Environmental Visionary

First Recycling Coordinator for City of Falls Church who taught the community how to recycle and conserve before recycling and sustainability were household words.

Won national recognition with one of the best recovery rates—over 65 percent—in the country.

Initiated the first program in Northern Virginia for recycling of textiles and computer and electronics equipment, as well as curbside recycling for plastics and telephone books.

Founded Operation EarthWatch, elementary school Ecology Club, Recycling Block Captains program, Leaf Mulch program, spring and fall citywide cleanups, and an employee recycling program at City Hall.

As a member of the League of Women Voters, served as chair of the Sustainable Development Study Committee and the primary author of the booklet, “Sustainable Development in the City of Falls Church.”

Longtime board member of the Village Preservation and Improvement Society, and founder and chair of the Neighborhood Tree Program.

After retiring and leaving Falls Church, continues to be committed to community service in Corvallis, Oregon, where she co-founded the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition and is active with the League of Women Voters in Corvallis.