Leah Porzel


Community Advocate

Founding member and chair of Aurora House, a community-based residential counseling center for girls ages 13–17 in Falls Church. Mrs. Porzel was instrumental in the design, construction, and operation of Aurora House, providing unwavering support and compassion to girls who gained meaningful and important skills during their time at the House.

President of the Northern Virginia Mental Health Association.

Branch President of AAUW (1968–1972) and a member for more than 65 years.

President of the Greater Hillwood Civic Association.

Member of the Lifetime Learning Institute, which provides free continuing education for adults over 50 years of age.

Girl Scout leader for more than 18 years.

20-year member of the St. James Catholic Church choir.

Member of Citizens for a Better City.

Mother of seven children.

The Falls Church City Council passed a memorial proclamation to honor her lifelong service to the community, renaming the Aurora House College Scholarship Fund as the Olom-Porzel College Scholarship Fund. 
