

It Tickled When We Kissed

It tickled when we kissed with closed lips

When you lay blissfully in my arms

And we rested in the grass

Then I understood

An honest woman

Is the most noble work God created

It tickled when we kissed it tickled when we kissed

It tickled when we kissed with moving tongues

The fantastic feeling

In the belly

Made us lose in the lusts

Of loving sound

You are my muse

Words were no longer used

It tickled when we kissed it tickled when we kissed

Silent Scream

Condemned to be hanged

Tell me your dreams

And show me your secrets

You too must live as a prisoner

We utter a silent scream

And sing behind bars

Let out a silent scream

When you scream very loudly

No one wants to hear it

No matter how softly you cry

And together we share the cell

But you keep your distance

I know

Never a wish come true that feels


We utter a silent scream

And sing behind bars

Let out a silent scream

When you scream very loudly

No one wants to hear it

No matter how softly you cry

Hasta La Vista

It no longer clicks

We no longer agree

So, it's time for me

To step up

Hasta la vista

But I can't go anywhere

I'm trapped here

Between bags and cardboard boxes

Trapped in a warehouse

That once was a house

Once a home

It no longer clicks

We can't talk anymore

So, it's time for me

To leave

Hasta la vista

But I can't leave

I'm stuck here

In thoughts that are not mine

There are no challenges left

What I can meet

Or accept

It no longer clicks

We no longer listen to each other

So, it's time for me

To move on

Hasta la vista

Towards the unknown

Maybe it will bring fame

Maybe it brings decay

But something is certain

I'll go to

Where it's different

Hasta la vista



Hasta la vista

Brother's Keeper

We can't go back

You see it on TV

Heroism is a

Contagious idea

It spreads quickly

Nothing is that simple

But is everything my fault?

No, I am not

Not my brother's keeper

Not my brother's keeper

From heaven

Straight to hell

Shed the tears of sorrow

They slowly wash away all feeling

Is everything my fault then?

No, I am not

Not my brother's keeper

Not my brother's keeper

Not my brother's keeper

Not my brother's keeper

The sorrow or joy is

Not my brother's keeper

Not my brother's keeper

No, not my brother's keeper

Black Sheep

I almost lost myself to that


And I soon understood

You were the best of my life

You looked

Lovely tonight

Black sheep tell me what to do

Rule my dreams

Black sheep tell me what to do

Rule my dreams

You were so hated

So egocentric

We looked at each other for a long time

This had never happened

And suddenly everyone became

An entertaining critic

Black sheep tell me what to do

Rule my dreams

Black sheep tell me what to do

Rule my dreams

And with your beautiful, cute mouth

Did you wake up

A sleeping dog

Your face there in

The shine of the city lights has

Touched my soul

I almost lost myself to that


And I soon understood

You were the best of my life

You looked

Lovely tonight

Black sheep tell me what to do

Rule my dreams

Black sheep tell me what to do

Rule my dreams

Black sheep I can't see anyone now

Rule my dreams

Black sheep I can't see anyone now

Will sleep come very soon?


Is it you

Will the loneliness

Disappear now

Are you

Worth the risk

Are you her

The true in the truth

Who will make me one

Are you

The woman from my dream

Who shall I be to you

Who should I be for you

Who can I be for you

Can I be myself for you

Your hair

Is so beautiful, long, and blonde

Like a goddess

And your

Body is so healthy

Your eyes

Are so beautiful round and blue

If you don't smile

And you

Love to run before dawn

Who shall I be to you

Who should I be for you

Who can I be for you

Can I be myself for you

And you like to laugh so much

And you talk happily

Who can I be for you

Who should I be for you

And you look so beautiful

Who can I be for you

And you smell good

Can I be myself for you

Oh yes yes yes

Who shall I be to you

Who should I be for you

Who can I be for you

Can I be myself for you

The Threat Of You

Today is Valentine's Day

A day that should be nice

Ten years have already passed

But I only feel the pain

I got from you

The threat of you

Words are superfluous

It's in the air

We know what we want

We know what we feel

And I think back to that time

We do everything for a reunion

Maybe something will grow out of this

Yet we don't talk much

We turn around it

And I think back to that time

Today is Valentine's Day

A day that should be nice

Ten years have already passed

But I only feel the pain

I got from you

The threat of you

The sun is already setting

When I come to you

We don't think about yesterday anymore

And don't worry about tomorrow

Today is the time

Today is Valentine's Day

A day that should be nice

Ten years have already passed

And I feel incredibly happy

Today is the time

Eye Spy

Then there is no end

Is there no escape

Escape from the eyes

You always look

Do not you see

The eye is the enemy

It always follows us

And people talk

Then there is no end

Is there no escape

Escape from the eyes

It's always there

With the slogan

Look, see and rate

It's always watching us

And people talk

Then there is no end

Is there no escape

Escape from the eyes

By what right

Are you searching my stuff?

By what right

Do you rummage through my stuff

And then the hypocrisy

Then there is no end

Is there no escape

Escape from the eyes

Eye spy eye spy

I don't know why

But look back

A storm ensues

Midnight In Hell

Appointment at midnight in hell

She can't go any deeper

Everything for the mighty paper

For her an act without pleasure

An escape from reality for him

And she dreams of a better life

And an appointment at noon in heaven

It's time for her

To hit the streets again

She has to go somewhere nowhere

To someone nobody made of stone

There's a man waiting for her

In a room in the night

She has to go somewhere nowhere

To someone nobody made of stone

Appointment at midnight in hell

She can't go any deeper

Everything for the mighty paper

For her an act without pleasure

An escape from reality for him

And she dreams of a better life

And an appointment at noon in heaven

How did she end up here

Was her life that bad?

She has to go somewhere nowhere

To someone nobody made of stone

A friend swims in her loneliness

For she has no time for him

She has to go somewhere nowhere

To someone nobody made of stone

Appointment at midnight in hell

She can't go any deeper

Everything for the mighty paper

For her an act without pleasure

An escape from reality for him

And she dreams of a better life

And an appointment at noon in heaven

And he waits

And she dreams

Midday Sun

When the sun is highest

I forget the unhappy luck

It broke me inside

When the sun is highest

This insensitive feeling disappears

You understand what I mean

When the sun is highest

I discover a loveless love

When her rays cut through me

Midday Sun Midday Sun

I wish it could stay that way

When the sun is at its highest

Departs the unimportant importance

Which I no longer desire

When the sun is highest

That daunting encouragement fades

With an immovable movement

Midday Sun Midday Sun

I wish it could stay that way

When the sun is highest

Uncivilized civilization eludes me

Because of a power-hungry addiction

Midday Sun Midday Sun

I wish it could stay that way

Enjoy an unanswered answer

On a guilty innocence

Midday Sun Midday Sun

I wish it could stay that way


This feeling can propel you

In all directions

Black and white are only 2 colors

Of the range

I write you a sweet word

But in a way it doesn't affect you

There is no golden gate

If you don't see it with your own eyes

Despair if you are looking for nothing and

Despair when you stop looking


Despair if you find nothing and

Despair despair

Black swallows everything

White bundles everything together nicely

So, they are no longer

True colors

An all-meaning word

Whose value so eludes us

When you hear about it

But the beauty never fades

Despair if you are looking for nothing and

Despair when you stop looking


Despair if you find nothing and

Despair despair

Night Of The Sticker

This feeling can propel you

Where is the world going

People show their finger

People use vulgar words

I don't mind this so much

If only it were a little more in place

What is happening in the world

Tell me the good news

Tell me and you'll be done faster

I don't mind this so much

If only it happened more

You have nothing

And I have something

You have something

And I have nothing

Is this a reason to kill?

Does this then give the right to steal

Is this the reason to break in?

Where does jealousy come from

People commit violence there

People break the law there

I think this is so bad

Because the victim pays

Where does greed come from

Can't be progressive

Can't improve on it

I think this is so bad

Because you've been sweating blood and tears

You have nothing

And I have something

You have something

And I have nothing

Is this a reason to kill?

Does this then give the right to steal

Is this the reason to break in?

Was it for the satisfaction

Was it vandalism?

Was it an expression

To me or the government

Of your displeasure

Whatever the why

You have nothing

And I have something

You have something

And I have nothing

Is this a reason to kill?

Does this then give the right to steal

Is this the reason to break in?

The Secrets Of You

You show great courage

This proves you do

Or was it an act of desperation

That would make someone sell their heart

You started your search

Because you want to continue booking

And all the mischief you leave behind

Stays with you wherever you go

The secrets of you

Are unapproachable

Your desire, however, is not

The secrets of you

Are unreachable

So, no one really sees you

So alone

Do you also find it difficult

To trust someone?

The feeling is untold

When you think back to the claws

Were you lost the meaning of life

For a moment

Now to take the bull by the horns

And honor someone with your presence

The secrets of you

Are unapproachable

Your desire, however, is not

The secrets of you

Are unreachable

So, no one really sees you

So alone

Maybe I'm rhyming

To glue the pieces of your heart

Or looking for a soul mate

Oh, I can't control it anymore

The secrets of you

Are unapproachable

Your desire, however, is not

The secrets of you

Are unreachable

The secrets of you

Are negotiable

The secrets of you

Are understandable

The secrets of you

Are sacred

Because it comes down to this

The secrets of you

Are safe

Maybe you're not so

Alone now

You Meet Me

You meet me

'Cause you're in my chair

And when you look at me

You'll understand what I mean

You meet me

When you apologize

When you disappear with her

It hurts inside

And you talk a bit

And you smile a little

Your smile is so beautiful

And you chuckle

You meet me

When she comes back

Because the places next to me are still free

And plops down next to me

You meet me

I come here often too

She says to me

And then the conversation ends

And you talk a bit

And you smile a little

Your smile is so beautiful

And you chuckle

You take a hand

It's not mine

But from your girlfriend

And you hug

And you caress

And she kisses

With her girlfriend


We must ground on the earth

On the earth earth earth

There's a time to go

And a time to come

And the time to go

You know has come now

Wish me luck

We must ground on the earth

On the earth earth earth

New circumstances

Offer me

New possibilities

New circumstances

Offer me

New possibilities

You do what you can

Sometimes that is no longer enough

And you do what you have to

Even if it's too early

But it has to happen sometime

We must ground on the earth

On the earth earth earth

New circumstances

Offer me

New possibilities

New circumstances

Offer me

New possibilities

Terrible 4

I want to go back where we come from

I want to make everything right again

In a time when the trees were green

And happiness shouted from the rooftops

Wait a minute

The terrible 4

Come stay here

'Cause I'm so afraid

Of the terrible 4

I don't want you to hate me

I don't want you to let go of love

I do not want you to leave

I don't want the past to die

I know a difference of opinion 

Sometimes turns into a big fight

And is it necessary that you scream

Until I see the truth

Wait a minute

The terrible 4

Come stay here

'Cause I'm so afraid

Of the terrible 4

I don't want you to hate me

I don't want you to let go of love

I do not want you to leave

I don't want the past to die

Negative Consequences

I'm waiting

They can do whatever they want

And I'm stuck

There are no more ways out

I go alone

To a place far away

Where everyone goes

We'll meet there

And death will come

Leaves fall from the trees

And they give way to the

Negative consequences

After flowering come the good ones

People come to visit me

Looking through a window

Behind my folding screen

Just an unnamed name

Then you came in

Taking my heart for the first time

Like a mosquito you come back

For more

And death will come

Leaves fall from the trees

And they give way to the

Negative consequences

After flowering come the good ones

I feel it coming

My heart is beating slowly now

And they ask me the question

But I tell them

Leave me alone

Before was then

Today is nothing more than now

Before was good

And death will come

Leaves fall from the trees

And they give way to the

Negative consequences

After flowering come the good ones

The clock keeps ticking

Yet I keep thinking about it

Others can stand

Desire to go

And death will come

Leaves fall from the trees

And they give way to the

Negative consequences

After flowering come the good ones


And in the end

I'm swimming in water

For I've been struck

By blindness

Who throws me a lifebuoy or

Some other kind of help

This time I can't do it alone

Didn't I just see you standing there

It happened once again


I add some water to the


And in the end

I'm swimming in water

For I've been struck

By blindness

Everything gets wet around me here

Maybe I'm chasing a dream

And playing to win

But in your game, there are no winners

It happened once again


I add some water to the


It happened once again


I add some water to the


The Last Dance

Can I tell you something

I wanted to ask you

Go out sometime

If there is a chance

Because I think you're pure

Naturally clean

One thing I know for sure

The last dance the last dance

Should I just be with you

The last dance the last dance

Should I just do it with you

I just have to do the last dance with you

With my little luck

I don't ask you

And my courage can


I'm free

But if you want it

Just let me know that

The last dance the last dance

Should I just be with you

The last dance the last dance

Should I just do it with you

I just have to do the last dance with you

The last dance the last dance

Should I just be with you

The last dance the last dance

Should I just do it with you

I just have to do the last dance with you

I just have to do the last dance with you

The Wrong Place At The Right Time

I would like to tell you so much

But again, and again you surprise me

I don't remember where I got it

Stupidity overwhelms me every time

I want you away from me

I want you with me

I'm in the wrong place

At the right time through the deadly nightshade

Where despair brings life

I would like to make you feel so much

But I don't want to hurt you

I know because of you I am

Always out of my normal doing

I want you away from me

I want you with me

I'm in the wrong place

At the right time through the deadly nightshade

Where despair brings life

I see you in full action

And the desperate love

Slowly seeps from my brain

When you enter our world

I want you away from me

I want you with me

I'm in the wrong place

At the right time through the deadly nightshade

Where despair brings life

Drown Slowly

You stayed near me

That was exceedingly difficult

You stayed near me

It was more than sports

It was a metaphor

And it sucked eggs

You stayed near me

I try not to think about them

The game isn't over yet

I try not to think about them

The game isn't over yet

I try not to think about them

The game isn't over yet

Though hope is dead

You stayed near me

That is why I wrote this letter

You stayed near me

I was helpless

It was a metaphor

And it sucked eggs

You stayed near me

I try not to think about them

The game isn't over yet

I try not to think about them

The game isn't over yet

I try not to think about them

The game isn't over yet

Though hope is dead

A Watershed

Am I cursed to live

In an interesting time

But we have a bigger problem

I've seen the future

And it floated below the surface

A dream

Of fire and flood

And explosions and angels

A waterfall of poor water falls down

Before us

Because the end of the world then

Washes away for us

For us

In down

The need for air burns in my lungs

In desperation I go upstairs for


And every bite tastes even better than the last

Sweaty bodies

A little too red some

With pain on their faces

Can't turn off an idea

For virtue is its own reward

Can't turn off an idea

For virtue is its own reward

A waterfall of poor water falls down

Before us

Because the end of the world then

Washes away for us

And through a watershed fate swims

For us

In down

And we just keep swimming

Straight through raging waters


You have tears in your eyes

It's not because of the cold

Of the icy wind

But you are in mourning

A loss always hurts

Tears flow through your veins

Such a loss is great

They get stuck in your heart and head

And the tears are red

By that surprised expected pain

Suddenly it's over

Time to put an end to it

Suddenly everything seems to be over for good

No man could prevent this

You only have memories

It's no consolation at all

And the words fail

But you still have your offspring

Maybe this will ease the pain

Memories of this character

It wasn't just anyone

Taken from life

But you still held his hand

There was no pain then

Suddenly it's over

Time to put an end to it

Suddenly everything seems to be over for good

No man could prevent this

It hurts so damned

Because you love him

There will come a time that will be better

That love never gets cold

Is life a lie

And then comes the truth

When opening the doors

Everyone opts for that certainty

Suddenly it's over

Time to put an end to it

Suddenly everything seems to be over for good

No man could prevent this

It hurts so damned

Because you love him

There will come a time that will be better

That love never gets cold

The World Of Tomorrow

You say you belong to another

But then you no longer have the right to freedom

You are a prisoner in his world

Maybe without real love

And always believe in the great love

Keep promising eternal love

And always conquer true love

But every time the heart is broken

The world of tomorrow

The world of tomorrow is reached

The world of tomorrow

The world of tomorrow is watching

You are the embodiment of love

A radiance of purity in happiness

Who of overwhelming purity

Was fashioned to accompany me

The world of tomorrow

The world of tomorrow is reached

The world of tomorrow

The world of tomorrow is watching

The world of tomorrow

The world of tomorrow is reached

The world of tomorrow

The world of tomorrow is watching

When we belong to others

It never completely ends

Every time heart

And soul are enchanted

Even when we want

To charm others

The world of tomorrow

The world of tomorrow is reached

The world of tomorrow

The world of tomorrow is watching

Yesterday you decided to leave

Yesterday you were looking for shelter

Yesterday I offered you a ride

And we celebrated

Our meeting there

The world of tomorrow

The world of tomorrow is reached

The world of tomorrow

The world of tomorrow is watching


This is the day that keeps coming back

And you can be sure

The Earth revolves around the sun for one year

She gives us her warm glow

Today is the day just for you

In that cold period

Today the appearance is only for you

And here I bring my tribute

I came here to look for answers

I so wanted to hear the truth

With two ears

With two eyes

For innocence was born

This could be paradise

But there is a snake in the garden

Lies can be spun

Secrets can be hidden

You came here looking for our answers

You're aiming too high

Nice and neat

All the rules have changed

Forces are scurried

And the weapons gathered

When man shudders shudders

I know

My whole life is a lie

What can happen now

Once was my existence

Nice and neat

Set aside the sad fact of the truth

My whole life is a lie

You would love to hear the truth

With two ears

With two eyes

Because here time was broken