About Us


Sean has always had a special interest in California history with emphasis on True Crime. A history major who has an interesting past of being a traveling musician and an ordained minister. Once Uncle Phil (from Fresh Prince of Bel Air) held the door for him at 7-11. Not only does Sean co-host CTC, he also hosts another podcast, The History of Malls.


Jessica has a background in political science, sociology and special education with an emphasis on behavioral issues. She has a lifelong interest in true crime and the laws and societal structures that contribute to crime. A life of chronic migraines led her to podcasting with her husband, Charles and lifelong friend, Sean. Her favorite thing is researching! On a good day, she is writing, playing with her niece, crafting or reading comic books.



Charles, a California native and lifelong collector of the obscure, grew up amongst the dusty stacks of the local library and found an early love of the stories hidden or forgotten at the bottom of the pile. He went on to study History and Literature at school, making a career of passing on those stories to others. Charles currently lives in California with his wife, a small menagerie of animals, and a time traveling Pug. When not diving through archives for research, or the dollar bin at his local comic book store, he is on the look for an TTRPG group that might need an extra player.

About the Show

California True Crime is a podcast about crimes that occur in the state of California. We focus on the details of the crime, as well as the history, laws, policies and societal issues surrounding each case. Our three hosts, Sean, Charles and Jessica research and write each episode, choosing cases that interest them, but also challenge their belief systems. The three of them love history and exploring the areas of California, both well known and little known. In a state as big as California there is so much interesting information to explore and share.