorful sea urchins you might see in aquariums today (2022), Conulus subrotundus had a simpler life. Their shell, the hard outer casing that protected their soft body, was typically round or slightly pentagonal (five-sided) with a conical shape. Imagine a bumpy, rounded cone – that's the basic structure of this prehistoric sea dweller. The bumps and ridges on the shell weren't just for decoration; they may have helped to strengthen the structure and provide some protection from predators.

The underside of the Conulus subrotundus was flat or slightly concave (hollowed in). This flat base held their mouth, which they used to scrape algae and other tiny food particles off the seafloor. Interestingly, their anus wasn't located on the underside, but rather near the top of their shell. This unusual placement might have helped with waste disposal in the currents.

But Conulus subrotundus wasn't completely defenseless. Some species had tiny holes in their shells called sphaeridia. These holes housed small symbiotic organisms called pedicellariae. These pedicellariae were like microscopic harpoons that could lash out and snag passing predators or scavengers, helping to keep the Conulus subrotundus safe.

Unearthing Fossils: A Window into the Past

Fossils are the preserved remains of ancient organisms, and Conulus subrotundus is lucky enough to have left behind a good number of them. These fossils are most commonly found in sedimentary rocks, which are formed from layers of sediment that have accumulated over millions of years. The White Chalk cliffs of Dover, England, are a famous location where Conulus subrotundus fossils are abundant. These chalk deposits were once part of the seafloor during the Late Cretaceous, and the fossilized remains of Conulus subrotundus and other creatures got buried in the accumulating sediment.

When paleontologists, the scientists who study fossils, unearth these remains, they can learn a lot about the creature. The shape and size of the shell tell us about the sea urchin's body form and how it might have moved. The presence of any preserved spines or other features like the sphaeridia can offer further clues about their lifestyle and adaptations. By carefully examining these fossils and comparing them to other sea urchins, paleontologists can build a picture of how Conulus subrotundus lived, fed, and interacted with its environment.

The Disappearance of the Conulus Subrotundus

The Late Cretaceous ended with a bang – a massive asteroid impact that is believed to have caused a mass extinction event. This event wiped out many species, including the dinosaurs. While the exact cause of the Conulus subrotundus' extinction is unknown, it's likely that the dramatic changes in the environment caused by the asteroid impact played a role in their demise. The impact would have caused widespread wildfires, tsunamis, and a long period of darkness as dust choked the atmosphere. These factors would have disrupted the food chain, making it difficult for many marine organisms, including Conulus subrotundus, to find sustenance.

However, the story doesn't end there. The extinction event also opened up ecological niches, creating opportunities for new species to evolve and fill the gaps left behind. This paved the way for the rise of the modern sea urchins we see today, which exhibit a wider range of shapes, sizes, and feeding strategies compared to their Conulus subrotundus ancestors.

The Legacy of Conulus Subrotundus

Even though Conulus subrotundus is no longer with us, these sea urchins continue to teach us valuable lessons about the history of life on Earth. They serve as a reminder of the constant change and evolution that our planet has undergone. Studying these fossils helps us understand how past environmental changes impacted marine ecosystems and the delicate balance of life in the oceans.

Furthermore, Conulus subrotundus fossils are a powerful tool for geologists. Because these creatures lived during a specific time period, their presence in rock formations can help scientists date those rocks and reconstruct the ancient geography of the Earth. Imagine a detective using a fingerprint at a crime scene – fossils like Conulus subrotundus act as a fingerprint in the rock layers, helping scientists piece together the story of our planet's geological past.

Conulus Subrotundus and You

The next time you're at the beach or visiting a museum with a paleontology exhibit, keep an eye out for Conulus subrotundus fossils. These seemingly simple objects hold a wealth of information about a bygone era. They're a reminder of the amazing diversity of life that has existed on Earth and the importance of preserving our planet's rich fossil record. Who knows, maybe you'll be the one to discover a new Conulus subrotundus fossil someday, helping us learn even more about these fascinating creatures!

Sea Urchin Conulus subrotundus on Matrix

On Matrix. Found: Wüllen, Germany (JN0440)

Sponge - Rhizopoterion Cervicornis

± 90 million yrs. BC

Dive into the Past: Unveiling the Rhizopoterion Cervicornis

Have you ever stumbled upon a weird, bumpy rock and wondered what it might be? Well, there's a chance you might have encountered a fossilized remnant of an ancient marine creature called Rhizopoterion cervicornis. Let's embark on a journey to understand these fascinating fossils and the prehistoric world they inhabited.

What is a Rhizopoterion Cervicornis?

Imagine a sponge unlike the squishy bath sponges you know. Rhizopoterion cervicornis was a hard-bodied, cup-shaped creature that lived on the seafloor millions of years BC. It belonged to a group of extinct marine animals called calcareous sponges. Unlike their softer cousins, these sponges had skeletons made of calcium carbonate, the same material that forms our seashells and pearls.

The name "Rhizopoterion cervicornis" is quite the mouthful, so let's break it down. "Rhizo" comes from the Greek word "rhiza" meaning "root," while "poterion" translates to "drinking cup." This name reflects the sponge's shape – a cup with root-like structures anchoring it to the seabed. "Cervicornis" comes from the Latin words "cervus" (deer) and "cornu" (horn), referring to the branching, antler-like features sometimes seen on these fossils.

A Peek into the History of Rhizopoterion Cervicornis

Rhizopoterion cervicornis thrived during the Cretaceous period, also known as the Age of Dinosaurs. This era stretched from roughly 145 to 66 million years BC. The oceans teemed with a vast array of creatures, including giant marine reptiles like plesiosaurs and mosasaurs.

Finding Rhizopoterion cervicornis fossils is quite common in certain parts of the world, especially in Europe. These fossils are typically found as isolated fragments, particularly the "root" portion that anchored the sponge to the seabed. In rare cases, the cup-shaped body of the sponge may also be preserved. The presence of these fossils helps scientists understand the ancient marine environments and the diversity of life that existed during the Cretaceous period.

The Curious Case of Classification

The classification of Rhizopoterion cervicornis is a bit of a puzzle for paleontologists (scientists who study fossils). While traditionally placed in the group Ventriculitidae, some researchers believe it might belong elsewhere in the sponge family tree. This ongoing debate highlights the challenges paleontologists face in piecing together the evolutionary history of extinct creatures based solely on fossilized remains.

The Life of a Rhizopoterion Cervicornis

Imagine yourself swimming in a shallow Cretaceous sea teeming with life. On the seafloor, nestled amongst swaying seaweed and crawling sea creatures, you might spot a Rhizopoterion cervicornis. Unlike the brightly colored sponges of today's coral reefs, these ancient sponges were likely a dull brown or gray.

They wouldn't have moved around, but rather secured themselves to the seabed with their root-like structures.  Rhizopoterion cervicornis fed by filtering water that flowed through tiny pores in its body wall. The water carried microscopic organisms like plankton, which the sponge trapped and consumed.

Unearthing the Secrets of the Past

The study of Rhizopoterion cervicornis fossils provides valuable insights into the Cretaceous period. These fossils tell us about the types of organisms that lived in these ancient oceans and the ecological roles they played. Additionally, the presence of these fossils can help scientists reconstruct the environmental conditions of the past.

For example, the size and shape of the sponge's body and root structures can reveal information about the water currents and seabed composition where it lived. By studying the distribution of Rhizopoterion cervicornis fossils across different geographical locations, scientists can also gain clues about ancient seafloor landscapes and ocean circulation patterns.

The Legacy of Rhizopoterion Cervicornis

Although long gone, Rhizopoterion cervicornis serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity of life that has existed on our planet. These ancient sponges are a testament to the constant process of evolution and adaptation that has shaped the natural world over millions of years. Studying these fossils allows us to connect with the past and appreciate the remarkable creatures that paved the way for the life we see today (2022).

So, the next time you encounter a curious-looking rock, remember that it might hold the secrets of a long-lost world. Rhizopoterion cervicornis, with its intriguing name and unique form, is a reminder of the fascinating stories hidden beneath our feet.

Sponge Rhizopoterion cervicornis

Found: Lathum, The Netherlands (JN0529)

Root Fossil of Unidentified Sponge Sp.

Root Fossil. Found: Gravel Quarries, Bissen, The Netherlands (JN0530)

Sponge - Unidentified Species

± 90 million yrs. BC

This boulder sponge originates from Germany. Gravel on the beach and river deposits show areas where such rocks come from. It is clear evidence of erosion and transport of the material until it is left behind on the site. First, the stones are broken down and then transported by water. They are deposited in layers. The stones are unrolled further and further in fast flowing water. 

Sponges are rare fossils in the gravel heaps. They are not that easy to find.

Coniacian Age

(89,8 million yrs. BC to 86,9 million yrs. BC)

Santonian Age

(86,9 million yrs. BC to 83,6 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

The Santonian Age is a period that comes after the Coniacian and is followed by the Campanian Age. It was introduced as name after the town of Saintes, in the French department of Charente-Maritime.

The base is defined by the appearance of the bivalve ‘Cladoceramus undulatoplicatus’. It ends with the extinction of the crinoid ‘Marsupites testudinarus’.

The Santonian was a time of extremely high sea levels. Much of the land would have been covered by shallow seas. The globe was beginning to look familiar, with a few exceptions. Although the Atlantic was becoming quite recognizable, Southern Europe was still a collection of microplates, most of which were submerged, as were large sections of Eurasia. Australia was locked to Antarctica, which was a bit east of its present position (2021). Most major land masses were still well bunched near their positions of Pangea.

The Rocky Mountains was beginning to be built, just as the Andes were becoming a major mountain chain in South America. Central America was open ocean. World temperatures were both hot and uniform. The temperature varied little from pole to pole.

Crude Oil

Found: Niobrara Shale Formation, Carpenter, Wyoming, US (JN0004-4)

Crude Oil

± 85 million yrs. BC

The oil is formed from small dead animals in the sediment (= deposition) in the Earth's crust under great pressure and heat. Comes from the Niobrara shale in Carpenter, Wyoming, USA, and dates to the upper Cretaceous period, 85 million years BC.


Petroleum, also called crude oil, is a hydrocarbon that is used as a fuel for humans and as a basis for various industrial applications. This mineral is extracted on a large scale by drilling in the Earth's crust.

The kerogen, the precursor to petroleum, formed on the sea bottom. It was necessary that the soil was very low in oxygen, so that the settling organisms could not be completely digested by scavengers or bacteria. The forming kerogen was converted into petroleum by the temperature, which rose to around 100 degrees Celsius.

Coral Cyclolites Species (Probably Ellipticus)

Found: Ait Hani, Morocco (JN0488)

Coral - Cyclolites Sp. (Probably Ellipticus)

± 85 million yrs. BC

Cyclolites ellipticus is a solitary coral dating to the Cretaceous Period. This specimen came from near Ait Hani in Morocco. It is also called the Cunnolites elliptica. It is free, circular, or elliptical in circumference. The base is flat to concave. The partitions or septa are perforated or sub-compact (= tiny). The columella or central column in the tubular calcareous skeleton is absent or weakly developed.

Campanian Age

(83,6 million yrs. BC to 72,1 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

The Campanian Age is a section in the Late Cretaceous Epoch. It is named after the French town of Champagne. The base of the Age is defined by the extinction of the crinoid 'Marsupites testudinarius'. It has the earliest occurences of the ammonite 'Pachydiscus neubergicus' and the belemnite 'Belemnella lanceolata'.

We speak of a Campanian explosion because the number of genera dinosaurs increased rapidly. It is not yet clear whether this increase is due to an actual increase or whether fewer fossil remains have been preserved in the Lower Campanian. It's possible that the dinosaurs took advantage of the warmer climate during the Campanian. In the next Age is again lower.

Dinosaur eggshell Oviraptor

Eggshell. Found: Xixia, Henan, China (JN0001-3)

Oviraptor Eggshell

Eggshell. Found: Xixia, Henan, China (JN0014-2)

Dinosaur - Oviraptor

± 80 million yrs. BC

The Oviraptor (= 'egg thief') was a small, feathered theropod which lived during the Cretaceous Period in Asia. It was believed that the animal was an egg-eater, since its remains was found near dinosaur nests. These were later discovered to be nests of the Oviraptor itself. One specimen even showed a mother that perished during guarding its nest, during a sandstorm or other natural disaster.

The Oviraptor was ± 1,6 m long, weight between 33-40 kg. The upper and lower jaws were toothless. They had a large beak, once thought to be an egg-cracker, but ws most likely used to catch Lizards and other small creatures. Male Oviraptor had flamboyant crests on their heads, probably used in mating rituals. The arms were well-developed and alongted in three fingers with curved claws. The animals had long hindlimbs that had four-toed feet. The first toe was reduced. The tail was not very elonged and ended in a pygostyle that supported large feathers.

Dinosaurs laid eggs and in some cases had brood care. Whether dinosaurs were warm- or cold-blooded scientists are still not in agreement, probably there was some variation between the different groups.

Tyrannosaurus Rex Bone

Bone. Found: Hell Creek Formation, South Dakota, US (JN0275)

Dinosaur - Tyrannosaurus Rex

± 80 million yrs. BC

At 12 m in length and weighing 14 tons (14.000 kg), Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the largest and most powerful land-based predators in recorded history. The most advanced in an 80-million-year evolution of Tyrannosaurid. T-rex had a heavy, deep skull reinforced with sutures, lit by hollow chambers. Although Tyrannosaurus Rex is no longer considered the largest predator ever, this bipedal carnivore remains the largest tyrannosaur and one of the most popular dinosaurs. How do you want your T-rex? With scales or fluffy like a chick? The science is not over yet. It is certain that the young had feathers. It is believed that T-rex grew slowly into its early teens, then gained mass rapidly in the second half of its life. After reaching adulthood, he did not live long, reaching perhaps 35 years of age. Because of its large size, scientists believe that an adult running T-rex cannot possibly exceed 10 mph (17 km/h). Others estimate 72 mph. That difference also leads to speculation about dietary habits. Was he a hunter or a scavenger? There is evidence for both. Scientists are not yet sure about the animal's social behavior. We do know that they fought with each other and sometimes with deadly consequences. Studies of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's bite force place it about 15 times stronger than the bite of an African lion. He had some of the largest teeth of a carnivorous dinosaur, the largest of which was 12 inches (30,48 cm) long to date. Compared to other giant carnivores, the T-rex had forward-facing eyes and, like humans, had depth perception. The spine was subject to tremendous force. The size and strength of the vertebrae were essential to support this massive predator. It also had to allow for rapid movement changes and critical stroke speed.

Dinosaur eggshell Titanosauria

Eggshell. Found: Patagonia, Argentina (JN0052)

Dinosaur - Titanosauria

± 75 million yrs. BC

This as a dinosaur eggshell fragment of probably a 'Patagotitan mayorum'. This dinosaur was a Titanosauria, a group of large herbivorous dinosaurs. Although, in 2018, once the largest land animal ever, it could still lose that title. The scientific name of the species, was inspired by the region this new species was discovered, Argentina's Patagonia. Titan refers to it's strength and large size. The Mayo family on whose ranch the fossils were found laid the idea for the last part of it'ss name.

Studies estimated that the length of this specimen at 37 m with an approximate weight of 69 tons. Like other titanosaur sauropods, the animal was a herbivore with a long neck and tail, that lived in a forest region.

Shrimp Carpopenaeus

Found: Haqel, Libanon (JN0227)

Shrimp - Carpopenaeus

± 75 million yrs. BC

Carpopenaeus is an extinct genus of shrimp that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Period. It contains three types. This specimen was found in Lebanon. These fossil deposits were first mentioned by the Greek historian Herodotus. He said there were "fish in the stones." Unlike many lower quality specimens, this shrimp has no color enhancement or restoration. They get their name because of the long "beak" that protrudes from the front of their heads. They are found in Haqel in Lebanon in a kind of limestone, a pale, beige colored sedimentary rock. Such rock is also known for many other beautiful examples, including sharks and fish.

The actual shrimp are ± 4 cm long, vary slightly from piece to piece and sit on the limestone matrix which is larger. It is suitable for display and collectors. Like other shrimp, they are a type of crustacean. In general, shrimp get bigger the warmer the water, whether salt or fresh, they live in. They eat all kinds of animal and vegetable residues. Especially in the summer they live close to the coast. In winter they migrate to deeper water. Today's common shrimp is mainly active at night. Possibly the extinct races were the same. Most live in the sea on a sandy bottom, in which they can burrow to protect against predators. At least 57 fossil species are known.

The shrimp lives in the water, but it hardly ever swims. He uses his 10 legs to move. Usually, they walk on their hind legs on the bottom in search of food. Sometimes their front legs have scissors with which they can pick up objects.

Sea Urchin Stereocidaris Sceptrifera

Found: Saintonge, France (JN0372)

Sea Urchin - Stereocidaris Sceptrifera

± 75 million yrs. BC

These sea urchins are an irregular species. The thick or robust shell is spherical, protected by radioles (= spines), the whole following a pentaradial symmetry. All plates are densely covered with cusps. The pairs of pores are narrow and unconjugated. The intermediate plates are crossed by deep grooves and bear perforated cusps and not serrated, deeply recessed on areoles, and surrounded by scrobicular cusps.

Sea Urchin Oolopygus Jandrainensis

Large. Found: Hallembaye, Belgium (JN0378)

Sea Urchin - Oolopygus Jandrainensis

± 75 million yrs. BC

This genus is completely extinct. Petals are slightly developed, flat, even, and often difficult to distinguish.

Sea Urchin Nucleolites Latiporus

Found: Pougues-Les-Eaux, France (JN0382)

Sea Urchin - Nucleolites Latiporus

± 75 million yrs. BC

Nucleolites latiporus is a beautiful little fossil sea urchin. The genus Nucleolitidae occurred from the middle Jurassic to the Paleocene.

Sea Urchin Goniopygus Royanus

Found: Brie-Sous-Archaic, France (JN0385)

Sea Urchin - Goniopygus Royanus

± 75 million yrs. BC

The apical (= top) disc plates show surface granulation (= grain-like structure).

Sea Urchin Phymosoma Magnificum

Large. Found: Saintonge, France (JN0406)

Sea Urchin - Phymosoma Magnificum

± 75 million yrs. BC

The tubers are serrated. It has typical composite plates, the penultimate being the largest and occupying the entire width, with the primary tubercle (= cusp).

Belemnite Belemnitella mucronata

Large. Found: Misburg, Germany (JN0452)

Belemnite - Belemnitella Mucronata

± 75 million yrs. BC

The species Belemnitella mucronata is a belemnite from the Cretaceous Period of Europe. The genus Belemnitella belongs to the family Belemnitellidae. It is a well-known appearance in the Limburg, the Netherlands and Belgian chalk. It is also found in Germany. They are often well preserved as straight-shaped cephalopod skeletons.

Lappajarvi Gas Vesicle Rich Impactite

Gas Vesicle Rich. Found: Lappajarvi, Finland (JN0735-7)

Impactite - Lappajarvi

± 73 million yrs. BC

Lake Lappajavari is formed in a partially eroded meteorite impact crater about 23 km wide. In the center is the Karna Island, where the black impact rock Karnaite is located.

Maastrichtian Age

(72,1 million yrs. BC to 66 million yrs. BC)

What happened?

The Maastrichian Age is the latest age of the Cretaceous Epoch. It also ends the Mesozoic Era with en extinction event ± 66 million years BC. The age was precede by the Campanian and succeeded by the Danian Age in the following Paleozoic Era and Paleocene Period.

This period was named after the Dutch Limburg city of Maastricht. Relevant rocks were investigated by a Belgian paleontologogist named Dumont.

The base of the Maastrichtian is defined by some criteria. The earliest occurences of the ammonite 'Pachydiscus neubergicus' and the belemnite 'Belemnella lanceolata' is included. The end of the age can be found in a layer enriched in iridium. This iridium probably came from the meteorite impact that caused the extinction.

The Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event (K-Pg) happened at the end of this age. Many commonly recognized groups died out in this mass extinction. Such as non-avian dinosaurs, plesiosaurs and mosasaurs where victims in the event. Many other lesser-known groups also perished. The cause is probably linked to an asteroid colliding with Earth.

Megaloolithus Siruguei Eggshells

Eggshells. Found: Var, France (JN0786)

Eggshells of Titanosaurus Megaloolithus Siruguei

Eggshells of Titanosaurus. Found: Aix-en-Provence, France (JN0788)

Dinosaur - Megaloolithus Siruguei

± 72,1 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Megaloolithus is a dinosaur egg fossil. Some of these "stone eggs" may have been laid by Titanosaurus' Hypselosaurus.’ They are known for their thick eggshells, at least 1,5 mm thick, and the almost spherical shape of the eggs. Some specimens are found in South America, but mainly in Europe and India.

Megaloolithus sirugei eggs have an elliptical shape. There is some suggestion that the eggs were laid in shallow, cup-shaped depressions. Examination of the shells reveal abundant pores, consistent with incubation in a low oxygen, high humidity environment.

The site of these fossils was a vast megalolithic breeding ground. Excavations yielded more than 530 eggs. Some were in clusters. Such finds, upon study, reveal the reproductive strategy of the megaloolithid egg-laying group. The study indicates nest fidelity and herd behavior.

Dinosaur Cairanoolithus Dughii

Eggshells. Found: Aix-en-Provence, France (JN0792)

Dinosaur - Cairanoolithus Dughii

± 72,1 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Cairanoolithus is a fossilized remain of dinosaur eggs found in Southwestern Europe. The eggs are large, about 15-19 cm, and spherical. The outer surface is either smooth or covered with a subdued pattern of ridges interspersed with pits and grooves.

The parent of Cairanoolithus is some kind of non-ornithopod ornithischian (= herbivorous dinosaur), the nodosaurid (= family of Ankylosaurian dinosaur) Struthiosaurus. The eggs were first named in 1994. Cairanoolithus dughii was one of the two classified oospecies. Though it has been classified as a megaloolithid.

Dinosaur Spinosaurus Marocanus Tooth

Tooth. Found: Kem Kem, Morocco (JN0002-4)

Spinosaurs Marocanus Tooth

Tooth. Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0014-1)

Dinosaur - Spinosaurus Marocanus

± 70 million yrs. BC

Dinosaurs are a well-known group within the reptile class. They originated in the Triassic era and died out after a meteorite impact.

The Spinosaurus was a carnivorous theropod (= bipedal) dinosaur that could be about 15 meters long.

The super order Dinosauria, (= dinosaurs) are a well-known group within the reptile class. They originated in the Triassic era. Some groups, especially the birds, are common until today. The non-birdlike dinosaurs became extinct in the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period.

A meteorite impact on the present-day (2021) Yucatan peninsula (= almost an island) may have been the cause of this extinction, in which many other iconic taxa (= groups of organisms) have died out, including the ammonites, belemnites and pterosaurs (= flying reptiles).

Mosasaur Tooth

Tooth. Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0014-4)

Mosasaurus Tooth 5,5 cm on Matrix

Tooth 5,5 cm on Matrix. Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0056)


± 70 million yrs. BC

Mosasaurs (= lizard of the Meus River) were the dinosaurs of the sea. ‘Mosa’ stands for ‘Meus’, a reference to the location where the first fossil of this group was found, in St. Pietersberg, Maastricht.

While huge carnivores like the Tyrannosaurus ruled the land, an equally dangerous race of monsters, the mosasaurs, terrorized the seas. 

These giant water snakes were related to modern snakes, with tortuous bodies and flexible, almost beak-like jaws.

In the Cretaceous era, they were the top predators of the then ocean. The overall build was quite tall, slender with four flippers and a swim tail. Wide flippers propelled them through the water while their tails, ending in powerful, flattened fin, helped them make fast turns.

Mobility was done with lateral (= sideways) swimming movements. Size varies, but the largest could reach over ten meters in length.

They died out at the end of the Cretaceous period. Loose teeth and bone debris are the most common. Multiple bones together are rare.

Plesiosaurus tooth 40-50 mm

Tooth 40-50 mm. Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0058)

Plesiosaur - Mauritanicus

± 70 million yrs. BC

The plesiosaurs, meaning 'near to lizard', were formed about 210 million years ago. Like the ichthyosaurs, they descended from reptiles that lived on land. The plesiosaurs had four fins from that lineage that they actively used for movement. They adjusted their body with the head and tail.

Plesiosaurs had 2 different main types. The plesiosaurus sometimes had extremely long necks and small heads. These were relatively slow and caught small sea creatures. Other species, some of which reached a length of up to 17 meters, had a short neck and a large head. They were the pliosaurs, real apex predators, fast hunters of large prey.

In 1934, it immediately became world famous with the publication of an alleged photo of the Loch Ness Monster. One explanation for this phenomenon was, that it was a plesiosaur species that survived the extinction of its species 66 million years ago. This theory is not taken seriously by scientists. It is very unlikely that the breed could have sustained such a long period of time in a confined and enclosed habitat, that has only been around for 12.000 years. This made the animal group more famous than some other prehistoric animals. 

Due to the incredulity of science, many people do not believe that plesiosaurs actually existed. While it is not about mythical animals or fantasy animals, but they did exist.

Mosasaur Tooth Platecarpus Ptychodon

Tooth 40-50 mm. Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0057)

Mosasaur - Platecarpus Ptychodon

± 70 million yrs. BC

The 'Platecarpus' (= 'Flat wrist') grew up to 4,3 m long. Half of that length was taken up by its tail.

Compared to other mosasaurs, the animal had much less robust teeth. Probably they fed on smaller fish and squid. This rare mosasaur tooth can be recognized by its fine striates (= surface with longitudinal lines, grooves or ridges). It was striking that also teeth appeared on the palate. These teeth were strongly curved and arranged in two rows. This was an unique tooth arrangement for mosasaurs. 

This mosasaur had interlocking teeth that ran the length of its narrow, cylindrical snout. Likely, it swam alongside its prey and flicked its head sideways to snap up small fish. The function of these teeth was probably to better hold prey. 

The shape of the snout helped reduce drag and is a classic example of convergent evolution, where environmental pressure causes animals of completely different lineage to evolve a very similar way.

Mosasaur Globedens Tooth (Big)

Tooth (Big). Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0054)

Mosasaur - Globidens

± 70 million yrs. BC

Globidens was a large mosasaur with the strongest bite force of any mosasaur. It weighed 2 tons and grew up to 6 m. Globidens' name means 'globe tooth'. 

Globidens are one of the rarest marine reptiles. These mosasaurs had round, blunt teeth for cracking armor such as those of ammonites and their relatives, bivalves and small sea turtles. They preyed on large armoured prey, which would be the reason of their bite force. Larger mosasaurs preyed on them, as it would have not been a fast swimmer. It did have scleral rings meaning it hunted at night probably. This would mean it avoided other mosasaurs by choosing a different diet. 

Mosasaurs evolved to be fast, agile and tear their prey into pieces, so this might say, that globidens evolved to eat armoured prey, because there might have been an abundance of them. It just would have to be faster than its prey to catch them, and cruised at a leisurely speed of 4-5 km per hour.

Mosasaurus Beaugei Tooth

Tooth 35-40 mm. Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0055)

Mosasaurus Beaugei

± 70 million yrs. BC

Not much is known about this mosasaur species. This rare tooth can be recognized by its faceted surfaces (= a number of relatively small, ground flat surfaces).

Mosasaurus (Lizard of the Meuse River) is a genus of mosasaurs. They are an extinct carnivorous aquatic squamates that exicted in the Maastrichtian Age, in Western Europe, North America and possibly Japan and New Zealand. It's called Mosasaurus because the first specimen was found near the Meuse River, Belgium.

Larger mosasaurs were the leviathans of their time, extending 10-15 m. They probably evolved from semi-auatic scaled reptiles which were more similar in appearnce to modern-day lizards. Mosasaurs had double-hinged jaws and flexible skulls (like a snake) which enabled them to gulp their prey almost whole.

The Mosasaurus Beaugei was one of the most fearsome predators to ever roam Earth's oceans. They truly dominated the seas and ruled during the last 10-25 million years of the Cretaceous Period. With the extinction of the ichthyosaurs and decline of the plesiosaurs, mosasaurs diversified to become profilic apex predators of the oceanic world.

Contents of fossilized mosasaur guts have revealed a varied diet of sea birds, ammonites, smaller marine lizards, possibly shark, and even other mosasaurs. Ammonites were a abundant crunchy treat. Mosasaurs had specialized teeth for the job.

The predator probably lurked for an ambush, rather than hunt. Their powerful tail gave extra thrust to dart out and swallow unsuspecting prey. Non-reflective, keeled scales may have been a great advantage for sneak-attack.

Shark Squalicorax Pristodontus Tooth XL

Tooth XL. Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0174)

Shark - Squalicorax Pristodontus

± 70 million yrs. BC

This shark could grow to 4 to 5 m. It is also known as the crow shark. The pristodontus was the largest Squalicorax. They are of medium size. Their bodies are like the modern gray reef sharks. The shape of the teeth is strikingly like that of the tiger shark. The teeth are numerous and relatively small, with a curved crown and serrated, up to 2,5 to 3 cm.

This species of shark was a coastal predator, but also scavenged as evidenced by a tooth found embedded in the bone of a terrestrial hadrosaurid dinosaur, that ended somehow in the water. The Squalicorax also ate turtles, mosasaurs, ichthyodectes and other bony fishes and sea creatures. It is the species with the largest teeth, these loosely placed and very large in comparison with other species. Studies have shown no correlation between the size of the teeth and the size of the body. They could eat relatively large prey and carrion.

Shark Weltonia Ancistrodon Tooth

Tooth. Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0175)

Shark - Weltonia Ancistrodon

± 70 million yrs. BC

The Weltonia ancistrodon is an extinct species. This is a very rare type of cow shark or Hexanchidae. The tooth has a strikingly different shape than other cow shark teeth. It has a 3 times larger cone and curves forwards and backwards.

Hexanchidae are primitive sharks that can still be found in the deeper parts of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans today (2021). Characteristics of recent species are that they have six or seven gills and only one dorsal fin. Fossil shark teeth of the Hexanchidae are easy to spot because they consist of a row of multiple points.

Shark Squalicorax Bassanii Tooth

Tooth. Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0178)

Shark - Squalicorax Bassanii

 ± 70 million yrs. BC

This a great example of a very unusual and rare tooth of a Squalicorax bassanii, a genus of an extinct Crow shark. These teeth are larger for this species and the characteristic bassanii shape is very unusual.

This shark also ate dinosaurs. These are very rare fossils.

Internal Mold Sea Urchin Rügen Germany

Internal Mold. Found: Rügen, Germany (JN0381)

Sea Urchin - Unidentifed Species

± 70 million yrs. BC

Rügen is a German island in the Baltic Sea, characterized by its white limestone reefs. There is a quarry where many fossils from the Cretaceous period can be found.

Fish Pycnodont Phacodus Dental Plate

Dental Plate in Matrix. Found: Oued Zem, Morocco (JN0189)

Fish - Pycnodont Phacodus

± 72,1 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC (Probably ± 70 million yrs. BC)

Pycnodus is a representative of a group of bony fish, the Pycnodontidae. They lived from the Triassic to the Eocene. Usually only the loose molar teeth of these fish are found in a sediment. These thick molar teeth are characteristic of the species.

The location on the tooth plate, round, oval or bean-shaped, depends on species to species. The matt-gloss tooth surface is smooth, usually with some signs of wear. The individual tooth size varies from a few mm to ± 25 mm. The molar teeth of the middle row are elliptical.

The tooth plate is a plowshare bone that is part of the skull. It is located in the front of the oral cavity, behind the front part of the upper jaw. At the bottom of the oral cavity there were two more dental plates. The fish was probably ± 80 cm big. Worn molar teeth were replaced with smaller round teeth. They probably lived in coral reefs and may have eaten corals, shellfish and echinoderms.

Dinosaur Hadrosaur Edmontosaurus Bone

Bone. Found: Lance Formation, South Dakota, US (JN0305)

Dinosaur - Hadrosaur (Edmontosaurus)

145 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC (Probably ± 69 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC)

Hadrosaurs were a large family of ornithischian dinosaurs from the Cretaceous period. They are related to the Iguanodons and are best known for their ‘duck-bills’, which are in fact elongated rostral (= on the head on the side of the nose) bone structures that give the appearance of some beak, but actually contain hundreds of tiny teeth that allowed these giant herbivores to grind through all kinds of plants, including rotten wood.

These large herbivores ate twigs, berries and coarse vegetable matter. Much is known about their diet as fossil stomach contents have been identified. They foraged (= often visit the same area) on low-leaved conifers and deciduous shrubs and trees.

Fossils of Hadrosaurs have been found on all continents. Evidence of their migratory nature has been recovered, but recent studies suggest that some species, in polar regions, have settled all year round.

Recent studies suggest that Hadrosaurs, which are the size of a T-rex were growing at great speeds, in part to protect themselves from predators. The T-rex took three times as long to reach maturity.

Ankylosaurus dermal armor

Dermal Armor - Scute Fragment. Found: Hell Creek Formation, South Dakota, US (JN0323)

Dinosaur - Ankylosaurus

± 68 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Covered in rows of bony plates and with a powerful clubbed tail, the Ankylosaurs are one the most distinctive and successful of all dinosaur families. Spread over more than 90 million years of the fossil record, different species of this sturdy dinosaur can be found on every continent on Earth. 

This copy is a fragment of an Ankylosaurus dermal plate recovered by paleontologists working on private property. These 'scales', large and oval of shape, correspond to the armor that protected the neck and shoulders of the animal from the sharp teeth of predators. The plates of the. Ankylosaurus were not part of its skeleton. They rather formed within the skin. This type of growth is called an osteoderm. 

Osteoderms usually start with small cartilage nodules around which forms more dense material. Osteoderms can be found in many different and unrelated species, from reptiles and amphibians, to mammals, fish and of course dinosaurs. They sometimes form fantastic structures such as the shells of the armadillo and the glyptodon, or the high dorsal leave and tail feathers of the Stegosaurus

Another interesting aspect of the evolution of Ankylosaurus, is a gradual widening of the "hindgut" in time. The posterior gut generally becomes the lower part of the digestive system. In certain animals, this characteristic is strongly developed, allowing the extraction of nutrients from cellulose via microbial fermentation (= conversion of biological materials). An increase of size of this feature can change over time. Even specifically speak of competitive pressures between different herbivorous dinosaur species, such as the Ceratopsids and Hadrosaurids.

Dinosaur Megaloolithus Mamillare

Found: Aix-en-Provence, France (JN0790)

Dinosaur - Megaloolithus Mamillare

± 68 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

The Aix-en-Provence region is known for its dinosaur fauna from the Upper Cretaceous. Fossil eggs are usually found in red clay. The fossil fragment eggshell of dinosaur Megaloolithus mamillare is probably due to Titanosauridae.

The first discoveries of dinosaur eggs took place in the South of France in 1859. Only 2% of the eggs found are intact. Megaloolithus means "shell with large nodules".

Trionychid Turtle Shell Fragment

Shell Fragment. Found: Hell Creek Formation, Carter County, Montana, US (JN0528-1)

Trionychid Turtle

± 67 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Trionychidae is a family of turtles. The shell of these turtles lacks scales. Instead, it is covered with a leathery skin. This makes the top very soft and flexible. It has the advantage that the shield is lighter and makes swimming easier. Such turtles are always flat. The shield is formed by fused ribs and consists of bone. Most other turtles have an outer shell made of horn plates. Trionychids have an elongated snout. This has nostrils that serve to detect food. The eyes are relatively small. Much of their skeleton is lost. All softshell turtles are highly water-bound and rarely come out. They only come ashore to lay eggs. The waters should have a sandy shore in which to bury the eggs.

The name softshell turtle owes its name to the lack of horn plates on the shell. This is also the case in many other languages. The scientific name Trionychidae refers to the turtle's legs. It has three claws on each leg. There are 32 different species, divided into 13 genera. Many fossil species of Trionychids are recognized. These fossils suggest a much wider distribution than what is currently (2021) known. The oldest member of the Trionychidae dates from the late Jurassic.

Trionychid mostly eat vegetable as well as animal material. They are omnivores. In turn, they are eaten by larger predatory fish and aquatic reptiles such as crocodiles. Many species are known for being lively and biting. Larger species can cause serious injuries to humans.

Shell Fragment. Found: Hell Creek Formation, Carter County, Montana, US (JN0528-2)

Baenid Turtle

± 67 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Baenidae is an extinct family of Paracryptodira turtles. In the past, this was seen as a separate group of turtles. Today (2021) these were the primitive form of the Halsberger. The Baenids lived from the Early Cretaceous (± 122 million years BC) to the Eocene (± 37,2 million years BC) of North America. More than 30 different species of baenids have been recognized from the fossil record. They are the most common, diverse, and similar turtle family of the time. Many of the genera survived K-Pg extinction event. They died out completely during the Eocene. The name of the genus appears to be of Native American origin. They are mainly found in freshwater deposits and considered aquatic.

The Turtle Graveyard is the most important fossil turtle site. A lot of material was discovered there. The site also yielded material from Trionychid, crocodiles and therapod bones. The soil composition, the preservation of the skeletons and the number of large tree trunks on the site indicate a history in which a pool of standing water or slow-flowing stream dried up during a drought. The captured turtles and rays were killed. The turtles were then buried during a screeching flow, such as a high-velocity flood.

In 2008, most of the Turtle Graveyard's overburden was removed. Our copy was then also uncovered. The collected stratigraphic data and skeletal remains provided a clearer picture. Little is known about the group, mainly due to a lack of fossils. The skull is characterized by significant general features.

Shell Fragment. Found: Hell Creek Formation, Carter County, Montana, US (JN0528-3)

Adocid Turtle

± 67 million yrs. BC to ± 66 million yrs. BC

Adocidae are an extinct family of aquatic and omnivorous turtles. There are no more living representatives. Only fossil remains are used to distinguish the group from other families. They lived in freshwater and are mainly known from the Cretaceous and Paleogene Asia and North America. Reproduction was oviparous (= reproduction is by laying eggs).

Species of the genus had flattened and smooth contoured shells with beautiful horn-shaped carved plates. The shells could reach a length of 80 cm.

Shelled eggs were discovered in the body cavity of a fossil turtle. This is a very rare find. It offers a unique opportunity to gain insight into the reproductive properties of an extinct turtle. It indicated that the pregnant turtle was laying globular eggs with a firm shell. Their nests were near rivers. These are traits shared with live turtles. Because adocids and their sister group Trionychids (modern softshell turtles) are basal cryptodirans, fossil specimens don't just provide direct information about a fossil turtles reproductive characteristics. They also provide insight into the evolution of reproductive traits in living turtles.

Triceratops tooth

Tooth. Found: Montana, USA (JN0022)

Triceratops Horridus

± 66 million yrs. BC

This tooth comes from a Triceratops horridus. Tricertops is a genus of herbivorous ornithic dinosaurs that lived in, what is now, North America during the Late Cretaceous Epoch, in the Maastrichian Age.

Triceratops horridus (= three horn face) is the first named species. Later many more fossils were dig up, all of which differed slithtly in shape. It may be that there was a second Triceratops species.

The construction of the animal is well known. It was very large, grow to 9 m long, 3 m high and weigh 13 tons. He had a huge head, short sturdy neck, stocky narrow body and a short tail. The skin was covered with scales, with an unknown color.

The head was elongated, with a broad leg shield grew on the back of the skull that extended over the neck and shoulders. Above the eyes were two long horns. A third shorter horn was placed on the nose. The narrow snout bore a sharp hornbeak. The animal tore bushes from the ground with its snout, that were cut into pieces by sharp rows of small teeth. These were immediatly swallowed and further digested in the large abdominal cavity.

Triceratops were one of the last great dinosaurs that lived.

Pieces of Skull Parts. Found: Hell Creek Formation, Montana, US (JN0395)

Alligator - Brachychampsa Montana

± 66 million yrs. BC

Brachychampsa montana is an extinct genus of alligatoroids. The genus appeared from 83,5 million yrs. BC in the Late Cretaceous and extinct in the early Paleogene, about 63,3 million yrs. BC. The animal is distinguished by an enlarged fourth maxillary molar (= molar in the upper jaw). It is an alligator-like crocodile. However, there is still (2021) debate about this. Some believe it is more of a caiman.

Crocodiles seem to have been quite resilient to the effects of the mass extermination, which caused the death of the dinosaurs. Yet another genus of crocodiles is known to have lived millions of years before and after this extinction.

The muzzle was short, blunt, and round in front. At first sight immediately alligator-like. The animal's teeth are not only conical and robust, but also have round pommel-like caps on the tips. These teeth are not used to pierce and hold the meat, but to break the hard shells of invertebrates, such as crustaceans. It is like the genus Globidens. This fits in well with the distribution of the animal in North America. It seems to follow the coastlines for the most part. The disappearance of the species also coincides with the gradual entrapment and disappearance on the western inland sea.

Insect  Cocoon Unidentified Species Found in Rib Cage of Triceratops

Cocoon found in Rib Cage of Triceraptops. Found: Hell Creek Formation, Glendive, Montana, US (JN0447)

Insect - Unidentified Species

± 66 million yrs. BC

This specimen is a rare insect cocoon from the Cretaceous dinosaur beds of Montana in the United States. These and others like it were found in the rib cage of a Triceratops carcass and are preserved in ironstone. This is a truly beautiful and rare fossilized specimen preserved on a dinosaur skeleton for over 65 million years.

Cretaceous flies laid their eggs on the remains of a Triceratops. The hatched maggots settled in a cocoon but were fossilized together before emerging as flies. Our cocoon is completely preserved. It is unbroken and measures approximately 1,5 cm.

Many insects spin cocoons to protect the pupae from predators and adverse weather conditions. After they hatch, the insects must escape from the sealed cocoon. This is from an insect species that thrived around the decaying carcasses of dead dinosaurs. They are often found between the ribs, suggesting that they crawled into the rib cage of the decomposing animal to pupate.

Found: Hell Creek Formation, South Dakota, US (JN0858)

Tree - Sequoia Pinecone

± 66 million yrs. BC

Our specimen of a fossilized Metasequoia pinecone comes from a Dawn Redwood in Hell Creek, South Dakota, USA. In 1847, German botanist Stephen Endlicher named the coastal sequoias ‘Sequoia sempervivens’. The name was probably in honor of the Cherokee Chief Sequioa who invented a phonetic alphabet of 86 symbols for the Cherokee language. Sometimes the tree species is also called “Dawn Redwood.” These trees once towered over a landscape full of dinosaurs such as Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Hell Creek is one of the most famous fossil-finding locations in the world. The formation spreads across parts of North and South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. It captures the last years of the dinosaur era. Not only the last years of the Cretaceous, but Hell Creek also existed at the beginning of the Paleocene. This makes the region witness the destruction. The iridium-rich layer of the K-Pg boundary provides a physical record of the massive Chicxulub meteor impact.

The pinecone comes from an extinct metasequoia tree. The dawn redwood is the smallest of the Redwood family. The height is relative. Modern varieties of metasequoia in China grow to an average height of 50 meters. The roots extend up to 30 meters in all directions. It can grow 60 cm per year until the tree is mature. During its life, the tree produces approximately 60 million seeds, of which 3 to 4 seeds grow into a 100-year tree. Mature redwoods can live between 800 and 3000 years. The oldest known is more than 3200 years old. This involves counting a lot of rings to determine the age. Pinecones can remain on the tree for up to 21 years if the squirrel does not eat the pinecone.

These giant trees once stood high above a landscape of river deltas and floodplains (= area between river and dike) that bordered an inland sea. The fascinating ecosystem lived around such trees. Dawn Redwood pinecone fossils are usually found in small caches. The majority of plants in the Hell Creek Formation are flowering angiosperms (= reproduction by seed in fruit). When fossils are found, they are usually petrified wood. Pinecones like these are exceedingly rare.