Season 3

On Nov 3rd, 1981, Marcy Conrad, a 14-year-old 9th Grader at Russell Junior High School in Milpitas CA, is murdered by a friend and not be found for two days. This story will become a national discussion that inspired a Hollywood movie, but lost sight of the victim.

Janet Stallcup was just 19 years old when her life was cut short by a man whose short criminal history points to at least one more victim and possibly many more had he not died in 1977. Stallcup was a hard worker who cared about her family and others.

In early 1977, Brett Thomas and Mark Titch began a crime spree through Orange County, CA that included home invasions and escalated into the murders of Laura Stoughton, Ephraim Christian, Aubrey Duncan, Denise Duncan and the attempted murder of Nadine Duncan.

On March 15th, 2022, Justin Peoples, father of two and Navy veteran, was shot and stabbed to death at a gas station in Tracy California. On this episode we discuss the life of Justin Peoples, the arrest of three suspects his murder, and some of the reported evidence that led to them being charged with a hate crime enhancement.

In January of 1982, in the small town of Seaside CA, 5 year old Anne Sang Thi Pham was on her way to school, only a few blocks away from her home near the Fort Ord Army Base. She would not be seen alive again. Her body would be found two days later tossed on the side of the road. The hunt for her killer would go cold for the next 40 years with currently no end in sight.

In November of 1977, a young woman was raped and murdered with little clues of who took her life. Only two months later, in January of 1978, another young woman was also raped and murdered with many similarities to have detectives state that they were looking for one perpetrator. Did the system fail these two women? This is something that will be discussed in this episode of California True Crime. The life of Arthur Rudy Martinez.

Idema Cerney was found murdered in the Mojave Desert in 1932. After identifying her using Bertillion measurements it would be a short time before investigators honed in on a suspect, her husband, Gus Cerney, a gin runner during prohibition. To bring justice in this case they tracked Cerney across the United States in a manhunt that finally ended in Chicago, Illinois.

This episode we are taking a break from our regular cases to talk about the documentary on the streaming channel HULU called Captive Audience: A Real American Horror Story. It’s 3 episodes about the kidnapping and return of Steven Stayner, the crimes of Cary Stayner and the experiences of their family. Hear our thoughts on these episodes and more on this episode of California True Crime.

Imagine getting a call at work that your child has not arrived home from practice. That no one has any idea where they are or who they are with. This is the nightmare that the Misheloff family has dealt with for the last 33 years, when their 13 year old daughter disappeared on the way to skating practice and was never heard from again. On this episode of California True Crime we discuss the Kidnapping of Ilene Beth Misheloff and how a family and community have worked to keep her memory alive.

In October of 2022 it was announced by the Stockton Police Department that they suspected seven murders in Stockton and Oakland were committed by the same person. In these episodes we share what was happening in Stockton prior to the announcement, the victims and the muders, the investigation and the arrest of the alleged perpetrator.