Celebrations for the 56th Anniversary of the Independence of Mauritius and the 32nd Anniversary of the Republic of Mauritius 

The University organised its Flag Raising Ceremony on Monday 11 March 2024 at 11.00 hrs in the Paul Octave Wiehe Auditorium to celebrate the 56th Anniversary of the Independence of Mauritius and the 32nd Anniversary of the Republic of Mauritius


The ceremony started with a speech by Mr Aniket Dharmesh KIRPAL, the President of the Students’ Union, which was followed by cultural items presented by some staff members and students of the UoM on the theme: “Mauritius the Rainbow Nation”.

Mr Aniket Dharmesh KIRPAL,

President of the Students’ Union

It was a pleasure for me to address our staff and students on this highly auspicious occasion.

Professor Sanjeev K. SOBHEE, Vice-Chancellor

Address of  the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council.                               

Mr Preeaduth CHITAMUN, CSK, 

Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council

National Anthem and Flag Raising

Flag Raising

After the Flag Raising, our Chief Guest, the Hon Mrs Leela Devi DOOKUN-LUCHOOMUN, GCSK, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology read the message of the Hon Prime Minister and thereafter delivered her address.


The Official Ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks from Dr Louis Jean Claude Autrey, CSK, UoM Chancellor

Dr Louis Jean Claude AUTREY, CSK