Anne Pham,

The Seaside Angel

The route that Anne would have walked the day she went missing.

The area around where Anne was found, near the old Fort Ord Firing Range. (38 min by car from Anne's front door)

"The Seaside Angel"

Anne-Sang Thi Pham, 5 years old at the time of her kidnapping and murder. This is still an unsolved case that police are actively investigating after being cold for 40 years.

The route from the approximate spot from where Anne was taken to where her body was found. Someone might have seen something or knows something. If you do please contact authorities with any information.

(COR/AFP/Getty Images)

Vietnamese Flee Home and the Horrors of War

This image is what life was like for the Pham family as they left Vietnam ahead of the North Vietnamese Army and in search of freedom and a better life away from war and hardship. They boarded a vessel like this with over 200 others in hopes of escaping to a place where they could be live.

Coming to Seaside CA

Once the Pham family had made it to the shores of California and were picked up by the Coast Guard, they would eventually make their way to a new home in Seaside CA. This is where Troung, Anne's father, would be able to take up his pre-war occupation of fisherman, and the family would be able to make a new life for themselves.

Seaside PD Release Cold Case Reopened - ENG.pdf

Media Release from Seaside Police Department about Anne's Case and the call for tips.

Chief Nic Borges,

Seaside Police Department

Chief Borges has made it is his mission to help solve this case as well as make sure that cold cases in his city do not get over looked and forgotten. He says that he is confident that this case will be solved.

Monterey County DA's Cold Case Task Force

This is the group that is made up of retired police and investigators that are working with law enforcement agencies to go back over cold cases in the hope of finding new leads. They are looking at those cases that might be able to be solved through new advancements in DNA technology. This will also the development of new suspects as well as possibly helping to name those victims that have not been able to be identified.

No victim will be forgotten.

As Chief Borges said, 'this case can and will be solved.' But this will take information. If you know something or someone that has any information regarding this case, no matter how small, please contact any of the below law enforcement officials:

Sergeant Matthew Doza (Seaside PD) – (831) 899-6751

Acting Chief Nicholas Borges (Seaside PD) – (831) 899-6892

Matthew L’Heureux (Monterey County DA’s Office) 831-755-5267

Anonymous Tip-Line – (831) 899-6282

Works Cited for Anne Pham

Works Cited Page for this episode.