"Deadly Nightshade"


Truth Hurts

Night has already fallen

When I come home

There is a fear

Plus, event in the sky

The deed has already been done

And I don't know the future

I can already see her driving by

Not knowing what to do

Doors open and close

Checking to see if I'm home yet

I expected something

But not so fast

It had to happen sometime

Better a broken heart than none

The dog cries cries cries

She's watching me

From behind her curtain

Where she hides

Now everything becomes clear to me

It never should have been

And it never will be

Because she doesn't give us a chance

We each stand on his side of the street

Truth hurts

When I open

There stands the shadow

Of nothingness with its message of no one

Truth hurts

Truth hurts

She does not assume the gauntlet

And prefers to stay in her flat

Until it gets dark outside

And she's waiting for me to leave

To show her shadow

That throws me off my feet

Even though she's on her guard now

I can feel her presence

I know she doesn't want to hurt me

Sooner or later, it happens anyway

Are we standing somewhere for each other

She doesn't want to confront

Truth hurts

When I open

There stands the shadow

Of nothingness with its message of no one

Truth hurts

Truth hurts

Will the truth yet come to light

Where is this going anyway

Will she stop

Truth hurts

When I open

There stands the shadow

Of nothingness with its message of no one

Truth hurts

Truth hurts

Caught Stealing

On beautiful afternoons

Should we work together

For several days

I stay in a hotel

In this strange land

The sun scorches bodies

On the soft beach

You see me lying there

A well-deserved rest

For the days full of work

And years of labor

I am listening to music

In a good mood

You come at me

My eyes open

And look for the voice

That penetrates my ear

But I don't understand her

It's like she's singing

You ask me something

Halt you've been caught

Caught in the act

Caught stealing

Stealing my heart

I don't know Italian

You don't speak Dutch

English is useless

For clarity

French saves the day

You invite me

Halt you've been caught

Caught in the act

Caught stealing

Stealing my heart

You promise an evening

Only in a lifetime

Full of music and dance

An end of the night

With a new chance

Full of gold and passion

Halt you've been caught

Caught in the act

Caught stealing

Stealing my heart

Halt you've been caught

Caught in the act

Caught stealing

Stealing my heart

Caught stealing

From my heart

Hostile Takeover

Hostile takeover the description

Of what I feel for you

When I see you

Hostile takeover are the words

I'm better off her

But I can't help it

Like the hostile takeover

Controlled my body and mind

Hostile takeover obsession

Hostile takeover with a lot of passion

Hostile takeover obsession

Hostile takeover with a lot of passion

Isn't it more than a desire

To what you don't give away

Or you can't get

Are you a fata morgana

Does your boyfriend also think

Of you

Thirty eleven

Times a day of you

Hostile takeover is coming

Hostile takeover obsession

Hostile takeover with a lot of passion

Hostile takeover obsession

Hostile takeover with a lot of passion

Family Affair

It's two degrees outside

And the moment is approaching

There's a party tonight

And everyone is getting ready

Packages in the trunk

And the good atmosphere in your pocket

Tradition takes care of the spot

A full glass for everyone

What will the evening offer

Will it be even more fun

I'm starting to compare

This is supposed to be a gathering

Overflowing with fun

This is more like a family affair

Than a grand celebration

That once gave the basis

To a new book

Who still pours in

Oh, the young man is doing his best

He is proud of his wife

And the package in her belly

But that is not talked about

Time to dine

The place with their children

Will be given to me

Because I'm single again

What's the meaning

Is it custom or duty

I'm starting to compare

This is supposed to be a gathering

Overflowing with fun

This seems more like a family affair

Than an occasion

From some people

Who have something in common

Who still serves

She surpasses herself

The sweat can be seen on the flesh

Then comes the time of boasting

What he has and you don't get

The whole gift thing

Reminds me of the sales

Which haven't even started yet

Where is the word of thanks

Is getting important

Is everyone satisfied

I'm starting to compare

This is supposed to be a gathering

Overflowing with fun

This seems more like a family affair

Than an occasion

A famous figure from a fairy tale

To be or to play

Can we go now

Deadly Nightshade

Deadly nightshade deadly nightshade deadly nightshade

The rest time is over

You go for it

Where were you as long as

My life was going well

But now I'm really scared

Deadly nightshade you are a deadly nightshade to me

Deadly nightshade when you resurface

Deadly nightshade I don't want you to stop

Now stop worrying in my head

Months of calm before the storm

Bring the little devil out of the box

A surprise

Brings you pleasure

I am desperate

Deadly nightshade you are a deadly nightshade to me

Deadly nightshade when you resurface

Deadly nightshade I don't want you to stop

Now stop worrying in my head

Deadly nightshade you are a deadly nightshade to me

Deadly nightshade when you resurface

Deadly nightshade I don't want you to stop

Now stop worrying in my head

Looking for a solution

Do you hope for improvement

I don't find the solution

When I dig into our grief

Deadly nightshade deadly nightshade

Deadly nightshade I don't want you to stop

Stop worrying now

Deadly nightshade you are a deadly nightshade to me

Deadly nightshade when you resurface

Deadly nightshade I don't want you to stop

But still, you stop

Deadly nightshade deadly nightshade

Come To A Climax

The man in the mirror

Looks familiar

That look in his eyes

Seems so confident

He stares at me

How far will you go

He is at a crossroads

With someone in the distance

Four horsemen arrive

The Apocalypse on horseback

But that look in his eyes

He won't let them go

Come to a climax

It's been enough

Don't let yourself be a victim

It dawns on you

He stands up and fights

The truth in the past

Is nothing more than a lie

Trust is carved

From pieces of melting ice

That look in his eyes

Tell that to someone else

Come to a climax

It's been enough

Don't let yourself be a victim

It dawns on you

He stands up and fights

The man in the mirror

He also makes mistakes

In his world behind glass

So identical

And opposite

With that look in his eye

Come to a climax

It's been enough

Don't let yourself be a victim

It dawns on you

He stands up and fights


This is the story

Of death and life

I give myself to you

Until the times

You are so beautiful

This is the story

Of life and life

I care about you

Till death

And even further

But they view me

As a parody

But they view me

As a parody

This is the story

About happiness and life

I give my soul for you

To the vultures

Above us

This is the story

Of miracles

I give time with you

For no money

To another

But they view me

As a parody

But they view me

As a parody

Last Battle

I walked in the wrong direction

To try to stay out

Of your life

While you want in mine

I didn't understand that for a moment

Together with you is worth more than the


Nobody gave me that wisdom

Know I'm sorry

I fought

The last battle

To myself

Against the doubt

We won't run

From the troubles yet to come

I want to see

Where you will take me

Know I'm sorry

I fought

The last battle

To myself

Against the doubt

I hope you understand

That I'm sorry

The last battle

Has been fought

And you are the prize

Your attention is a gift

Your body a trophy

Your smile is a reward

Your presence is a present

Know I'm sorry

I fought

The last battle

To myself

Against the doubt

I hope you understand

That I'm sorry

The last battle

Has been fought

And you are the prize

Have A Sale

Let's have a sale

Be brutally honest

When you stand in front of me

Let's have a sale

I wish to love you

Somewhere deep inside

I think day and night

Time waits for no one

But love waits

In eternity

For endless



Of dark and light

That's how we are

When day and night


But never once can

Be together

My queen of the night

Let's have a sale

Let's have a sale

Be brutally honest

When you stand in front of me

Let's have a sale

I wish to love you

Somewhere deep inside

In eternity

For endless




Of dark and light

That's how we are

When day and night


But never once can

Be together

My queen of the night

Brotherly Hatred

A man has reached the general public

However, it is too late for him

He's not the one who gets the fame

Somewhere in a ditch along a street

It'll be in all the newspapers tomorrow

Is it an act of fear or hatred

Those pictures deliver from all sides

Somewhere in a ditch along a street

He's a victim

Of brotherly hatred

Like a soldier for his country

Like a nigger in the jungle

Just like a student in the square

Like a human to the subway

Everyone talks about this man

Even though he was not a diplomat

Everyone now knows him from

Somewhere in a ditch along a street

All he did was his job

Which stands for everyone's health

They say goodbye to him in a church

Somewhere on a ditch along a street

He's a victim

Of brotherly hatred

Like a soldier for his country

Like a nigger in the jungle

Just like a student in the square

Like a human to the subway



Is still dripping from the ceiling


Is unpredictable

Is unimaginable

Eyes shine

Mouths spout

To the little child

The boogeyman lurks

Nine months waiting

For a redemption

Was worth the wait twice

At this beautiful moment

They are happy

Do you ever feel alone or tired

Well then come

To me

The boogeyman lurks

The boogeyman

Can do nothing

Break Up

Our hearts pull

Together like magnets

But there is nothing more

You are not who you want to be

You don't do what you want to do

You quit smoking

For my health

You quit your studies

To be with me

But sooner or later

This takes its toll

And then I won't be there anymore

I can't take it anymore

Don't play any other

Be yourself

We are only together

To not be alone

I can't go on like this

If we were ever really together

I want to break up

And you talk about me

Like a brave prince

On the white horse

The hero of the story

Who comes to set you free

But I also make mistakes

Even if you don't see them

The salvation sought

You will not find with me

But sooner or later

This takes its toll

And then I won't be there anymore

I can't take it anymore

Don't play any other

Be yourself

We are only together

To not be alone

I can't go on like this

If we were ever really together

I want to break up

Somewhere in the future

I don't want to wake up

When it's too late

To make up for time

To make dreams come true

I wish to see things

Experiencing a life

Your life is led

You let yourself be guided

But sooner or later

This takes its toll

And then I won't be there anymore

I can't take it anymore

Don't play any other

Be yourself

We are only together

To not be alone

I can't go on like this

If we were ever really together

I want to break up

Route 666

Turn off Route 666

Better late than never

Turn off Route 666

It's getting better than ever

Forget giving up

Of blindness

Turn off Route 666

Not just angels

Watch over me


Is not bliss yet

Riding on the road to Hades

Covered with intentions

Riding on the road to Hades

Turn off Route 666

Isn't easy

They're trying to keep me here

A road that never

Reaches its destination

But you easily

So traveled

Turn off Route 666

A road full of cracks

Turn off Route 666

Deep cracks

In the good intentions

Riding on the road to Hades

Covered with intentions

Riding on the road to Hades

Floored with good intentions

Day Of The Dead

Some living

Are deader than dead

On this Monday

Day of the Dead is obscene

Some dead


Are livelier

Than the living

The Day of the Dead is obscene

The Day of the Dead is obscene

The Day of the Dead



The core of their lives

Is here

They compete for money

And power

The worst news between seven

And eight

Is livelier

Than living

The Day of the Dead is obscene

The Day of the Dead is obscene

The Day of the Dead



Faces without expression

Hide no warm heart

And the

Faces without expression

Have no satisfaction

The Day of the Dead is obscene

The Day of the Dead is obscene

The Day of the Dead



On The Way

On the way to the sun

On the way to the sun

How young we were then

How small we were then

Where we walked a road

That no one dared to travel

We were real heroes

We were in the fields

Where we understood everything

And incomprehensible to them

On the way to the sun

On the way to the sun

On the road to the sun

When do you know what's bad

When do you know what's good

You seem to forget

If I gesture to you

Now you have grown up

Now you've gone blind

But with time

My feelings for her did not disappear

On the way to the sun

On the way to the sun

On the road to the sun

An increased pulse rate

An accelerated heartbeat

But it was suppressed

My love for you is true

On the way to the sun

On the road without you

On the way to the sun

On the road with the cold

Without you on the way

Weird Whimper

Has that smile gone forever?

Was there ever a time

Where our love was so great

So that it still burns within us

Part of the truth

Is not yet truth

Because it feels so strange

Weird whimper

It's strange howling

Weird whimper

It's strange howling

Weird whimper

But it continues to whine

Is it true that you think

I'm a walking mystery

Why were you an innocent playing child

Why didn't you see what we did

Why didn't you see it

When I asked you

Don't do it because it feels so strange

Weird whimper

It's strange howling

Weird whimper

It's strange howling

Weird whimper

But it continues to whine

Because now you know what I know

Is everything over now

But I don't feel alone

The singer sings his song

About a meeting

A memory emerges

And invisible you stand next to me

Because it feels so strange

Weird whimper

It's strange howling

Weird whimper

It's strange howling

Weird whimper

But it continues to whine

J' Accuse

J' accuse myself

For making too high demands

In romanticism

This is difficult to prove

With just music

J' accuse the love

For going beyond the infatuation

The stabbing pain

That stays behind for a long time

Even if it's so small

You're accused

For not wanting to start looking

To the romance

You allow yourself to be loved by lust

And gets sick of it

Everything Is Allowed

We are obliged

To choose them

Provide them with our money

To take even more


Where is this going

So much is happening

And nobody sees it

Not only gray clouds

Give a dark sky


Where is this going

The air around us

Is gray and hoar

Dense dark clouds

Of the bureaucracy

And the greed

Where is this going

Our society

Chokes the sweet air

Of freedom

And the beautiful promise

Of democracy

Where is this going

Everything is allowed

In war and love

Mr. Baetens Goes To Falkau

Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau for a whole week

And leaves everything behind

Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau for a whole week

The mind softens

With peace

Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau for a whole week

You were my number 1

Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau for a whole week

A new day is coming

With peace

With a strange situation

A reason of ego

A debt of honor

Hot and cold Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau

White and black

Are the colors of his heart

Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau on vacation

It's over again

Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau on vacation

Everything came back

There in peace

With a strange situation

A reason of ego

A debt of honor

Hot and cold Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau

White and black

Are the colors of his heart

Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau, and all is well

Bought on credit

Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau, and all is well

Though I won't forget her

With peace

With a strange situation

A reason of ego

A debt of honor

Hot and cold Mr. Baetens goes to Falkau

White and black

Are the colors of his heart


Are they the discovery of the century

Are they the deception of the century

Do they want to scare us?

Or open our eyes

Are they friends or tyrants

In the middle of a room

Stands a table

On it lies the creature

And the head is bald

Are they the discovery of the century

Are they the deception of the century

Do they want to scare us?

Or open our eyes

Are they friends or tyrants

She has small arms

Six fingers on each hand

Six toes on each foot

At the bottom of those short legs

Are they the discovery of the century

Are they the deception of the century

Do they want to scare us?

Or open our eyes

Are they friends or tyrants

Behind The Eighth Ball

Can I ever love someone again

Can I ever care about someone again

Will she always keep my love

Will someone make me float again

Is there anyone who can answer

After this umpteenth failed attempt

Another bad shot

That causes the balls to roll wrong

Are you behind the eighth ball

Can I ever love anyone again

Can she just walk over my heart

Will I overcome my pain

Will someone get engaged to me

Is there anyone who can answer

After this umpteenth failed attempt

Another bad shot

That causes the balls to roll wrong

Are you behind the eighth ball

Can I still commit to someone

Can I win someone's heart

Will I find my feeling again?

Will someone age with me

Is there anyone who can answer

After this umpteenth failed attempt

Another bad shot

That causes the balls to roll wrong

Are you behind the eighth ball

The hammer strikes

My deadly nightshade stands there

Her actions make me tired

And I see her everywhere

Is there anyone who can answer

After this umpteenth failed attempt

Another bad shot

That causes the balls to roll wrong

Are you behind the eighth ball

Blood From A Stone

You knew all about sorrow

Or how my soul would break

My world isn't going

Up or down with you

Is it blood from a stone

That you wish to see

Or human life

Society is amazed

When he met his end on the street

If a car felled him

And blood flows from his mouth

Is it blood from a stone

That flows over the ground

From a stone

Blood from a stone

Don't go anywhere

Blood from a stone

And if something happens

And blood stains the asphalt

Blood from a stone

The old heart of stone

Then perished

Does everyone in a city of stone

Wears a heart of stone

Has everyone you seem to know

A stone heart in the body

Is it blood from a stone

That flows over the ground

From a stone

Blood from a stone

Don't go anywhere

Blood from a stone

And if something happens

And blood stains the asphalt

Blood from a stone

The old heart of stone

Then perished

From a stone

Blood from a stone

Don't go anywhere

Blood from a stone

And if something happens

And blood stains the asphalt

Blood from a stone

The old heart of stone

Then perished

And it's time to sink

And it's time to sink

And it's time to sink

Or to swim


For the venom

I don't use


In the adrenalin

I use for

The venom

A sense of excitement

And exhilaration

Isn't love poison in our blood?

That slowly takes over everything

We don't know what it does

We are civilized people

Can't we talk

I want to always remember you that way

So beautiful

Your eyes your hair your armor

For the venom

I don't use


In the adrenalin

I use for

The venom

A sense of excitement

And exhilaration

Whatever I try to do

The venom in my stomach

Eats and gnaws away everything inside

I like you so much

There is no remedy yet

That purifies the body

When the body so suddenly

Shudders with love

For the venom

I don't use


In the adrenalin

I use for

The venom

A sense of excitement

And exhilaration

For the venom

I don't use


In the adrenalin

I use for

The venom

A sense of excitement

And exhilaration