Sally phillips

Community Activist

Member of the Falls Church City Planning Commission (1980–1988), one year as vice chair and three years as chair.

Served four years (two terms) as a member of the Board of Trustees of Mary Riley Styles Library, Falls Church’s Public Library (1976–1978 and 2012–2014).

Chaired the 1977 search committee for the new Library director.

Member of the Falls Church City Board of Equalization (1986–1988).

Member of the Falls Church City Bicentennial Commission (1975–1976).

Member of the Falls Church Village Improvement Preservation Society board.

Long-time active member of the Falls Church League of Women Voters (1972–present), serving as League president (1978–1980), as treasurer in the 1990s, and in other various board positions throughout the years.

Long-time active member of Citizens for a Better City, serving in 1992 as CBC’s successful local election campaign chair and as CBC president (1994–1995).

In 2006, received CBC’s highest award, the Jane & Wayne Dexter Award for exemplary service to CBC and the community.