"Slayers, Spiders, And Torches -- Oh Dear Heavens"


Legacy... In Black And White

How lonely we were then

Until we were created

I shared in your warmth

And there's nothing you can do about it

Because this is my legacy... in black and white

And it's all I want

This is my legacy... in black and white

That's how you are that's how I am

Always think of each other first

Then of themselves

What I got from you

You can't buy anywhere

I cherish you

With that love that was never


Because this is my legacy... in black and white

And it's all I want

This is my legacy... in black and white

That's how you are that's how I am

Always think of each other first

Then of themselves


Choices choices choices

A Saturday afternoon

I never forget

Suddenly addicted

To what I don't understand

You have refreshed my spirit

Choices time to make choices

Choices what is good what is bad

Choices make life real

Actually, I'm getting attached to you

An hour of talking flies by in no time

Minutes well spent

Where is this going

Who is it that plays

How do I get here again

Choices time to make choices

Choices what is good what is bad

Choices make life real

Actually, I'm getting attached to you

Choices time to make choices

Choices what is good what is bad

Choices make life real

Actually, I'm getting attached to you

You talk about your passion

Don't you become more than fantasy

Or do we choose each other

A better and new existence

Choices choices

Choices make life real

Actually, it's my turn

Choices time to make choices

Choices what is good what is bad

Choices make life real

Makes life real

Choices choices


Life stories

Starting as a child

And you grow and grow

Get to know people

Along the way

Life stories

You can put on paper

To learn

And never

To forget

When you embrace me

I get confused

When you embrace me

I get confused

Life stories

Drawn from adventures

Lived in the war



Life stories

Filled with love

Helped by friendship

Patience and decency

Got it from you

When you embrace me

I get confused

When you embrace me

I get confused

Fun And Games With Five

Think of fun and games with five

Brightens me up

Wonderful times

Think of fun and games with five

Friends from the past

I can revive it

Going to investigate

Or frolicking in the meadow

A forest walk

Spring blossomed

And the love 


Closer to you

Was all I wanted

There in the forest

The tenderness

Was brewed between us

Where we drank

I didn't see a goodbye then

Think of fun and games with five

Think of fun and games with five

Brightens me up

Wonderful times

Think of fun and games with five

Friends from the past

I can revive it

Spring blossomed

And the love


Closer to you

Was all I wanted

There in the forest

The tenderness

Was brewed between us

Where we drank

I didn't see a goodbye then

Deadly Is The King

A long time ago in a land far away from


There reigned a man so proud

That he saw not his own doom


In the smoke of his fire

Deadly is the king in his great abode

On top of the mountain

Deadly is the king in his great abode

On top of the mountain

The subjects

Live like slaves

Working in the mines of the mountain

Where they mine ore

Before the ruler’s fire

Where the uprising can begin

Deadly is the king in his great abode

On top of the mountain

Deadly is the king in his great abode

On top of the mountain

Where lies the power of prosperity

Comes his queen of luxury

Cutting coal

Or is that all somewhere

He forgets without us

He is nowhere

A long time ago in a land far away from


There reigned a man so proud

That he saw not his own doom


In the smoke of his fire

Deadly is the king in his great abode

On top of the mountain

Deadly is the king in his great abode

On top of the mountain

Deadly is the king in his great abode

On top of the mountain

Deadly is the king in his great abode

Until the dwarf’s departure

A Touch Of Venom

If I think back to then

I don't understand yet

The words in the gestures

They were sick

Play a game of chess

Compare the game with life

At the heart of the matter

And discover that you have to give everything

A touch of venom robs me of loneliness

A touch of venom froze the road of oblivion


A touch of venom over the years

A touch of venom a touch of venom

Where oh where are you

I now see time flying by

Wrinkles come

And I found nothing yet

When I speak with these words

Shy to reveal myself

Afraid of getting hurt

Now that I'm heading for you

A touch of venom robs me of loneliness

A touch of venom froze the road of oblivion


A touch of venom over the years

A touch of venom a touch of venom

Look For Her

When I wake up, I already think of


This is the wonderful day when I see you


Sparkling tingling

In the abdomen

And I think soon you'll be standing


Watch her look silent

I'll look for her

Watch her look silent

I'll look for her

Oh, if only tonight

Oh, if only tonight

In the shower or at the table


With crazy thoughts that belong

To you

I end up in my jeep

And I think soon you'll be standing


Watch her look silent

I'll look for her

Watch her look silent

I'll look for her

Oh, if only tonight

Oh, if only tonight

Watch her look silent

I'll look for her

Watch her look silent

I'll look for her

Oh, if only tonight

Oh, if only tonight

Oh, if only tonight

Oh, if only tonight


Time to make a decision

The gray matter at full speed

For here everyone hides secret


And then nobody ever has anything on their


All worries only reside in my


Because that's where everyone hides secret


They stay

They stay

I will never listen to reason

Look through the windows of our soul

For that's where everyone hides secret


There is no openness

Between the people on the street

For in bed

Every secret hides


They stay

They stay

They stay

They stay

To protect

To hide

And hesitate

To expose me

Time to make a decision

The gray matter at full speed

For here everyone hides secret


Your Last Days

I can't think about it

Time is too precious

To waste

I can't think about it

You think about leaving

To a place where they wait

For your arrival there

Because it's easy

Your last days

Sneaking closer

Your prediction is approaching

But I hope you are wrong

I wish you are wrong

I don't want to know about it

Time is predictable 

If I believe you

I don't want to share anything more from you

You'll soon give up

Spare me the end

Are you tired of everything

And make your way to the top

Your last days

Sneaking closer

Your prediction is approaching

But I hope you are wrong

I wish you are wrong

Forget the worries

Seize the day

Don't think about tomorrow

Live with a smile

Your last days

Sneaking closer

Your prediction is approaching

But I hope you are wrong

I wish you are wrong

Girl's Night

They go out tonight

Each in their uniform

In a purchased price tag

They camouflage their young selves

Quick unhealthy meal

Slow masking

Carefully measuring a new skin

This is really important

This night is girl's night

This night belongs to them

This night charms our eyes

And the world turns upside down

They look for the most beautiful place

Under the right spot

Where they can dance divinely

To alien thumping

The show is stolen by each of them

And the world can explode

They continue to ogle

Like sirens without song

This night is girl's night

This night belongs to them

This night charms our eyes

And the world turns upside down

They go out

They go out

In group

Do they go out

In junk

Do they go out

And maybe if possible

Appears from the darkness

The true rider with greasy hair

In the brightly colored racehorse

Who throws himself undisturbed before

The Canadian hungry wolves

Or throws herself unconditionally

On the slippery cliffs

This night is girl's night

This night belongs to them

This night charms our eyes

And the world turns upside down

And seduce them

They intoxicate

They rave

They live

Through the night

Two In One Piece

When I see you there

I want to play with you

You are unique

And not like many and

You don't care

But you care about us

Together at home together

Two in one piece two in one piece

We are no more than

Two in one piece two in one piece

We are no more than that

Two in one piece we are just that

About nine o'clock

Get ready

This until the fire


I know

We look alike

Cut from the same rock

Two in one piece two in one piece

We are no more than

Two in one piece two in one piece two in one piece

We are no more than that

Two in one piece we are just that

Two in one piece two in one piece two in one piece

We are no more than

Two in one piece two in one piece

We are no more than that

Two in one piece we are no more

Two in one piece we are just that

Training Methods

I'd like to ask you for more time

For a rash act without fear

I don't know how to pet anymore

And what this is all about

Or how to say a kind word


Being accused of love

In exchange for your surrender

I'm afraid I'll forget everything again


I'm afraid I've forgotten everything

But then intense


I may be expecting too much from you

I long for another lesson with


Another chance to practice

All theory

And for converting

Those plans made

Teach me how to kiss again

And how to put out this open fire

Teach me how to kiss again

And how to put out this open fire

I'm afraid I'll forget everything again


I'm afraid I've forgotten everything

But then intense

With your training methods I learn everything again



You're giving me a quiz

And you do it orally

Father's Day

A look back over the years

After our apocalypse

The wild hair

Have disappeared for a while

But somewhere dwells the anger

That transcends misunderstanding

And which ripens my soul too soon

He fell under the spell

Of the paper of value

He was never the man

I wanted to emulate

There's nothing to be proud of

And yet he asks you to come along

Forget that you were never wanted

And you kept getting in the way

You build an illusion

If you dare to believe his words

Once a mandatory gift for

Father's Day

To a foolish man who was not a father

I now give to the man who likes my mom

This voluntarily straight from my heart

For his Father’s Day

Only then did I understand the meaning

Of pleasure

When a strange man

Knocked here

With a breeze of innovation

Leading to expansion

Of life experience

He symbolizes everything

What a father should accomplish

He listens

While consulting

And occasionally

Lending a helping hand if needed

Once a mandatory gift for

Father's Day

To a foolish man who was not a father

I now give to the man who likes my mom

This voluntarily straight from my heart

For his Father’s Day

During the defeats

That were imposed on us

Who laid the foundations

For a much closer new friendship

Once a mandatory gift for

Father's Day

To a foolish man who was not a father

I now give to the man who likes my mom

This voluntarily straight from my heart

For his Father’s Day

Slayers, Spiders, And Torches -- Oh Dear Heavens

An evening in front of the tube

Will be exciting

The loaded video is


And there the plates move

The demon is in the house

Unprotected from the cross

The young lady hears something


She walks to her doom

Slayers, spiders, and torches -- oh dear heavens where does the world


Slayers, spiders, and torches don't belong together

But they are frightening

But they are frightening

Meet the man

And horror then

The girl possesses a gift

Which she then uses oh dear heavens this

Promises something


Slayers, spiders, and torches -- oh dear heavens where does the world


Slayers, spiders, and torches don't belong together

But they are frightening

But they are frightening

Pass the test

Pass the test

The kids want power

A hard fight for

Too many heroes -- too little time

Remain them

For a rescue

Slayers, spiders, and torches -- oh dear heavens where does the world


Slayers, spiders, and torches don't belong together

But they are frightening

But they are frightening

Pass the test

Pass the test

Pass the test

Pass the test

Pronounced curse

Pass the test

And sleep tight

And sleep tight

And sleep tight