Marty Meserve

Community Builder

Served on the City Council (2001–2005), four years as vice mayor.

Served on the Economic Development Authority, (1998–20001), with one term as chairman; the Planning Commission (1988–1998), with one term as chairman during development of modern Comprehensive Plan; and the Tree Commission (1985–1988), with one term as chairman.

Served on the Streetscape Committee and the Graduate Center Advisory Group.

Helped found and served as president of the Falls Church Arts.

Served on the board of Creative Cauldron with terms as president, vice president, and secretary.

Long-term member and supporter of the Village Preservation and Improvement Society, the League of Women Voters, the Tinner Hill Heritage Foundation, and Citizens for a Better City.

Marty was called to serve on the Tree Commission by Mayor Carol DeLong and began a two decades long career of community service. She was appointed to serve on the original Streetscape Committee, an exercise that began the visual transformation of the look of the City’s commercial districts. From there she joined the Planning Commission, serving for ten years and overseeing the development of the modern Comprehensive Plan during her term as chairman. When the City chartered the Economic Development Commission, she was appointed and served as its second chairman. When a vacancy occurred on the City Council, Marty was appointed and went on to be elected to a four year term during which she served as Vice Mayor.

Marty felt that a Council is successful if it passes on to the next Council a City that is healthier than the one it inherited—socially, economically, and environmentally. She saw that change was inevitable and that the challenge was to manage it for the benefit of the community. Noting that Falls Church was decades behind its neighbors in supporting the creative community, she co-founded of Falls Church Arts, later serving as its president. She has served on the board of Creative Cauldron since 2005 with terms as president, secretary, and vice president.

She is a member and supporter of various City organizations, including VPIS, the League of Women Voters, the Tinner Hill Heritage Foundation, and CBC.