"Too Many Heroes -- Too Little Time"



Revelations come unexpectedly


When he decides

To move on

Revelations are disclosures

They are a big chapter

In my history

His health is felled


The bullet of ignorance

That blinds him

Revelations come into effect


He slams the door behind him

Revelations reduced


Positive directions

Bringing us together

His health is felled


The bullet of ignorance

That blinds him

Revelations give us power


Do good

Evolution Transfer

A warmed wind

That suddenly rises from the north

Feels blissful

Will the dream come true

Or is the big secret hiding

Where thoughts and deeds

May become one

May be done

In the core of myself

Peace soothes the spirit of anger

The power of peace is strengthened

By wrath I cover

The future becomes

Reality this day and raises the flag

Of learning

Evolution transfer

Who Finds Who Loves

Whatever happens

Stay cheerful

Because everything becomes

Possible here

They are people

Just like you

I can only watch

And not act like them

Desks full of neat suits

And those fake faces

Desks full of neat suits

And those fake faces


We continue

Whatever they say

It's going better

Words are just talk

But sometimes so deceptive

And if you're not careful

Sometimes so painful

Desks full of neat suits

And those fake faces

Desks full of neat suits

And those fake faces

Final Decision

He believed in me

From the beginning

A past life

I left behind

The rustle of the sea

There in the darkness

Have we sunk so low?

That you don't give me one last


Have we sunk so low for

Here comes my responsibility

After his fierce final decision

Here comes my responsibility

After his fierce final decision

The independence

After his final decision

Makes its entrance


Is crazy pride

Out of selfishness

Have we sunk so low?

That you don't give me one last


Have we sunk so low for

Here comes my responsibility

After his fierce final decision

Here comes my responsibility

After his fierce final decision

What role does your final decision play?

What role does your final decision play?


It's one of those things

What you

Shouldn't sing about

It takes more

Than a great barrage

To kill an idea

I see it happening in the


And I understand everything in the


Once I lived for the law

As a puppet

Let me tell you about the law

I used to love the law

Once I lived for the law

That the law can be bought

It's nothing new at all

Like a Blitzkrieg that proves

When we need the law

Is she blind

But she teaches me

That a man without love

A man is without fear

Once I lived for the law

As a puppet

Let me tell you about the law

I used to love the law

Once I lived for the law

The Peaceful Earth

You have strong feelings for her


These are the last words I hear

Before my

Eyes directed to the sky

Full of dreams

Travel to the past


It is calm on my earth

Experience the peaceful earth

It is calm on my earth

Experience the peaceful earth

And the morning after today

And the morning after today

Together we inhabit the top

I have

No secrets for our friendship

I have

Never been so blissfully peaceful

The beauty and the beast

Travel to the past


It is calm on my earth

Experience the peaceful earth

It is calm on my earth

Experience the peaceful earth

And the morning after today

And the morning after today

It is calm on my earth

Experience the peaceful earth

It is calm on my earth

Experience the peaceful earth

And the morning after today

And the morning after today

And the morning after today

And the morning after today

Too Many Heroes -- Too Little Time

Be like too many heroes -- too little time

To proceed to

Be like too many heroes -- too little time

My heart is trapped

In thoughts that arise


With aversion to selfishness

And fear

Be like too many heroes -- too little time for pleasure

But my chest is hardened by everything

My war is getting tired

My war is getting tired

Where can I go

Can someone I know say

Is this what I've become

Be like too many heroes -- too little time

With the courage of despair

Be like too many heroes -- too little free time for you

Spontaneous and fun I am on the road


But then what I find like too many heroes -- too little time

If luck

Is on my side

Does the battle get older

My heart is getting colder

Rest on my shoulder

Doesn't solve anything and the battle gets older

Can someone I know say

Is this what I've become

Be like too many heroes -- too little time for pleasure

But my chest is hardened by everything

My war is getting tired

Ask a civilized question

See my lips move

Can someone I know say

Is this what I've become

Dead To Rights

We were betrayed by

The man

And before I notice

It's too late

And everything will be

As he promised

Heaven and hell

Because the overworked

Entrepreneurial division goes to


Dead to rights

Justice is killing our right

Dead to rights

Justice is killing our right

Dead to rights

Dead to rights

That ignorance is


He firmly proved

And I had a lot of fighting spirit in me

But nothing seems safe here

How do they hold out here

All so sacred

And terrifyingly net

The court goes to work

Dead to rights

Justice is killing our right

Dead to rights

Justice is killing our right

Dead to rights

Dead to rights

Even with witness and evidence

I am not believed

And don't try to be a hero

Like a pig

In a stable

Dead to rights

Justice is killing our right

Dead to rights

Justice is killing our right

Dead to rights

Dead to rights

Greece Is The Message

I've never been to Greece

But know her great wealth

A country in desperate


To resurrect


Of ancient

And classical

Cult history

Greece is the message

In contemporary times

Greece is the message

For stepping into the global

The amount of art

Overwhelms us

And gives inspiration

Greece once led the world


Lead others with

No past

Of ancient

And classical

Cult history

Greece is the message

In contemporary times

Greece is the message

For stepping into the global

Now a Greek gets on TV

An image of cheap pleasure

Now a Greek forgets his origin

With too much global entertainment

To see

Drama and math

Sprung there

Has philosophy

The message I see

In their mythology

Grown from ancient

And classical

Cult history

Greece is the message

In contemporary times

Greece is the message

For stepping into the global

Greece is the message

To the origin of renewal

Greece is the message

For a chance of survival

Power Vacuum

Evil roars from his speakers

But you can't box with him

The law of the fittest

Nonsense of the craziest

For here the innocent is

Accused as guilty

Condemned in its own right


Power vacuum comes from betrayal

Power vacuum fills his bald talk

Power vacuum comes from betrayal

Power vacuum

Power spell power sphere power word

In power vacuum in power vacuum

Tattooed as a fantasist

You cling to each other

Through the fog of mystery

In misery

Let's hear our foghorn

We are looking for the lighthouse

That guides us through the lies

Yeast to the truth

Power vacuum comes from betrayal

Power vacuum fills his bald talk

Power vacuum comes from betrayal

Power vacuum

Power spell power sphere power word

In power vacuum in power vacuum

Who guides us through the lies

Yeast to the truth

Power vacuum comes from betrayal

Power vacuum fills his bald talk

Power vacuum comes from betrayal

Power vacuum

Suspended Feeling

My breath warms the air

It's only coming through now

After all our warm blood is


Not until I hear the truth

Acquired with tears

Which I wrote without delay

And sacrificed everything

For our fight

I have banished love

Suspended feeling awakens from enduring

Arctic ice

Suspended feeling awakens from

Her mandatory hibernation

Her mandatory hibernation

Facing the lock

The world suddenly turns rotten

When I think of love

All that remains is a sense of


Suspended feeling awakens from enduring

Arctic ice

Suspended feeling awakens from

Her mandatory hibernation

Her mandatory hibernation

All given up

All given up

To be robbed

Given everything

To be cheated

As it turns out

The puzzle fits

Suspended feeling awakens from enduring

Arctic ice

Suspended feeling awakens from

Her mandatory hibernation

Her mandatory hibernation

All given up

All given up

All given up

All given up

Then to survive

All given up

For our right

For our right

For our right

To Know

Why can one never rely

On the word of anyone

I'm starting to distrust him

When he falls through the basket

Why should we be abused

By not giving time

How it's elsewhere

Use to think

To know

To know that

To know

To know that

To know

To know that

My desired ignorance

Was vulnerable

And yet everything is fine

By the book

He decides what you can become

You are always in a corner

He builds castles in the air for you

Dreams just for you

But he doesn't care

How he can entertain you

To know

To know that

To know

To know that

To know

To know that

My desired ignorance

Was vulnerable

To know

To know that

To know

To know that

To know

To know that

My desired ignorance

Was vulnerable

Although he shows himself generous

He acts like a vulture

And yet everything is fine

You hardly get any justice here

To know

To know that

To know

To know that

To know

To know that

My desired ignorance

Was vulnerable