

± 33,9 million yrs. BC - ± 23,03 million yrs. BC. Found: Campiglia Marittima, Livorno, Italy (JN0564)

Calcium Iron Silicate

Chemical Formula: CaFe2+2Fe3+(SiO4)2OH

Crystal System: Monoclinic

Crystal Habit: Prismatic crytals and columnar masses

Mohs Scale: 5,5-6

Tenacity: Brittle

Fracture: Uneven

Color: Black to brownish black 

Streak: Black

Luster: Resin to vitreous

Diaphaneity: Opaque

Ilvaite A Shiny Black Crystal with a Storied Past.mp3

Ilvaite: A Shiny Black Crystal with a Storied Past

Imagine a world where the ground beneath your feet holds secrets – not just about the past, but also the extraordinary ways that natural forces work. There, nestled among other rocks and minerals, lies a fascinating substance called ilvaite. It's a little-known mineral, yet its story weaves together science, history, and the beauty of the natural world. Let's uncover the mysteries of ilvaite together. 

What is Ilvaite?

Imagine a crystal the color of a raven's wing, with a shine that catches the light  – that's ilvaite! While not a flashy gemstone, ilvaite is a fascinating mineral that's important to both scientists and collectors. Let's dive into the science behind it:

Word Nerds: Where Does "Ilvaite" Come From?

This is where it gets cool! Ilvaite was first discovered in 1811 on an island called Elba, off the coast of Italy. Back in Roman times, Elba was known as "Ilva." So, the scientists who found this mineral named it "ilvaite," a tribute to its birthplace.

Ilvaite the Rockhound's Delight (and a Scientist's Tool!)

Here's why people get excited about this mineral:

Ilvaite's Journey Through Time

Ilvaite tells a story about the Earth:

Ilvaite: Beyond the Textbook

Here's a little extra to pique your interest:

Want to See Ilvaite for Yourself?

We hope you had fun learning about ilvaite – the shiny black mineral with a hidden story locked inside!