Professor Jhurry meets RUFORUM Vice-Chancellors - Wednesday 22 March 2017

Post date: Mar 23, 2017 11:26:14 AM

Professor Jhurry met with Vice-Chancellors from 4 African Universities (Senegal, Uganda and Cameroon), who are Members of RUFORUM and the Deputy Executive Secretary of RUFORUM (Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture). The Vice-Chancellors were participating in the African Economic Platform held in Mauritius from 20 to 22 March 2017,organised by the African Union Commission with the main mission of fostering policy dialogue between government, the private sector and the academia in African countries.

The objective of Vice-Chancellors participating in the AEP was to use the platform to put forward key messages from Academia to the attending Heads of States to champion development of Education Science Technology in Africa. They shared with Professor Jhurry the main issues discussed during the forum.

Although he could not participate in the AEP due to time constraints, Professor Jhurry reassured his Vice-Chancellor colleagues of his full support of the ideas put forward by them. He shared with them some of his own ideas for the promotion of research and innovation for Mauritius through positioning of the University of Mauritius as a provider of intellectual capital working closely with the Government and Industry.

Professor Jhurry also talked about the concept of a Corporate Scientific Responsibility Scheme as part of the current Corporate Social Responsibility dedicated for the development of research and innovation.

The visiting Vice-Chancellors found the concept very interesting and innovative and agreed to bring it to the knowledge of African leaders and governments.

To conclude, the Visiting Vice-Chancellors extended an invitation to Professor Jhurry to join them at the next Meeting of the 10 Heads of State scheduled for October 2017 in Malawi.