Part 6: The Press

Merced Sun Star, March 3, 1980

Ukiah Daily Journal, March 3, 1980

above: Steven Stayner & Timothy White, Ukiah Daily Journal, March 3, 1980

Below: Steven Stayner with White Family

Timothy sits with his mother after escaping with Steven Stayner, Ukiah Daily Journal, March 3, 1980

Philadelphia Daily News, March 3, 1980

Home in Ukiah

Just a few hours after escaping Kenneth Parnell, Steven Stayner & Timothy White, were put in front of TV cameras and newspeople in a press conference. Steven was asked many uncomfortable questions about his time with Parnell, his life and his plans. He was only 14 years old.

The Los Angeles Times, March 4, 1980

Home in Merced

Just a day later in Merced, Steven Stayner was once again answering questions in a press conference. This time the conference was outside of his Merced home. It came after a 20 minute impromptu press conference when Steven came home the night before.

Welcome Home sign in Merced, The Daily Spectrum, March 4, 1980

The Manchester Cabin, The Orlando Sentinel, March 4, 1980

Steven reuniting with his family in Merced, Tampa Bay Times, March 4, 1980

Timothy with his parents after being found, Philadelphia Daily News, March 3, 1980

The press at the Ukiah press conference