The Death of 

David Dixon

The Victim: David Dixon

On January 17, 1966, David Dixon was only 3 years when he went missing while riding his bike in the front driveway of his house in the neighborhood of Sylmar in Los Angeles, CA.  For several days police and volunteers including the Boy Scouts of America searched for the toddler through the surrounding hills, caverns, and bushes around Sylmar on the belief that David may have wandered off from his home. They also searched neighborhood homes, garages, alleyways and backyards in case he was kidnapped or had gone to play with another child. Nothing came from these searches and there were no witnesses to David' disappearance. The case hit newspapers and eventually an official BOLO went out to other California cities and the rest of the United States. 

Pictures of Home

Dixon Home in 1966

The Van Nuys News and Valley Green Sheet, 2/8/1966

Dixon home now

via google maps

Backyard of Dixon home including pool

Socks the dog sitting on David Dixon's bed

The Los Angeles Times, January 19, 1966

Pictures of Search

One of the dogs searhing for David Dixon

pic from Los Angeles Evening Citizen News, 1/16/1966

Searchers going through the Van Norman Lakes

The Los Angeles Times, 1/19/1966

The command post set up to look for David Dixon

pic from Los Angeles Evening Citizen News, 1/16/1966

David Dixon Found

The Valley Times, 2/11/1966

After many searches, on February 6th, 1966, David Dixon's father found David deceased in the family swimming pool. Despite several searches of the backyard pool by both the family and the police, Coroner Theordore Curphey ruled David Dixon's death a tragic accident. After an autopsy, Curphey concluded that David had been in the pool the entire time he was missing and that his cause of death was accidental drowning. William Dixon, David's father, could not accept this ruling and asked that an inquest be held. This was denied by Curphey. 

Valley Times, 2/8/1966

William Dixon refused to believe his son had drowned in the swimming pool and vowed to continue looking for answers. The community that had supported the family and helped search for their son turned on the family once David was found in the swimming pool. The family received threats by telephone and eventually had to disappear from public view. 

Sylmar in Los Angeles, CA

Interesting Facts about the Sylmar Neighborhood