
Yuqi Yang

This is a series of architectural photography called "Coexistence," with four photos as a series. 2020-2021 was a challenging year for people all over the world. During this year, humanity has suffered an unprecedented disease disaster. But, before that, we never thought that it would be so difficult to live together with all things in the world, and human life is so fragile. I chose to shoot this group of architectural photography because the colors of the buildings deeply attracted me. The contrast of orange and blue, the combination of light and shadow, perfectly interprets the concept of "coexistence."

I use a slightly abstract technique and perspective to shoot the architecture, and I focus more on capturing the architecture's color, light, and shadow. A conceptual perspective shows a creative architectural shooting perspective. Most of the photos are based on walls with a strong sense of color design. With the setting sun at 6 p.m., the coexistence of light and shadow is directly reflected. At the same time, blue and orange are very classic contrasting colors. This building is a UCLA building, and the entire color design is very deliberate. From a distance, the whole architecture appears orange-yellow, but after approaching, the inner side of the wall hides a blue color.

This coexistence of contrasting colors and light and shadow reminds me of the COVID-19 epidemic that I encountered in the past year or so. Although many things are on the opposite side, when we accept or learn how to deal with them properly, then everything will be fine."