From Smart University to Smart City - Tuesday 25 April 2017

Post date: May 10, 2017 3:26:0 AM

The knowledge sharing Talks Series (KSTS) is an initiative of the Vice Chancellor, Prof Jhurry to set up a monthly platform for sharing of knowledge for the benefit of the UoM’s Community.

The second talk entitled “From Smart University to Smart City” was given by Associate Professor Tan Xu dong, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Mauritius.

The latter explained how the Smart card replaced all the ID cards used by students at the Hang Chow University facilitating access to all services needed during their university life.

In the second part of his presentation he focused on the different applications through internet of things which can be directly accessed on the mobile rendering life of every citizen comfortable and easy. One may witness how the Citybrain system regulating traffic flow reveal the smartness of the City.