The Case of

Carlo Mercado

The Victims

Ottavio's Italian Restaurant Marquee

Gianni Family run restaurant changed the sign after the death of the brothers to honor them.

Photo of Ilona Flint from her Obituary

The Three Victims

Salvatore Belvedere (left), Gianni Belvedere (Right), Ilona Flint (Left)

Salvatore and Gianni Belvedere, Photo taken from Facebook page set up to remember the victims

Mission Valley Mall

Mission Valley Mall in 1965

The May Company was one of the original anchor stores and a staple of the mall for much of its' history

YouTube Video highlighting the Flooding of 2017

Open Air Section of the Mall

Mission Valley Mall during the flooding in 2017. The Mall was created with the parking underneath with this in mind. The water would be able to be kept away from the store in this eventuality.

The Murders

Car found in the mall parking lot where Ilona and Salvatore were found

Gianni's car where it was found with his body

1 Carlo Mercado Works Cited.pdf

Works Cited Page for Episode

Reward poster that was issued for information on the whereabouts of Gianni

Carlo Mercado at his hearing for the Murders of the three people.