Nikki Graves Henderson

Historian, Peace & Justice Advocate

Founding organizer of the Women’s History Walk, and an accomplished historian and visionary community organizer whose research resurrected the stories of many African American community members.

Leader of the Tinner Hill Heritage Foundation, which preserves Falls Church civil rights history. Serving in different capacities over many years: executive director, producer of the Tinner Hill Blues Festival, and director of both special programs and history projects.

Under the auspices of the Tinner Hill Foundation, initiated and founded the Social Justice Committee of Falls Church & Vicinity, working with members of local churches to create programs, events, and workshops to promote racial and ethnic understanding.

One of the founders and co-chairs of the CATCH (City of Arts, Theater, Culture, & History) Foundation which ultimately became the Falls Church Arts & Humanities Council.

Received the 2017 Carroll V. Shreve Award with her husband, Ed Henderson, for meritorious humanitarian service from the Falls Church Chamber of Commerce.

If you'd like to get involved with Falls Church Women's History Walk & Women's History Group contact